Rhabdonella amor was originally described by Cleve (1899) as Cyttarocylis amor
Specimen from the Amundsen Sea, lugol's fixed.
Most agree that C. convallaria and C. affinis are probably one single species. this is a Bouin's- fixed specimen from the Amundsen Sea.
Specimen from the Amundsen Sea, Bouin's-fixed.
Amphorellopsis quinquealata from the Admunsen Sea (Antarctica)
Tintinnus quinquealata by Laackmann in 1907, now known as Amphorellopsis quinquealata.
Amphorides laackmanni from near Villefranche-sur-Mer, found at 250 m depth on April 10 2017.
The type species of the genus Ptychocylis. Drawing from Claparède, E., Lachmann, J. 1858-1860. Etudes sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes. Mémoires de l'instut Genevois, 5, 6 & 7. - PLate 8, fig. 14. The cell is in the early stage of cell division. 'VC' shows what was thought to be a contractile vacuole. Scale bar drawn from the diameter of 0.1 mm stated in the text (P 209).
Drawings from Nordvquist 1890 (figs. 1 & 2) with dimensions as given in the text (pg. 126). Originally described as Codonella brandti.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from a sample taken near Bergen, Norway
From Villefranche-sur-Mer, sample taken on November 28 2017 from 30 m depth.
The image on the left is transmitted light showing the cell inside the lorica or shell- and on the right an image with epifluorescence showing the cell macronucleus (green), an ingested chlorophyll-containing algal cell (red) and two Synechococcus cyanobacteria cells (yellow-orange).
From Jörgensen 1890 (plate 1, fig. 6). Dimension from text on page 24.
Ptychocylis acuta- Image of a Lugol's fixed specimen collected by Diane Stoecker in July 2009 from the Bering Sea.
Drawing from Brandt's 1896 description.
From the Chukchi Sea (Arctic) in 2020. Inset shows illustration from Brandt's 1896 description.
Figure from Ostenfeld's 1899 description with dimensions shown as given in the text. Described by Ostenfeld as "Tintinnus urceolatus".
Bierdermann's illustration from Plate 2, according to text (pg. 16-17), 90 µm long.
Specimen from the Medit. Sea, lugol's-fixed