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Winged Insects
Wasps, Bees, And Ants
Leaf Cutter Bees, Mason Bees, And Relatives
Cellular Organisms
Winged Insects
Wasps, Bees, And Ants
Bees & Apoid Wasps
Leaf Cutter Bees, Mason Bees, And Relatives
Mason Bee
Leaf Cutter And Resin Bees
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Megachile spinotulata
Species recognized by
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
wikipedia NL
wikipedia VI
Mexico Species List
, and
United States Species List
Megachile spinotulata
Mitchell 1934
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Chalicodoma spinotulata
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Megachile (Chelostomoides) spinotulata Mitchell
Recognized by
NMNH type specimens
Megachile spinotulata
Species recognized by
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Global Biotic Interactions
, and
iNaturalist data coverage
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1933
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
, and
GBIF data coverage
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Chalicodoma spinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Chalicodoma subspinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Megachile subspinotulata Mitchell 1933
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Chalicodoma spinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Invalid according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Chalicodoma spinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Chalicodoma spinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Chalicodoma subspinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Invalid according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Chalicodoma subspinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Chalicodoma subspinotulata (Mitchell 1933)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Megachile subspinotulata Mitchell 1933
Invalid according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Megachile subspinotulata Mitchell 1933
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Megachile subspinotulata Mitchell 1933
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Megachile Latreille 1802
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
(this page)
Megachile acculta Cockerell 1931
Megachile acris Mitchell 1930
Megachile adelaidae Cockerell 1910
Megachile affabilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872
Megachile albopilosa Friese 1916
Megachile alboscopacea Friese 1903
Megachile alpigena Friese 1925
Megachile amputata Smith 1857
Megachile assumptionis Schrottky 1908
Megachile astridella Pasteels 1965
Megachile axyx (Snelling 1990)
Megachile barkeri Cockerell 1920
Megachile bertonii Schrottky 1909
Megachile bicarinis Vachal 1909
Megachile butonensis Friese 1909
Megachile cartagenensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile catulus (Cockerell 1910)
Megachile chrysopygopsis Cockerell 1929
Megachile contempta Mitchell 1930
Megachile crotalariae (Schwimmer 1980)
Megachile desertorum Morawitz 1875
Megachile dinura Cockerell 1911
Megachile distinguenda Ruiz 1941
Megachile eburnipes Vachal 1904
Megachile elongata Smith 1879
Megachile esseniensis (Pasteels 1979)
Megachile eucalypti Cockerell 1910
Megachile exsecta Pasteels 1965
Megachile fimbriventris Friese 1911
Megachile flammicauda Cockerell 1937
Megachile flavipes Spinola 1838
Megachile frontalis (Fabricius 1804)
Megachile funebris Radoszkowski 1874
Megachile garleppi Friese 1904
Megachile geneana (Gribodo 1894)
Megachile grisea (Fabricius 1794)
Megachile heinii Kohl 1906
Megachile hypopyrrha Cockerell 1937
