Worker measurements. Holotype. HL 0.50 HW 0.44 SL 0.23 EL 0.04 WL 0.39 GL 0.60 TL 1.87 CI 88 SI 52.
Worker diagnosis: Mandibles with 5 teeth decreasing in size from the apical teeth. Clypeal median seta short. Dorsum of clypeal plate with two curved ridges prolongued into frontal carinae. Lateral clypeal teeth very small. The last antennal flagellomere much broader than long, their length more or less as flagellomeres 2 to 10. Eyes small, with approximately 6 ommatidia. Hypostomal tooth very small, but visible. Mesosomal dorsum evenly arched, metanotal groove broad and shallow. Propodeum with sharp angulation instead of spines. Propodeal lobes slightly angulated. Petiole high in profile, more high than postpetiole, with anterior face evenly meeting the rounded dorsal face, then to inclined posterior face. Head and promesonotum longitudinally rugulose, rugulae on mesonotum more coarse; short dorsal propodeal face irregularly rugulated; propodeal declivity transversely rugulated between propodeal spines. Gaster smooth and shining with numerous dark punctures. Few long hairs on clypeus, frontal carinae and occipital borders; several suberect hairs on mesosomal dorsum, several long and flexuous hairs on petiole, postpetiole and gaster. Body light brown, legs and antennae paler.
Queen and worker: Unknown.
Comments. This is one of the smaller species of the genus. It can be recognized by short clypeal setae, small and poorly-faceted eyes, evenly curved mesosoma, broad propodeal angulation, petiole higher than postpetiole, and first gastric tergite with several dark punctures.
This species is named in honor of Dr. Cristián T. Samper K., general director of Instituto Humboldt from its creation in 1995 through 2001, for his friendship and strong support of insect surveys and collection in the Institute. Many of the goals in entomological research here have been set with the assistance and unfailing support of Cristián .