Description of Epalxella striata
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Amoebae within this genus are ovoid or oblong in shape with conspicuous longitudinal surface folds or wrinkles; cells never branched. This surface structure is undoubtedly related to the thick, dense gycocalyx that typifies this genus. Amoebae often with a prominent anterior hyaloplasm that may extend along lateral extensions towards the posterior of the cell. The form of the nucleus is an important diagnostic feature. The nucleolus can be central, as large or small parietal nucleolar lobes or as a coarsely granular central mass. Some species have rounded posterior regions while others have a tendency to form a knobbly or shrivelled uroid. At least 12 species described from freshwater, however, no cyst stages have been reported. Widespread distribution in Europe, North America and Australia.
Description of Epalxella striata
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Peritrich ciliate, body ovate or pyriform, about one and a half times as long as broad, widest centrally, conically pointed posteriorly, constricted towards the border of the peristome, which is narrow, not dilated, and measures one-half the width of the centre of the body, the ciliary disc slightly prominent. Cuticular surface conspicuously striate transversely. Stalk slender, about twice the length of the body. Length 30-40 microns.