Megachile illustris Mitchell 1930
Megachile inermis Provancher 1888
Megachile integra Cresson 1878
Megachile ituriella Pasteels 1965
Megachile legalis Cresson 1879
Megachile lippiae Cockerell 1900
Megachile melanogaster Eversmann 1852
Megachile mertoni Friese 1903
Megachile mobilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile nasidens Friese 1898
Megachile nigrimanus Schulten 1977
Megachile nigripennis Spinola 1841
Megachile nigrofulva Hedicke 1940
Megachile numerus Mitchell 1930
Megachile occidentalis Fox 1894
Megachile opposita Smith 1853
Megachile orientalis Morawitz 1895
Megachile osea Cameron 1902
Megachile parancinnula Cockerell 1937
Megachile piliceps Saussure 1890
Megachile planula Vachal 1908
Megachile pseudomonticola Hedicke 1925
Megachile pugillatoria Costa 1863
Megachile quadrata Vachal 1909
Megachile ramulipes Cockerell 1913
Megachile recisa Cockerell 1913
Megachile reicherti Brauns 1929
Megachile relata Smith 1879
Megachile remotula Cockerell 1910
Megachile riojanensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile rixator Cockerell 1911
Megachile rotundiventris Perris 1852
Megachile rubricata Smith 1853
Megachile rufipes (Fabricius 1781)
Megachile rufitarsis (Lepeletier 1841)
Megachile rufulina Cockerell 1937
Megachile rupshuensis Cockerell 1911
Megachile saigonensis Cockerell 1920
Megachile semicandens Cockerell 1910
Megachile silvapis Wu 2005
Megachile sinuata Friese 1903
Megachile stellarum Cockerell 1920
Megachile stolzmanni Radoszkowski 1893
Megachile submucida Alfken 1926
Megachile szentivanyi (Michener 1965)
Megachile tarsatulata Cockerell 1916
Megachile tertia Dalla Torre 1896
Megachile texensis Mitchell 1956
Megachile timorensis Friese 1918
Megachile toluca Cresson 1878
Megachile tutuilae Perkins & Cheesman 1928
Megachile valdezi Cockerell 1916
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Megachile vittatula Cockerell 1920
Megachile vulpina Friese 1913
Megachile vulpinella Pasteels 1973
Megachile waterhousei Cockerell 1906
Megachile wheeleri Mitchell 1927
Megachile xerophila Cockerell 1933
Megachile yaeyamaensis Yasumatsu & Hirashima 1964
Megachile zaptlana Cresson 1878
1413 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Megachile Latreille 1802
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1933
(this page)
Megachile abacula Cresson 1878
Megachile abdominalis Smith 1853
Megachile abessinica Friese 1915
Megachile abnegatula Cockerell 1937
Megachile abnormis Mitchell 1930
Megachile abongana Strand 1911
Megachile accraensis Friese 1903
Megachile acculta Cockerell 1931
Megachile acerba Mitchell 1930
Megachile acris Mitchell 1930
Megachile aculeata Vachal 1910
Megachile acutiventris Friese 1903
Megachile addenda Cresson 1878
Megachile addita Pasteels 1965
Megachile adeloptera Schletterer 1891
Megachile adelphodonta Cockerell 1924
Megachile adempta Cockerell 1931
Megachile admixta Cockerell 1931
Megachile aduaensis Friese 1909
Megachile adusta (King 1994)
Megachile aetheria Mitchell 1930
Megachile aethiops Smith 1853
Megachile affabilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile agilis Smith 1879
Megachile ainu Hirashima & Maeta 1974
Megachile akamiella Pasteels 1965
Megachile alani Cockerell 1929
Megachile alata Mitchell 1933
Megachile albicaudella Pasteels 1965
Megachile albidula Alfken 1931
Megachile albifrons Smith 1853
Megachile albipila Pérez 1895
Megachile albisecta (Klug 1817)
Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872
Megachile albobarbata Cockerell 1915
Megachile albobasalis Smith 1879
Megachile albocristata Smith 1853
Megachile albohirsuta Pasteels 1965
Megachile albohirta (Brullé 1839)
Megachile albolineata Cameron 1897
Megachile albomarginata Smith 1879
Megachile albonigra Pasteels 1973
Megachile albonotata Radoszkowski 1886
Megachile alboplumula Wu 2005
Megachile alborufa Friese 1911
Megachile alboscopacea Friese 1903
Megachile alleni Mitchell 1927
Megachile alleynae Rayment 1935
Megachile alopecura Cockerell 1923
Megachile alpicola Alfken 1924
Megachile alpigena Friese 1925
Megachile alta Mitchell 1930
Megachile altera Vachal 1903
Megachile alternans Friese 1922
Megachile alucaba (Snelling 1990)
Megachile amabilis Cockerell 1933
Megachile amboinensis Friese 1909
Megachile amica Cresson 1872
Megachile amoena (Pasteels 1965)
Megachile amparo Gonzalez 2006
Megachile amputata Smith 1858
Megachile analis Nylander 1852
Megachile anatolica Rebmann 1968
Megachile angelarum Cockerell 1902
Megachile angularis Mitchell 1930
Megachile angulata Smith 1853
Megachile angusta Mitchell 1930
Megachile animosa Cockerell 1931
Megachile anomomaculata (Pasteels 1965)
Megachile anthophila Strand 1913
Megachile anthracina Smith 1853
Megachile antinorii Gribodo 1879
Megachile antiqua Mitchell 1930
Megachile antisanellae Cameron 1903
Megachile apennina Benoist 1940
Megachile apicalis Spinola 1808
Megachile apicata Smith 1853
Megachile apicipennis Schrottky 1902
Megachile apostolica Cockerell 1937
Megachile apposita Rayment 1939
Megachile arabica Friese 1901
Megachile architecta Smith 1858
Megachile arctos Vachal 1904
Megachile arcuata Cockerell 1919
Megachile arcus Mitchell 1930
Megachile ardens Smith 1879
Megachile ardua Mitchell 1930
Megachile argentina Friese 1906
Megachile aricensis Friese 1904
Megachile armaticeps Cresson 1869
Megachile armenia Tkalcu 1992
Megachile arnoldiella (Pasteels 1965)
Megachile asahinai Yasumatsu 1955
Megachile assumptionis Schrottky 1908
Megachile astragali Mitchell 1938
Megachile astridella Pasteels 1965
Megachile asuncicola Strand 1910
Megachile asymmetrica (Snelling 1990)
Megachile atahualpa Schrottky 1913
Megachile aterrima Smith 1862
1429 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
(this page)
Megachile acculta Cockerell 1931
Megachile acris Mitchell 1930
Megachile adelaidae Cockerell 1910
Megachile affabilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872
Megachile albopilosa Friese 1916
Megachile alboscopacea Friese 1903
Megachile alpigena Friese 1925
Megachile amputata Smith 1857
Megachile assumptionis Schrottky 1908
Megachile astridella Pasteels 1965
Megachile axyx (Snelling 1990)
Megachile barkeri Cockerell 1920
Megachile bertonii Schrottky 1909
Megachile bicarinis Vachal 1909
Megachile butonensis Friese 1909
Megachile cartagenensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile catulus (Cockerell 1910)
Megachile chrysopygopsis Cockerell 1929
Megachile contempta Mitchell 1930
Megachile crotalariae (Schwimmer 1980)
Megachile desertorum Morawitz 1875
Megachile dinura Cockerell 1911
Megachile distinguenda Ruiz 1941
Megachile eburnipes Vachal 1904
Megachile elongata Smith 1879
Megachile esseniensis (Pasteels 1979)
Megachile eucalypti Cockerell 1910
Megachile exsecta Pasteels 1965
Megachile fimbriventris Friese 1911
Megachile flammicauda Cockerell 1937
Megachile flavipes Spinola 1838
Megachile frontalis (Fabricius 1804)
Megachile funebris Radoszkowski 1874
Megachile garleppi Friese 1904
Megachile geneana (Gribodo 1894)
Megachile grisea (Fabricius 1794)
Megachile heinii Kohl 1906
Megachile hypopyrrha Cockerell 1937
Megachile illustris Mitchell 1930
Megachile inermis Provancher 1888
Megachile integra Cresson 1878
Megachile ituriella Pasteels 1965
Megachile legalis Cresson 1879
Megachile lippiae Cockerell 1900
Megachile melanogaster Eversmann 1852
Megachile mertoni Friese 1903
