Image of Apechoneura seminigra Herrera
Unresolved name

Apechoneura seminigra Herrera


provided by Zookeys
Female. Fore wing length 15.0 mm. Head. Clypeus almost flat, with a weak transverse ridge near apex; malar space 0.6× as long as basal mandibular width; lower face at narrowest point 0.9× as wide as height from clypeofacial suture to level of insertion of antenna; hypostomal carina joined to occipital carina far from base of mandible; posterior ocellus separated from eye by 1.3–1.5× its own maximum diameter. Antenna with flagellomeres 1 and 2 subequal by length; subapical flagellomere slightly elongate. Mesosoma. Pronotum with upper hind margin swollen, forming a small conical projection; scutoscutellar groove broad and shallow; scutellum with three evident rugae posteriorly; epicnemial carina absent (Figs 1, 3, 5); sternal region of mesothorax smooth and polished; metapleuron with a rather conspicuous sharp lateral projection near posterior end; submetapleural carina narrow with a distinct low median denticle (Fig. 1). Propodeum in profile more or less flat; anterior transverse carina complete laterally, separating area spiracularis from area lateralis, mediodorsally incomplete so area basalis is not enclosed posteriorly; area basalis slightly transverse; lateromedian longitudinal carina not present behind anterior transverse carina (Figs 7, 9). Legs. Fore leg with tibia slightly inflated, tarsus with long hairs on inner surface; mid leg with tibia bearing several stout spines. Wings. (Fig. 12) Fore wing with areolet large, anteriorly narrowly truncate, with 2m-cu joining it very slightly basal of middle; second discal cell short, with vein 1m-cu about half as long as abscissa of Cu1 between Rs&M and 1m-cu; hind wing with apical abscissa of Cu1 joining cu-a clearly closer to M than to 1A; first abscissa of Cu1 0.2× as long as cu-a. Metasoma. Tergite 1 slender, 3.5–4.0× as long as posteriorly broad; sternite 1 short, reaching about 0.3–0.4 of length of tergite, with a median swelling centrally. Tergite 2 1.9–2.3× as long as posteriorly broad, with isolated pubescence; tergite 7 mediodorsally without an indentation posteriorly; tergite 8, in lateral view, tapered to a bluntly rounded apex, without a cornus, and with uniformly scattered pubescence; tergite 9 bearing long pubescence. Ovipositor, at rest extending beyond apex of metasoma by 3.5–3.8× the length of the metatibia. Color. (Figs 3, 5, 7, 10) Head orange; flagellum predominantly black, two basal flagellomeres ventrally reddish. Mesosoma orange. Fore and mid legs orange; hind leg with coxa orange with a ventro-lateral black spot on the apex of the outer side, trochanter and trochantellus black except for some small orange spots, femur, tibia and tarsus black. Metasoma black, hypopygium centrally orange. Ovipositor sheath black except for subapical whitish wide band. Fore wing hyaline, with a distinctive apical black band; pterostigma black. Variation. The female identified with the code ICN 083471 has the fore wing with the areolet petiolate. Putative Male. Similar to female in structure, but smaller (fore wing length 10.0 mm). Hind wing with apical abscissa of Cu1 arising from M apical to junction of M + Cu1 with cu-a (Figs 11, 13). Antenna black with apical flagellomeres pale (Fig. 4). Metasoma mostly black, tergites 1–6 with a yellow triangular spot at posterior margin (Figs 4, 8). Metapleuron with denticle smaller and paler than in the female.
Andrés Fabián Herrera Flórez
bibliographic citation
Flórez A (2012) A new species of Apechoneura Kriechbaumer (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Labeninae) from Colombia ZooKeys 213: 41–49
Andrés Fabián Herrera Flórez
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