Description: English: Plate XII. Fig. 1. Phalangodes flavescens (Cope), from Wyandotte Cave. — la, the eyes seen from above ; 16, the ocellar eminence with the eye at the base ; lc, section through the same, involving one eye ; lc', section through the lens and retina of the eye ; lc", eye of example from Wyandotte Cave ; lc'", seen sidewise in var. caecum ; Id, a chelicer ; Id', musculature of the same ; le, a pedipalp, showing also its muscles ; 1/, last three tarsal joints of the fourth leg (the claws not well copied by the lithographer) ; lg, end of one of the second pair of legs; lh, a second leg from a specimen from Weyer's Cave ; li, li', one of the second pair of legs, of exam ple from Senate Chamber, Wyandotte Cave; lj, the same from the same locality; lfe, the same from Bat Cave (Carter Caves); 11, first tarsus of example from Weyer's Cave ; lm, penis of a Wyandotte example ending in four teeth, the fourth the longest; In, lateral view of penis of P. flavescens, var. cozcum; In', In.", other views of the same, with the muscles of the second joint. Date: 1888. Source: Packard, A. S. (1888)
The cave fauna of North America, with remarks on the anatomy of the brain and origin of the blind species. Washington, National Academy of Sciences,1888. Author: Alpheus Spring Packard.