
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Arcyria insignis Kalchbr. & Cooke; Kalchbr
Grevillea 10: 143. 1882.
Sporangia gregarious or clustered, or occasionally solitary, stipitate, bright rose to pale salmon, occasionally fading to yellowish, ovate or cylindric, 0.5-1.5 mm. tall; stalk rather short, 0.2-0.4 mm. in height, reddish, filled with spore-like cells; capillitium a close network of delicate threads usually with a few bulbous free ends, beset with transverse bands and spines arranged in a loose spiral, in part minutely spinulose to nearly smooth, attached to the calyculus ; spores pinkish in mass, colorless under the lens, with a few scattered and inconspicuous warts, 6-8 (* in diameter; Plasmodium waterywhite.
Typb locality: South Habitat: Dead wood and herbaceous stems. Distribution: Throughout North America; cosmopolitan.
bibliographic citation
George Willard Martin, Harold William Rickett. 1949. FUNGI; MYXOMYCETES; CERATIOMYXALES, LICEALES, TEICHIALES, STEMONITALES, PHYSARALES. North American flora. vol 1. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora