Holotype of Nymphidae: Nymphydrion delicatum Banks, 1913
Holotype of Nymphidae: Nymphydrion delicatum Banks, 1913
Holotype of Nymphidae: Nymphydrion delicatum Banks, 1913
Holotype of Nymphidae: Nymphydrion delicatum Banks, 1913
Holotype of Nymphidae: Nymphydrion delicatum Banks, 1913
Conowingo Dam Darlington, Harford Cnty, MDHas the front end of a praying mantis and captures small insects. As larvae mantispids prey on spider egg sacs. This one prefers Wolf spiders. The larvae actively seek out spiders and ride on them. If the spider is a male, the larvae will switch to the female during mating. Larvae then gets into the egg sac and feeds on the spider eggs.
Siberian Owlfly resting on a twig near mt. Lukovka, in the Altai mountains.I'm not sure about the ID because the few images of the species I've managed to find so far show specimens with yellow tinge on wings.This large and impressive insect about 5 cm long. It is an agile predator who catches its prey in flight.
Pingewood Lakes, Nr Reading. SU668707 Megaloptera; Family: Sialidae; Subfamily: Sialinae; Genus: Sialis.
Derbyshire Dales District, England, UK
an Alderfly laying eggs on one of the dead reed stems at the edge of the Combe Haven stream
Ockham, England, United Kingdom
Dorsal. Scale bar 10 mm.MZLU-VAR00002013
Abdomen ventyral. Scale bar 10 mm.MZLU-VAR00002013
Head frontal. Scale bar 1 mm.MZLU-VAR00002013
Head frontal. Scale bar 1 mm.Paratype 3884:2
Lateral. Scale bar 5 mm.Paratype 3884:3
Lateral. Scale bar 5 mm.Paratype 3884:2
San Diego, California
Western Australia, Australia
Old Plains, Western Australia, Australia
Old Plains, Western Australia, Australia
Old Plains, Western Australia, Australia