Variation of the arrangement of ocelli. Proboscis armature.Brunberg, L. On the Nemertean Fauna of Danish Waters. Ophelia, 1(1), 77-111.
Plate7.10 Spermatozoa of Amphiporus pulcher
Plate6.4 Transverse section of the anterior part of the stylet-region properTransverse section of the anterior part of the stylet-region proper, showing the divergent arrangement of the oblique fibres and the position of the longitudinal series
Plate6.3 Nervous plexus from the lateral trunk in Amphiporus pulcher
Plate5.2 Snout and anterior region of Amphiporus pulcher
Plate4.15 Eye of Amphiporus pulcher from a dead and slightly injured specimen
Plate4.11 View of the under surface of the snout of Amphiporus pulcher
Plate3.19 Proboscis of Amphiporus pulcher
Plate2.7 Central stylet-apparatus of the same species
Plate2.6 Structure of the stylet-region of the proboscis of Amphiporus pulcher
Plate1.4 Transverse section of the anterior region of the proboscis of Amphiporus pulcher
Plate1.3 Nipponnemertes pulchra. The specimen is a female, and the bright reddish ova shine through the translucent integuments