Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1942. The Foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific Collections of the ”Albatross”. Part 3. Heterohelicidae to Buliminidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 161: v+67 pp.+15 pls.
Scanning electron micrographs and photomicrographs of species from the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf. Details about species distribution in: Mendes, I., Dias, J.A., Schönfeld, J., Ferreira, Ó., 2012. Distribution of living benthic foraminifera on the Northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 42(1), 18-38.
Sample collected at Hamble Estuary, Hampshire, England. Species not identified. Image courtesy of Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Originally published in the Journal of Foraminiferal Research 31:1; used with permission.
Individual collected in Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The aperture is toward the bottom. Image courtesy of R. Timothy Patterson, Carleton University. This image first appeared in J. Foram. Res. 28:201-219 and is used with permission.
Sample collected at Hamble Estuary, Hampshire, England. This species is much more common low in the estuary, toward the ocean. Image courtesy of Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Originally published in the Journal of Foraminiferal Research 31:1; used with permission.
A closeup of the aperture of the test. Sample collected at Hamble Estuary, Hampshire, England. Image courtesy of Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Originally published in the Journal of Foraminiferal Research 31:1; used with permission.