Salpingoeca infusionum Kent, 1880. Cells 2.5-5 x 4-6.5 microns, lorica chamber 4.5-5 x 9.5-12.5 microns, lorica stalk 11.5-27 _m, flagellum 12-43.5 microns, pseudopodial collar 9-13 microns, cyst 3,5-4.5 x 4.5-6.5 microns, swarmer cells 2-3 x 4.5-5 microns The theca is relatively thick, and therefore more readily distinguished with light microscopy than in some other members of this genus. It has an ovate chamber which tapers posteriorly. The pedicel is generally 1.5-2 times the length of the theca, and is attached to the substratum by a number of fibres. The theca surface appears amorphous in electron microscope whole mounts. The length of the flagellum varies but is often very long (5-7 times the length of the cell).