
Chelobasis laevicollis

provided by EOL authors

Yellow; antennae and scutellum black; head either yellow or black; elytra with black spots; tibiae and tarsiblack apically; oblong; convex. Head: medial sulcus present; vertex smooth; frontal horn quadrate, broad,truncate at apex; frons smooth, not projecting; eyes large, convex. Antenna: cylindrical; reaching to base ofpronotum; antennomere 1 short, obconical, with apical projection as long as 2; 2 small, transverse; 3 as longas 1 and 2 combined; 4–11 short; 8–11 thicker than preceding. Pronotum: weakly transverse; slightly convex;lateral margin sinuate at base, then straight and parallel until apical 3/4, then angulate and sinuate to apex;anterior angle with rounded tooth; posterior angle with long acute tooth; flattened, impunctate; pronotal length2.6 mm (n=1); pronotal width 3.4 mm. Scutellum: elongate; triangular; micropunctate. Elytron: slightlyexpanding to apex; lateral and apical margins smooth; sutural angle slightly emarginate convex; 10 rows oflightly impressed punctures plus short scutellar row; humerus rounded, slightly produced; elytral length 8.7mm; elytral width 4.4 mm. Leg: apex of tibia with small tooth. Total length: 12.4 mm.

Distribution. Colombia.

Staines CL (2009) A review of the genus Chelobasis Gray, 1832 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Zootaxa 2033: 58–68.
bibliographic citation
Staines CL (2009) A review of the genus Chelobasis Gray, 1832 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Zootaxa 2033: 58–68.
Carlos Garcia-Robledo (garciac)
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EOL authors