
Chelobasis bicolor

provided by EOL authors

Oblong-elongate; pronotal and elytral markings extremely variable. Head: frontal horn narrows to apex,apex rounded or truncate; depressed between eyes; vertex and frons impunctate; clypeus micropunctate.Antennae: antennomere 1 robust, thickened, with projection on inner apical margin, flattened ventrally,projection reaches to near apex of 2; 2 cylindrical, short, 1/2 length of 3; 3 cylindrical, longest, as long as 1 and2 combined; 4-7 each subequal in length; 8-10 transverse, wider and shorter than preceding; 11 rounded atapex; 1-10 with scattered setae, 11 setose. Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin sinuate; anterior anglerounded; posterior angle acute, with large punctures; slightly depressed at base; pronotal length 1.7-2.1 mm (n=20); pronotal width 2.9-3.4 mm. Scutellum: elongate triangle; alutaceous. Elytron: oblong, parallel;apices cojointly rounded; punctate striate; lateral and apical margins smooth; humerus rounded, not produced;punctures moderately impressed; rows tend to coalesce at apex; elytral length 7.0-9.1 mm; elytral width 4.3-4.4 mm. Venter: pro- and mesocoxae large, globular; prosternal process acute at apex, expanded behindprocoxae. Leg: tibia broadly expanded at apex; pro- and mesotibiae toothed along apical margin; metatibiawith row of stiff setae on apical margin; femur sparsely punctate. Total length: 10.1-11.3 mm.Larva. (from Maulik 1931). Total length 9–13.5 mm. Total width 5.5–7.0 mm. Body flat, upper surfacesomewhat convex longitudinally; sides expanded into interlacing flaps which have a fringe of fine setae;ovoid. Head: covered from above by two overlapping expansions; epicranial lobes bifurcate; antennae welldeveloped, three segmented; mandible tridentate; maxillary palps with two segments; labial palps with onesegment; four ocelli placed near outer margin of each antenna; legs widely separated; spiracles visible fromabove, spiracle 8 larger than others.

Larval host plant. Wild banana; Heliconia sp. (Heliconiaceae); Musa sp. (Musaceae). Adults have been collected on Heliconia sp., Heliconia curtispatha Peterson, Heliconia imbricata (Kuntze)Baker,Heliconia irrasa R.R. Sm.,Heliconia latispatha Benth.,Heliconia metallica Planch. & Linden,Heliconia platystachys Baker, Heliconiatortuosa Griggs,Heliconia vaginalis Benth., andHeliconia wagneriana Peterson,Heliconia cathaetaR. R. Sm., Calathea latifolia Klotzsch, (Marantaceae).

Charles L. Staines
bibliographic citation
Staines CL (2009) A review of the genus Chelobasis Gray, 1832 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Zootaxa 2033: 58–68.
Carlos Garcia-Robledo (garciac)
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Chelobasis bicolor ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Chelobasis bicolor es un coleóptero de la familia Chrysomelidae.

Fue descrita científicamente por primera vez en 1832 por Gray.[1]


  1. Hallan, Joel Kenneth (6 de junio de 2010). «Synopsis of the described Coleoptera of the World». Biology Catalog de la Universidad de Texas A&M (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 2016.
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Chelobasis bicolor: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Chelobasis bicolor es un coleóptero de la familia Chrysomelidae.

Fue descrita científicamente por primera vez en 1832 por Gray.​

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Chelobasis bicolor ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Chelobasis bicolor is een keversoort uit de familie bladhaantjes (Chrysomelidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1832 door Gray.[1]

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Chelobasis bicolor ( Vietnamese )

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Chelobasis bicolor là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Chrysomelidae. Loài này được Gray miêu tả khoa học năm 1832.[1]

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Chelobasis bicolor: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Chelobasis bicolor là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Chrysomelidae. Loài này được Gray miêu tả khoa học năm 1832.

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