Tintintinnidium balechi Barria de Cao 1981 - illustration from original description in Plate 3 of Barría de Cao M.S. 1981. Contribución al conocimiento de los Tintinnoineos (Ciliata, Protozoa) de la zona de Bahía Blanca. Contrib. Cient. Inst. Argentino Oceanogr. (IADO) 61, pp. 1-70.
This is a common ciliate of coastal waters. The shell or lorica obscures a good view of the ciliate cell (the brown matter). It is about 150 microns in total length.
From Fauré-Fremiet, E. 1924. Contributions à la connaissance des infusoires planktoniques. Bulletin Biologique de France de Belgique, 58, Supplément 6, 1-169.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Jan. 2011.
Daday's illustration of T. acuminata from Plate 19.
Specimens from the estuarine portion of the Ganges River, India. The species is characterized as having an aggolmerated lorica with a round-bottom, tube-shape having an opening diameter of about 18 microns. Such morphotypes are common in a very wide range of estuarine and coastal marine waters.
Specimen from the Chuchki Sea (Arctic). The species is characterized as having an aggolmerated lorica with a round-bottom, tube-shape having an opening diameter of about 18 microns. Such morphotypes are common in a very wide range of estuarine and coastal marine waters.
Illustration from original description in Daday 1887. Dimensions as given in text pg 553. Named for Salvatore Lo Bianco of the Naples Station
Specimen from the Chukchi Sea in 2016. Inset shows drawing from the species description by Meunier.
From page 50 of Nie & Cheng 1947 Note: mistake in figure legend - should read Tintinnopsis chinglanensis
Original illustration from Laackmann 1908
Dadayiella is genus of widespread species. Data shown are from Dolan, J.R., Pierce, R.W. 2013. Diversity and Distributions of Tintinnid Ciliates. in Biology and Ecology of Tintinnid Ciliates: Models for Marine Plankton, Dolan, J.R., Agatha, S., Coats, D.W., Montagnes, D.J.S., Stocker, D.K. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp 214-243.
Illustration from the original description of Dadayeilla ganymedes by Géza Entz Sr. in 1884. Micron bar based on the text description of the mouth diameter as 0.03 mm
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the California Current Ecosystem in the NE Pacific
The unbearable lightness of a tintinnid lorica. The ciliate cell is the brown cup-shaped body in the top third. This specimen is from the waters off Rapa Nui in the South West Pacific. The lorica is about 400 microns long.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche (43°41’10’’ N, 7°19’00’’ E) in Oct 2010, Lugol's-fixed.
Specimen from the Bering Sea
Specimen from the Chukchi Sea in 2012
From the Arctic in summer 2012