Als Odde ved Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Randers Fjord
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Pyrenæerne, Frankrig
Ulla Hau, Fårø, Gotland, Sverige
Samos Greece
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Samos, Greece
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Løvenholm Skov
Goldeneyed lacewing, Chrysopa oculata, 1 to 1.5 centimeters long. Source: USDA-ARS Photo Library -
Image Number D801-1
Vladimir N. Makarkin, Qiang Yang, Dong Ren
Figure 1.Sinosmylites rasnitsyni sp. n. Photograph of the holotype A part (CNU-NEU-NN2011002P; in alcohol) B counterpart (CNU-NEU-NN2011002C; dry).
Benjamin W. Price, Xingyue Liu, Ferdy C. de Moor, Martin H. Villet
Figures 1–4.Habitus images of Leptosialis species. 1 Leptosialis africana Esben-Petersen, female, holotype 2 same, male 3 Leptosialis necopinata sp. n. male, holotype 4 same, female. Scale bars = 5.0 mm
Patrícia S. Silva, Catherine A. Tauber, Gilberto S. Albuquerque, Maurice J. Tauber
Figure 2.Head and thorax, dorsal, first instar A Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) divisus B Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) fumosus C Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) geayi D Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) lineafrons E Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) spinellus. Abbreviations: epi-l epicranial marking, lateral arm epi-m epicranial marking, mesal arm fr frontal marking post postfrontal marking T1Sc1 first primary prothoracic sclerite T2Sc3 third primary mesothoracic sclerite T3R1 metathoracic row of robust, thorny setae.
Catherine A. Tauber, Francisco Sosa, Gilberto S. Albuquerque
Figure 1.Holotype, Chrysopa varia [= Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia], male, MCZ, gonarcal complex. A Frontal B Posterior C Ventral D Dorsal E Lateral. Scale applies to all images. Abbreviations: bk beak-like tip of mediuncus gc gonocornu gsa gonosaccus g.a. gonarcal apodeme g.b. gonarcal bridge hy.i. hypandrium internum mu mediuncus rod mediuncal rod.
Vladimir N. Makarkin, Qiang Yang, Chaofan Shi, Dong Ren
Figure 1.Daonymphes bisulca gen. et sp. n. Holotype CNU-NEU-NN2011119 as preserved. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Figures 15–22.Nanosialidae: 15 Nanosialis ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2603A (mirror image) 16–17 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi PIN 3840/2604A: 16 body with superimposed wings (part) 17 thorax and base of abdomen (counterpart, SEM, BSE) 18 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., holotype hind wing PIN 3840/2633 19 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2602 20 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing 3840/2601 21 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2600 22 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2009 (mirror image). Scale bars, 500 µm.
Catherine A. Tauber, J. Allan Garland
Figure 1.Two external features that characterize Kymachrysa adults. A, B Fore and hind wings with sinuate longitudinal veins between the first and second gradate series of crossveins C–F Terminal segments (dorsal) with Tergite 9+ectoproct separated dorsally C, D Female E, F Male A, C, E. Kymachrysa placita A, C Colorado, USNM E Type, Colorado, MCZ B, D, F Kymachrysa intacta B Neotype, Quebec, CNC D New York, TRC F New York, TRC [Males: gonarcal complex not removed]. Abbreviations: i.g. inner gradate veins o.g. outer gradate veins T8 eighth tergite T9+e fused ninth tergite and ectoproct.
Als Odde ved Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Randers Fjord