
Myrmica punctinops Francoeur

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Figures 20 - 27

Types. Holotype worker and 17 worker paratypes : USA , Charlton Flat , San Gabriel Mountains , Los Angeles Co . , California , U. S. A., 25. v. 2002 ( R. R. & G. C. Snelling ). Additional paratypes : 1 worker, same locality, 18. vi. 1944 (collector unknown) ; 2 workers, Brown ’ s Flat , San Gabriel Mountains , Los Angeles Co. , 3. xi. 1960 ( E. L. Sleeper ) ; 2 workers, Fort Ord , UCSC Reserve , Monterey Co. , 5. xi. 1998 ( L. DiGirolamo ). Holotype and most paratypes in LACM ; paratypes also in CAFR , MCZC , and UCDC .

Worker. Habitus, figures 20 - 21. Measurements and indices in tables 1 - 2. Head in full face view subrectangular with convex sides; preoccipital margin straight and corners largely rounded. Eyes small, convex and suboval, located slightly anteriorly of the mid point of the head sides. Anterior margin of clypeus angulo-convex; lateral wings thin and flat, with 1 - 3 starting genal carinae. In dorsal view frontal lamellae large, laterally developed over the antennal articulation, triangular in shape with a rounded angle; posterior margin narrower and ending as a carinae merging into the head dorsum. Antennae: fossae rather shallow; scapes shorter than head length and width; in profile base evently bent, dorso-ventrally flattened with a feeble dorsal concavity; in dorsal view shaft width regular along its axis. Funiculus segments 3 - 5 as large as long, other longer than broad; apical club of 4 segments.

Mesosoma in profile, mesometasternum external margin horizontally aligned, promesonotum very feebly convex, almost straight in larger specimens, distinctly higher than propodeum, both joining through an angle at the mesopropodeal furrow which remains shallow. In dorsal view promesonotum typically pear-like, posterior end of narrower and angulo-convex. Strigil of protibia with a basal tooth; meso and metatibiae with delicate spurs, finely and shortly pectinate on the distal half. Propodeal lobes small, with a posterodorsal angle. Propodeal spines straight and acuminate, rather short and thin, with a narrow base, shorter than the distance separating their tips, projecting backwards and upwards at 45 °, usually parallel; in dorsal view a feeble recurvation after the base often present. Petiole short, about as high as long but narrower; peduncle hidden by propodeal lobes; node seen in profile anterior face slightly concave, forming a right angle with the dorsal surface which is rather flattened, follow another angle with the concave posterior face, inclined down to the posterior margin. Postpetiole shorter than high and wide, the latters about equal; node profile typically with very short anterior and posterior vertical surfaces, united by a large convex one; sternal process strongly convex and globular, making 1 / 3 of the postpetiole height.

Mandibles striated with ciliated punctures. Frons and clypeus with parallel, acute and thin carinae, widely separated by subopaque, faintly microsculptured surface; reminder of head with reticulation. Mesosoma generally striato-rugulose; carinae thicker on pleurae and somewhat sinuous on promesonotum. Antennal fossae with parallel and convex carinae. Petiole and postpetiole rugose. Gaster smooth and shining; first segment with large rounded punctures. Long and erect hairs moderately abundant on body; suberect on scape. Gastric dorsum without distinct pubescence. General body color light to dark reddish brown; gaster darker; appendages lighter or more yellowish.

Queen and male. Unknown.

Specimens examined. Presently known only from the types.

Range. Presently known only from California. It probably occurs in Oregon.

Ecology. The species was found at 44 m and 1615 m altitude. The Charlton Flat specimens were sifted from oak and pine forest litter. Those from Fort Ord were found in a kind of maritime chaparral on sand, dominated by the rare species Arctostaphylos pumila, with a mixture of thermophilic and cold-tolerant ant species (P. S. Ward, pers. comm.).

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Francoeur, A., 2007, The Myrmica punctiventris and M. crassirugis species groups in the Nearctic region., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 153-185, vol. 80
Francoeur, A.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)