Twilight Zone Expedition Team 2007, NOAA-Ocean Explorer
EOL staff
Barrel sponge (Xestospongia muta)--these sponges may live for 100 years and grow to over 18 meters tallFrom NOAA-Ocean Explorer website:"The barrel sponge (Xestospongia muta) may live for 100 years and grow to over 6 ft (18.m) tall. While populations have declined at sites throughout the Caribbean, they appear to be quite healthy on Little Cayman Island."
Rob van Soest, José Luis Carballo, John Hooper
Figure 4.Cyamon amphipolyactinum sp. n., holotype ZMA Por. 22412, A shape (arrow) encrusting a fragment of sandstone (scale 1 cm) B long thin style B1 details of apices of long thin style C short thin style C1 details of apices of short thin style D short thick styles showing size variation D1 detail of head of short thick style E polyactines (three-, four-, five-, and seven-claded) and one amphipolyactine showing size differences E1 detail of bulbous end of lateral cladus F amphipolyactines full-grown and spined (left) next to incipient smooth spicule (right).
Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 11Dysidea tupha. a specimen with typical cylindrical processes and finely, irregularly conulose surface; b, c views of the skeleton with fibres variably charged of mineral detritus (LM).
Figure 3.Placospongia anthosigma holotype (NSMT-Po R288) A type specimen (image taken from website database of the Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan) B selenaster C large tylostyle (head and blunt end) D spheraster E spirasters referred to as ‘anthosigma’ by Tanita & Hoshino (1989).
Rob W.M. Van Soest, Elly J. Beglinger, Nicole J. De Voogd
Figure 8.Dercitus (Stoeba) senegalensis sp. n., holotype ZMA Por. 06721, Senegal, A habit (scale bar 1 cm) B calthrops including variations in shape and number of cladi C various sanidasters.
Giant barrel sponge (Xestospongia muta) exhibiting exposed tissue where portions of the barrels have been sheared off by stormFrom Wikimedia CommonsThe elkhorn coral colony at West Flower Garden Bank, located at approximately 27°54'33" N, 93°35'59" W, in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, is situated behind the barrel sponge in this photo (October 2008) .
Cobalt blue sponge (Acanthancora cyanocrypta), surrounding the cucumber Psolus chitinoidesOnce its bright red tentacles have been withdrawn, the cucumber Psolus chitinoides is difficult to see. It is surrounded by the cobalt sponge Acanthancora cyanocrypta, formerly Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta.
Spongia oculata, showing the orifices and currents outwards.. 2. Anastomosing horny substance of Spongia communis.; 3. Siliceous spiculum of S. papillaris.
Rob van Soest, José Luis Carballo, John Hooper
Figure 5.Map showing locality off the Mauritanian coast, where Cyamon amphipolyactinum sp. n. and Cyamon arguinense sp. n. were collected during the Netherlands Mauritania II Expedition, June 1988.
Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 12Euryspongia raouchensis. a underwater image of a living specimen b small conules (thin section by LM) with slightly protruding fibres at the sponge surface and skeletal network with cored ascending primaries and uncored secondaries. a, b modified from Vacelet et al. (2007).