Diagnostic Description
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Distinguished from all other species of Moenkhausia by the combination of the following characters: 3 or 4 scale rows below and 5 or 6 scale rows above the lateral line; 33-35 scales on lateral line; anal fin with 21-25 branched rays; 2-4 maxillary teeth; one diffuse humeral spot, and caudal spot continuous to the longitudinal line which extends posteriorly over the middle caudal-fin rays (Ref. 87319).
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Dorsal soft rays (total): 11; Vertebrae: 33 - 34
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Occurs in streams and semi-lentic and lotic shallow areas (up to 0.8 m deep) with riparian vegetation composed by trees and shrubs. The streams are characterized by transparent water, and bottom with rocks, stones, and sand in some stretches. The main food items in the stomach contents of five specimens are Hymenoptera, Hirudinea, filamentous alga and digested vegetal organic matter (Ref. 96859).