Megachile mobilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile nasidens Friese 1898
Megachile nigrimanus Schulten 1977
Megachile nigripennis Spinola 1841
Megachile nigrofulva Hedicke 1940
Megachile numerus Mitchell 1930
Megachile occidentalis Fox 1894
Megachile opposita Smith 1853
Megachile orientalis Morawitz 1895
Megachile osea Cameron 1902
Megachile parancinnula Cockerell 1937
Megachile piliceps Saussure 1890
Megachile planula Vachal 1908
Megachile pseudomonticola Hedicke 1925
Megachile pugillatoria Costa 1863
Megachile quadrata Vachal 1909
Megachile ramulipes Cockerell 1913
Megachile recisa Cockerell 1913
Megachile reicherti Brauns 1929
Megachile relata Smith 1879
Megachile remotula Cockerell 1910
Megachile riojanensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile rixator Cockerell 1911
Megachile rotundiventris Perris 1852
Megachile rubricata Smith 1853
Megachile rufipes (Fabricius 1781)
Megachile rufitarsis (Lepeletier 1841)
Megachile rufulina Cockerell 1937
Megachile rupshuensis Cockerell 1911
Megachile saigonensis Cockerell 1920
Megachile semicandens Cockerell 1910
Megachile silvapis Wu 2005
Megachile sinuata Friese 1903
Megachile stellarum Cockerell 1920
Megachile stolzmanni Radoszkowski 1893
Megachile submucida Alfken 1926
Megachile szentivanyi (Michener 1965)
Megachile tarsatulata Cockerell 1916
Megachile tertia Dalla Torre 1896
Megachile texensis Mitchell 1956
Megachile timorensis Friese 1918
Megachile toluca Cresson 1878
Megachile tutuilae Perkins & Cheesman 1928
Megachile valdezi Cockerell 1916
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Megachile vittatula Cockerell 1920
Megachile vulpina Friese 1913
Megachile vulpinella Pasteels 1973
Megachile waterhousei Cockerell 1906
Megachile wheeleri Mitchell 1927
Megachile xerophila Cockerell 1933
Megachile yaeyamaensis Yasumatsu & Hirashima 1964
Megachile zaptlana Cresson 1878
1413 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
(this page)
Megachile acculta Cockerell 1931
Megachile acris Mitchell 1930
Megachile adelaidae Cockerell 1910
Megachile affabilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872
Megachile albopilosa Friese 1916
Megachile alboscopacea Friese 1903
Megachile alpigena Friese 1925
Megachile amputata Smith 1857
Megachile assumptionis Schrottky 1908
Megachile astridella Pasteels 1965
Megachile axyx (Snelling 1990)
Megachile barkeri Cockerell 1920
Megachile bertonii Schrottky 1909
Megachile bicarinis Vachal 1909
Megachile butonensis Friese 1909
Megachile cartagenensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile catulus (Cockerell 1910)
Megachile chrysopygopsis Cockerell 1929
Megachile contempta Mitchell 1930
Megachile crotalariae (Schwimmer 1980)
Megachile desertorum Morawitz 1875
Megachile dinura Cockerell 1911
Megachile distinguenda Ruiz 1941
Megachile eburnipes Vachal 1904
Megachile elongata Smith 1879
Megachile esseniensis (Pasteels 1979)
Megachile eucalypti Cockerell 1910
Megachile exsecta Pasteels 1965
Megachile fimbriventris Friese 1911
Megachile flammicauda Cockerell 1937
Megachile flavipes Spinola 1838
Megachile frontalis (Fabricius 1804)
Megachile funebris Radoszkowski 1874
Megachile garleppi Friese 1904
Megachile geneana (Gribodo 1894)
Megachile grisea (Fabricius 1794)
Megachile heinii Kohl 1906
Megachile hypopyrrha Cockerell 1937
Megachile illustris Mitchell 1930
Megachile inermis Provancher 1888
Megachile integra Cresson 1878
Megachile ituriella Pasteels 1965
Megachile legalis Cresson 1879
Megachile lippiae Cockerell 1900
Megachile mauretaniae (Tkalcu 1992)
Megachile melanogaster Eversmann 1852
Megachile mertoni Friese 1903
Megachile mobilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile nasidens Friese 1898
Megachile nigrimanus Schulten 1977
Megachile nigripennis Spinola 1841
Megachile nigrofulva Hedicke 1940
Megachile numerus Mitchell 1930
Megachile occidentalis Fox 1894
Megachile opposita Smith 1853
Megachile orientalis Morawitz 1895
Megachile osea Cameron 1902
Megachile parancinnula Cockerell 1937
Megachile piliceps Saussure 1890
Megachile planula Vachal 1908
Megachile pseudomonticola Hedicke 1925
Megachile pugillatoria Costa 1863
Megachile quadrata Vachal 1909
Megachile ramulipes Cockerell 1913
Megachile recisa Cockerell 1913
Megachile reicherti Brauns 1929
Megachile relata Smith 1879
Megachile remotula Cockerell 1910
Megachile riojanensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile rixator Cockerell 1911
Megachile rotundiventris Perris 1852
Megachile rubricata Smith 1853
Megachile rufipes (Fabricius 1781)
Megachile rufitarsis (Lepeletier 1841)
Megachile rufulina Cockerell 1937
Megachile rupshuensis Cockerell 1911
Megachile saigonensis Cockerell 1920
Megachile semicandens Cockerell 1910
Megachile silvapis Wu 2005
Megachile sinuata Friese 1903
Megachile stellarum Cockerell 1920
Megachile stolzmanni Radoszkowski 1893
Megachile submucida Alfken 1926
Megachile szentivanyi (Michener 1965)
Megachile tarsatulata Cockerell 1916
Megachile tertia Dalla Torre 1896
Megachile texensis Mitchell 1956
Megachile timorensis Friese 1918
Megachile toluca Cresson 1878
Megachile tutuilae Perkins & Cheesman 1928
Megachile valdezi Cockerell 1916
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Megachile vittatula Cockerell 1920
Megachile vulpina Friese 1913
Megachile vulpinella Pasteels 1973
Megachile waterhousei Cockerell 1906
Megachile xerophila Cockerell 1933
Megachile yaeyamaensis Yasumatsu & Hirashima 1964
Megachile zaptlana Cresson 1878
1413 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
(this page)
Megachile acculta Cockerell 1931
Megachile acris Mitchell 1930
Megachile adelaidae Cockerell 1910
Megachile affabilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872
Megachile albopilosa Friese 1916
Megachile alboscopacea Friese 1903
Megachile alpigena Friese 1925
Megachile amputata Smith 1857
Megachile assumptionis Schrottky 1908
Megachile astridella Pasteels 1965
Megachile axyx (Snelling 1990)
Megachile barkeri Cockerell 1920
Megachile bertonii Schrottky 1909
Megachile bicarinis Vachal 1909
Megachile butonensis Friese 1909
Megachile cartagenensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile catulus (Cockerell 1910)
Megachile chrysopygopsis Cockerell 1929
Megachile contempta Mitchell 1930
Megachile crotalariae (Schwimmer 1980)
Megachile desertorum Morawitz 1875
Megachile dinura Cockerell 1911
Megachile distinguenda Ruiz 1941
Megachile eburnipes Vachal 1904
Megachile elongata Smith 1879
Megachile esseniensis (Pasteels 1979)
Megachile eucalypti Cockerell 1910
Megachile exsecta Pasteels 1965
Megachile fimbriventris Friese 1911
Megachile flammicauda Cockerell 1937
Megachile flavipes Spinola 1838
Megachile frontalis (Fabricius 1804)
Megachile funebris Radoszkowski 1874
Megachile garleppi Friese 1904
Megachile geneana (Gribodo 1894)
Megachile grisea (Fabricius 1794)
Megachile heinii Kohl 1906
Megachile hypopyrrha Cockerell 1937
Megachile illustris Mitchell 1930
Megachile inermis Provancher 1888
Megachile integra Cresson 1878
Megachile ituriella Pasteels 1965
Megachile legalis Cresson 1879
Megachile lippiae Cockerell 1900
Megachile melanogaster Eversmann 1852
Megachile mertoni Friese 1903
Megachile mobilis Mitchell 1930
Megachile nasidens Friese 1898
Megachile nigrimanus Schulten 1977
Megachile nigripennis Spinola 1841
Megachile nigrofulva Hedicke 1940
