Image of Stomopneustes L. Agassiz 1841
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Stomopneustes variolaris (Lamarck 1816)


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Habitat: rock pools, crevices, bores, overhangs and the like. Preference for shady areas with constant water circulation, avoiding direct wave action (Sastry, 1996). Also distributed in SE Arabia, W India, Pakistan, Maldive area, Ceylon, Bay of Bengal, East Indies, north Australia, China, south Japan and South Pacific Is. (Clark & Rowe, 1971); Australia (Kalk (1958) and Rowe & Gates (1995)), Lakshadweep (India) in Sastry (1991); Visakhapatnam Coast (India) in Sastry, 1996; Ceylan (Lambert, 1923). General distribution: tropical Indo-Pacific in Kalk (1958); from the Red Sea to Polynesia (Tortonese, 1980); tropical, Indo-west Pacific Ocean (Rowe & Gates, 1995); East coast of Africa to South Pacific Islands (Sastry, 1991). Depth range: littoral waters (Rowe & Gates, 1995), near 18 m. (Sastry, 1996). Ecology: benthic, inshore (Rowe & Gates, 1995).


4. Paxton, J.R. and Eschmeyer, W.N. (1994) Encylopedia of Fishes. UNSW Press, Sydney.

WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]