

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates


With the exception of the large plates noted in the generic diagnosis nothing definite can be said as to the plates on the upper surface of the disc, for, as Plate XXVII. shows, the most extraordinary variations are to be seen.

The colour of the specimens in spirit is more constant ; the greater part of the disc is dark grey, and the arms cream-yellow. The disc is high and arched; the arms taper gradually and carry about eight very short spines; the side arm-plates have a swollen appearance.

Diam. of disc. Length of arms (ca.).

8 mm. 20 mm.

7'5 mm. 19 mm.

10 mm. 26 mm.

Stations.—Cape Adare : 26 fathoms : Nov. 4th, 5th and 10th, 1899 (28.8° F.).

Cape Adare : 20 fathoms : Jan. 6th, 1900 (20° F.).

Cape Adare : 24 fathoms : Jan. 6th, 1900 (20°F.).”

(Bell, 1902)