Megachile numerus Mitchell 1930
Megachile occidentalis Fox 1894
Megachile opposita Smith 1853
Megachile orientalis Morawitz 1895
Megachile osea Cameron 1902
Megachile parancinnula Cockerell 1937
Megachile piliceps Saussure 1890
Megachile planula Vachal 1908
Megachile pseudomonticola Hedicke 1925
Megachile pugillatoria Costa 1863
Megachile quadrata Vachal 1909
Megachile ramulipes Cockerell 1913
Megachile recisa Cockerell 1913
Megachile reicherti Brauns 1929
Megachile relata Smith 1879
Megachile remotula Cockerell 1910
Megachile riojanensis Mitchell 1930
Megachile rixator Cockerell 1911
Megachile rotundiventris Perris 1852
Megachile rubricata Smith 1853
Megachile rufipes (Fabricius 1781)
Megachile rufitarsis (Lepeletier 1841)
Megachile rufulina Cockerell 1937
Megachile rupshuensis Cockerell 1911
Megachile saigonensis Cockerell 1920
Megachile semicandens Cockerell 1910
Megachile silvapis Wu 2005
Megachile sinuata Friese 1903
Megachile stellarum Cockerell 1920
Megachile stolzmanni Radoszkowski 1893
Megachile submucida Alfken 1926
Megachile szentivanyi (Michener 1965)
Megachile tarsatulata Cockerell 1916
Megachile tertia Dalla Torre 1896
Megachile texensis Mitchell 1956
Megachile timorensis Friese 1918
Megachile toluca Cresson 1878
Megachile tutuilae Perkins & Cheesman 1928
Megachile valdezi Cockerell 1916
Megachile versicolor Smith 1844
Megachile vittatula Cockerell 1920
Megachile vulpina Friese 1913
Megachile vulpinella Pasteels 1973
Megachile waterhousei Cockerell 1906
Megachile wheeleri Mitchell 1927
Megachile xerophila Cockerell 1933
Megachile yaeyamaensis Yasumatsu & Hirashima 1964
Megachile zaptlana Cresson 1878
1413 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Megachile Latreille 1802
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1934
(this page)
Megachile albitarsis Cresson 1872
Megachile albobarbata Cockerell 1915
Megachile albobasalis Smith 1879
Megachile albocincta Radoszkowski 1874
Megachile albocristata Smith 1853
Megachile albofilosa Cockerell 1937
Megachile asymmetrica (Snelling 1990)
Megachile atahualpa Schrottky 1913
Megachile aterrima Smith 1861
Megachile atlantica Benoist 1934
Megachile atopognatha Cockerell 1933
Megachile boharti Mitchell 1942
Megachile boliviensis Friese 1917
Megachile bombiformis Gerstäcker 1857
Megachile bruchi Schrottky 1909
Megachile buehleri Schrottky 1909
Megachile chyzeri Friese 1909
Megachile ciliatipes Cockerell 1921
Megachile cincta (Fabricius 1781)
Megachile cinctiventris Friese 1916
Megachile cincturata Cockerell 1912
Megachile cinerea Friese 1905
Megachile cingulata Friese 1903
Megachile cleomis
Megachile davaonensis Cockerell 1918
Megachile davidsoni Cockerell 1902
Megachile davisi Mitchell 1930
Megachile dawensis (Pasteels 1965)
Megachile deanii Rayment 1935
Megachile eurimera Smith 1854
Megachile eurycephala Wu 2005
Megachile euzona Pérez 1899
Megachile exaltata Smith 1853
Megachile excavata Cockerell 1937
Megachile exilis Cresson 1872
Megachile floralis
Megachile garleppi Friese 1904
Megachile gastracantha Cockerell 1931
Megachile gathela Cameron 1908
Megachile gemula Cresson 1878
Megachile genalis Morawitz 1880
Megachile geneana (Gribodo 1894)
Megachile guaranitica Schrottky 1909
Megachile holmbergi Schrottky 1920
Megachile ichnusae Rebmann 1968
Megachile ignava Mitchell 1930
Megachile ignescens Cockerell 1929
Megachile igniscopata Cockerell 1911
Megachile ignita Smith 1853
Megachile kununurrensis (King 1994)
Megachile kurandensis Cockerell 1910
Megachile kuschei Cockerell 1939
Megachile kyotensis Alfken 1931
Megachile maculosella Pasteels 1965
Megachile magadiensis Cockerell 1937
Megachile malangensis Friese 1904
Megachile malayana Cameron 1901
