Diagnostic Description
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Distinguished from congeners by having the following characters: incomplete lateral line, except Bryconamericus delta; anal fin with four or fewer unbranched rays; a short and thickened extrascapular bone which lacks or has only a reduced apophysis on its posterior tip, and only a few perforations by the latero-sensory canal; and live coloration. Differs from those that occur in the same basin: from Bryconamericus alpha by having 5 or 6 lateral teeth on the dentary (vs. 4), from Bryconamericus cristiani by the arrangement of the teeth in the outer premaxillary row in straight line (vs. zigzag), from Bryconamericus cismontanus and Bryconamericus loisae by its anal fin with 19-25 branched rays (vs. 13-18 and 26-30, respectively) (Ref. 86277).Description: Dorsal-fin rays iii,7-8; anal-fin rays iii-iv,19-25; pectoral-fin rays ii,10-11; pelvic-fin rays ii,6; scale rows between lateral line and pelvic-fin origin 4-5, usually 4 (Ref. 86277).
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Dorsal soft rays (total): 1011; Vertebrae: 36 - 37
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Found along shore over sandy substrates in the mainstream of rivers, as well as tributaries with flow. The water is tea-colored with transparency usually moderate to high, pH usually around neutral (6.07-7.06), and high oxygen concentration (5.7 mg/l- 7.1 mg/l) as well as oxygen saturation (50.5% - 90.5%). Occurs sympatrically with Bryconamericus alpha, Bryconamericus cismontanus and Bryconamericus loisae (Ref. 86277).