“Cuspidaria infelix Thiele, 1912 (Figs 112, 113, 114)
Cuspidaria infelix Thiele, 1912: 233, pl.18, fig. 28; Hedley, 1916a: 29; Thiele and Jaeckel, 1931: 255; Soot-Ryen, 1951: 23; Powell, 1960: 184; Dell, 1964a: 230; Soot-Ryen, 1965: 7; Nicol, 1966: 78, pl.9, fig. 6; Egorova, 1982: 74, figs 334-36.
MATERIAL EXAMINED: NZOI Stns A448, A449, A457, A625; Eltanin Stns 410, 416, 2045.
DISTRIBUTION: Probably occuring around the antarctic continent, antarctic Peninsula, South Shetlands, South Orkneys, South Georgia and Bouvet Island in 91-752 m. Within the Ross Sea it has been recorded in 315-752 m.
REMARKS: The shell in C. infelix is of medium size (up to 24 mm in length), the commarginal sculpture of little more than rather indefinite, irregular growth lines. As noted by Dell (1964a: 230) there is variation in the degree of development of the rostrum. The writer has seen no additional specimen in which the rostrum is as narrow nor as long as in Thiele's figure of the holotype. In some cases the rostrum approached the condition in the specimen figured by Nicol (1966, p1.9, fig. 6) which may represent the other extreme. It is difficult to see how the forms attributed to infelix by the writer could be subdivided with the material at present available.”
(Dell, 1990: 68)