Megachile malimbana Strand 1911
Megachile manaosensis Schrottky 1913
Megachile morawitzi Radoszkowski 1886
Megachile morio Smith 1853
Megachile morsitans Saussure 1890
Megachile mortyana Dalla Torre 1896
Megachile mossambica Gribodo 1895
Megachile nitidicollis
Megachile odontostoma Cockerell 1924
Megachile orba Schrottky 1913
Megachile orbiculata Mitchell 1930
Megachile orcina Vachal 1908
Megachile ordinaria Smith 1853
Megachile orientalis Morawitz 1895
Megachile placida Smith 1862
Megachile planatipes Cockerell 1933
Megachile planula Vachal 1908
Megachile platystoma Pasteels 1965
Megachile pleuralis Vachal 1908
Megachile revicta Cockerell 1913
Megachile rhinoceros Mocsáry 1892
Megachile rhodesica Cockerell 1920
Megachile rhododendri Cockerell 1927
Megachile rhodogastra Cockerell 1910
Megachile riyadhensis Alqarni, Hannan, Gonzalez & Engel 2012
Megachile rufiventri Guérin-Méneville 1833
Megachile sanguinipes Morawitz 1875
Megachile sejuncta Cockerell 1927
Megachile selenostoma Cockerell 1931
Megachile semibarbata Cockerell 1937
Megachile semicandens Cockerell 1910
Megachile sublaurita Mitchell 1927
Megachile submetallica Benoist 1955
Megachile submucida Alfken 1926
Megachile subnigra Cresson 1879
Megachile subpallens Vachal 1908
Megachile subparallela Mitchell 1944
Megachile tucumana Vachal 1908
Megachile tupinaquina Schrottky 1913
Megachile turbulenta Mitchell 1930
Megachile turneri (Meade-Waldo 1913)
Megachile turpis Mitchell 1930
Megachile tutuilae Perkins & Cheesman 1928
1552 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Megachile Latreille 1802
Megachile spinotulata Mitchell 1933
(this page)
Megachile aeola Cameron 1902
Megachile albispinis Vachal 1908
Megachile albopicta Smith 1853
Megachile amstela Cameron 1902
Megachile angonica Cockerell 1937
Megachile apoicola (Engel 2011)
Megachile arachosiana Gonzalez, Engel & Hinojosa-Díaz 2010
Megachile arcigera Pérez 1895
Megachile atratiformis Meade-Waldo 1914
Megachile aureocincta Cockerell 1927
Megachile aurijubis Vachal 1908
Megachile basilaris Morawitz 1875
Megachile batangensis Cockerell 1927
Megachile bicanaliculata Cameron 1901
Megachile bigibbosa Friese 1905
Megachile callensis Ferton 1914
Megachile calloleuca Cockerell 1931
Megachile chomskyi Sheffield 2013
Megachile chrysorrhoea Gerstäcker 1858
Megachile cleomis Cockerell 1900
Megachile coelioxysides Bingham 1898
Megachile confluens Pérez 1902
Megachile confluenta Cameron 1907
Megachile conica Spinola 1841
Megachile creutzburgi (Tkalcu 1988)
Megachile curtipilis Vachal 1909
Megachile dolosa Alfken 1936
Megachile donbakeri (Gonzalez & Engel 2012)
Megachile doriae Magretti 1890
Megachile droegei Sheffield & Genaro 2013
Megachile epovae Cockerell 1928
Megachile erythrocnemis Alfken 1931
Megachile erythropoda Cameron 1901
Megachile esora Cameron 1903
Megachile farinosa Smith 1853
Megachile femoratella Cockerell 1918
Megachile frederici Cameron 1901
Megachile gessi Eardley 2012
Megachile gessorum Eardley 2012
Megachile ghigii Gribodo 1924
Megachile ghilianii Spinola 1843
Megachile gibbsi (Gonzalez & Engel 2012)
Megachile gobabebensis Eardley 2013
Megachile goegabensis Eardley 2013
Megachile gombacensis Cockerell 1927
Megachile guangxiensis Niu, Wu & Zhu 2012
Megachile haematoxylonae Mitchell 1930
Megachile haryanensis Sharma, Simlote & Gupta 1993
Megachile hoffmannseggiae Jörgensen 1912
Megachile hubeiensis Wu 2005
Megachile jeanneli Benoist 1934
Megachile levistriga Alfken 1934
Megachile manipula Romankova 1983
Megachile mauritaniae (Tkalcu 1992)
Megachile mcnamarae Cockerell 1929
Megachile melanura Hedicke 1940
Megachile memecylonae (Engel 2011)
Megachile mguildensis Benoist 1940
