Fábio F. Roxo, Gabriel S. C. Silva, Cláudio H. Zawadzki, Claudio Oliveira
Figure 2.a Neoplecostomus doceensis, MZUSP 115486, 101.1 mm SL, male, holotype, arrow showing the developed papillae between dentaries b Neoplecostomus botucatu, MZUSP 110364, 98.6 mm SL, male, paratype, lacking the papillae between dentaries c Neoplecostomus doceensis, MZUSP 115486, 101.1 mm SL (male), holotype, arrow showing the developed papillae series anterior to premaxillary teeth d Neoplecostomus selenae, MZUSP 51889, 101.7 mm SL, male, paratype, lacking the papillae series anterior to premaxillary teeth.
Sternarchorhynchus roseni, female, 377 mm total length, LACM 43252-3; Venezuela, Delta de Amacuro, Río Orinoco
Squalius squalusSqualius squalus, Italy, Ombrone River, Grossseto, Tuscany From
White Sucker. Catostomus commersonii.
Auchenopterus albicandus.
Head of Chondrostoma genei Seen from Below.
Hump-Back Sucker (Xyrauchen cypho).
Milkfish, Chanos chanos (L>). Mazatlan.
Fallfish (Semotilus bullaris Rafinesque).
Head of Chondrostoma knerii (Heckel), seen from Below.
Notropis fumeus Evermann. Type. Hunter Creek, Houston, Texas.
laboratory colony, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Nina G. Bogutskaya, Primož Zupančič, Ivan Bogut, Alexander M. Naseka
Figure 3.a Telestes dabar, alizarin stained specimen, PZC 575, 63.7 mm SL, Bosnia & Herzegovina: Vrijeka River, Dabarsko Polje b Telestes metohiensis, alizarin stained specimen, 63.3 mm SL, PZC 312, Bosnia & Herzegovina: spring Ljeskovik in Zalomka River, Nevesinjsko Polje.
Gabriel de Souza da Costa e Silva, Fábio Fernandes Roxo, Claudio Oliveira
Figure 3.a Pareiorhina carrancas, LBP 8380, 36.5 mm SL, showing the elliptical anterior profile of the head elliptical in dorsal view b Pareiorhina rudolphi, LBP 8044, 42.0 mm SL, showing the elliptical anterior profile of the head in dorsal view c Pareiorhina hyptiorhachis, new species, holotype, MZUSP 111956, 33.6 mm SL, showing the rounded anterior profile of the head in dorsal view.
Kai Borkenhagen, Friedhelm Krupp
Figure 12.Head length / body depth; TES = Tigris-Euphrates system.
Fábio F. Roxo, Cláudio H. Zawadzki, Waldo P. Troy
Figure 3.Hisonotus oliveirai, paratype, NUP 7065, sex unknown, 24.5 mm SL A Ventral view of abdominal region showing intraspecific variation in abdominal dermal plate patterns B lateral trunk plates; cranial bones and dermal plates of the head in dorsal C and lateral D view. Scale bars: 1 mm.
Gabriel de Souza da Costa e Silva, Fábio Fernandes Roxo, Ricardo Britzke, Claudio Oliveira
Figure 4.Map showing the type locality (red square) of Pseudancistrus zawadzkii at rio Tapajós, 04°33'09.7"S, 56°17'59.6"W, and paratype locality (black circle) at rio Tracuá, Tapajós river basin, 04°28'11.2"S, 56°17'01.1"W.
Fábio F. Roxo, Gabriel S. C. Silva, Cláudio H. Zawadzki, Claudio Oliveira
Figure 3.Map showing the type locality (pink diamond), 20°14'20"S, 43°28'40"W, and paratypes (red circles) of Neoplecostomus doceensis at the rio Doce basin (green highlighted drainages). See Distribution and Paratypes sections for details about each paratype localities.
Wallace's Catfish (Tetranematichthys wallacei, MZUSP 31096, 171 mm SL, holotype)
Common sucker (Catostomus commersonii).
Auchenopterus fajardo Evermann & Marsh. Type.
Neosilurus hyrtlii.
Razor-back Sucker, Zyrauchen cypho (Lockington). Green River, Utah.
Chanos salmoneus.