Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2007-11-27 Location: Tandara plateau Habitat: In grassland
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2007-11-27 Location: Tandara plateau Habitat: In grassland
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2013-01-04 Location: By road from Nyanga to Troutbeck Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2007-11-27 Location: Tandara plateau Habitat: In grassland
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam Habitat: Low grass and bracken scrub along roadside
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam Habitat: Low grass and bracken scrub along roadside
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam Habitat: Low grass and bracken scrub along roadside
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam Habitat: Low grass and bracken scrub along roadside
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam Habitat: Low grass and bracken scrub along roadside
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Valley upstream from Small Bridge Dam Habitat: Low grass and bracken scrub along roadside
Species: Disa aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder Date: 2007-11-27 Location: Tandara plateau Habitat: In grassland
Species: Disa cornuta (L.) Sw. Date: 1997-01-07 Location: Nyazengu, at S base of Nyangani, Nyanga. Habitat: On dolerite in tussock grassland with Vigna macrorhyncha.
Species: Disa cornuta (L.) Sw. Date: 2013-12-31 Location: Kwaraguza, Troutbeck Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa cornuta (L.) Sw. Date: 2013-12-31 Location: Kwaraguza, Troutbeck Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa cornuta (L.) Sw. Date: 2013-12-31 Location: Kwaraguza, Troutbeck Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa equestris Rchb. f. Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Near Solwezi, North-western Zambia Habitat: In dambo
Species: Disa erubescens Rendle subsp. erubescens Date: 2011-01-07 Location: Zomba Plateau, Malawi Habitat:
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2005-03-19 Location: Mt Zohwe below summit, Vumba Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2011-05-16 Location: Just below small pass on ridge North of Mt Pheza, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Rocky montane grassland on quartzite.
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2009-07-14 Location: Muvumodzi headwaters, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: In quartzite grassland
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2012-04-17 Location: On Mozambique side of border near Penhalonga Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2005-03-19 Location: Mt Zohwe below summit, Vumba Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2005-03-19 Location: Mt Zohwe below summit, Vumba Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Disa fragrans Schltr. subsp. fragrans Date: 2007-04-23 Location: Plateau between upper Nhandar and Vanduzi valleys, Mt Gorongosa Habitat: Rocky submontane grassland