Megachile micrargyrea Cockerell 1931
Megachile microxanthops Cockerell 1937
Megachile mitchelli (Gupta 1990)
Megachile moutoni Gribodo 1894
Megachile namibensis Eardley 2012
Megachile niveascopa Ferton 1908
Megachile nubila Vachal 1904
Megachile odontophora (Engel 2011)
Megachile odziro Nagase 2011
Megachile onobrychidis Cockerell 1908
Megachile pallefacta Vachal 1909
Megachile pankus Bzdyk 2012
Megachile paraguayensis Schrottky 1908
Megachile pasteelsi (van der Zanden 1998)
Megachile peniculata Gupta 1988
Megachile pentadenta (Gupta 1990)
Megachile povolnyi (Tkalcu 1969)
Megachile propinqua Smith 1879
Megachile pseudobrevis Mitchell 1935
Megachile pseudotaraxis Eardley 2012
Megachile pyrrhotricha Cockerell 1913
Megachile richtersveldensis Eardley 2012
Megachile riyadhensis (Alqarni, Hannan, Gonzalez & Engel 2012)
Megachile rotundata (Fabricius 1787)
Megachile rufibasalis Simlote, Sharma & Gupta 1993
Megachile rufothoracica (Gupta & Sharma 1993)
Megachile rugicauda Cameron 1908
Megachile rugipuncta Alfken 1934
Megachile sanguinipes Morawitz 1875
Megachile sarahae Eardley 2012
Megachile schnabli Radoszkowski 1893
Megachile sefrensis Benoist 1943
Megachile serrula Eardley 2012
Megachile snowi Mitchell 1927
Megachile soikai Benoist 1961
Megachile soutpansbergensis Eardley 2012
Megachile strangei (Gonzalez & Engel 2012)
Megachile taraxis Eardley 2012
Megachile tenorai (Tkalcu 1969)
Megachile thevestensis Ferton 1909
Megachile ventrisi Engel 2008
Megachile ypiranguensis Schrottky 1913
1429 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Megachile spinotulata
(this page)
Megachile aethiops
Megachile alpicola
Megachile analis
Megachile anthracina
Megachile apicalis
Megachile aurifrons
Megachile bicolor
Megachile bombiformis
Megachile bombycina
Megachile brevis
Megachile bullata
Megachile burdigalensis
Megachile chelostomoides
Megachile chrysorrhoea
Megachile circumcincta
Megachile cleomis
Megachile cockerelli
Megachile coquilletti
Megachile cornigera
Megachile creusa
Megachile decemsignata
Megachile deceptoria
Megachile dentitarsus
Megachile diabolica
Megachile dimidiata
Megachile droege
Megachile euzona
Megachile fabricator
Megachile fimbriata
Megachile flabellipes
Megachile foersteri
Megachile fortis
Megachile genalis
Megachile gentilis
Megachile giraudi
Megachile hera
Megachile kohtaoensis
Megachile lagopoda
Megachile laminata
Megachile lanata
Megachile lapponica
Megachile leachella
Megachile lefebvrei
Megachile leucomalla
Megachile leucospilura
Megachile ligniseca
Megachile lippiae
Megachile lobatifrons
Megachile mandibularis
Megachile manicata
Megachile maritima
Megachile maxillosa
Megachile melanopyga
Megachile mendica
Megachile mephistophelica
Megachile microsoma
Megachile montenegrensis
Megachile nevadensis
Megachile nigripes
Megachile nigriventris
Megachile nitidicollis
Megachile nivalis
Megachile octosignata
Megachile onobrychidis
Megachile opacifrons
Megachile pankus
Megachile parallela
Megachile patellimana
Megachile perihirta
Megachile petulans
Megachile pilicrus
Megachile policaris
Megachile prosopidis
Megachile pseudobrevis
Megachile pseudomonticola
Megachile pugnata
Megachile pyrenaea
Megachile pyrenaica
Megachile pyrrhothorax
Megachile ramakrishnae
Megachile relata
Megachile relativa
Megachile remeata
Megachile riyadhensis
Megachile rosarum
Megachile rotundata
Megachile rubripes
Megachile rufescens
Megachile saigonensis
Megachile saussurei
Megachile sculpturalis
Megachile sidalceae
Megachile sinuata
Megachile snowi
Megachile strupigera
Megachile stulta
Megachile subtranquilla
Megachile texana
Megachile versicolor
Megachile zapoteca
55 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.