
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Glossobius auritus Bovallius, 1885

Glossobius auritus Bovallius, 1885:12–17, pl. 3: figs. 24–33.—Stebbing, 1893:354, pl. 15.

Ceratothoa laticauda.—Gerstaecker, 1882:258.—Richardson, 1904:23.—Trilles, 1973b:1252, pl. 2: figs. 12, 13.—Kurochkin, 1980:289.

Glossobius laticauda.—Stebbing, 1893:354.—Van Name, 1936:490.—Brian and Dartevelle, 1949:181.—Trilles, 1979:258.

Codonophilus laticauda.—Nierstrasz, 1931:131.

Codonophilus auritus.—Nierstrasz, 1931:132.

Glossobius laticaudus.—Avdeev, 1982b:66.

Glossobius albinae Kononenko, 1986:331.

Not Cymothoa laticauda Milne-Edwards, 1840:274 [nomen dubium].

Not Ceratothoa crassa Dana, 1853:753–754, pl. 50: figs. 2a,b,b′,c.

MATERIAL.—PACIFIC OCEAN: Thailand: Gulf of Thailand, off Paknam, mouth of flying fish Cypselurus sp., coll. H.M. Smith, 6 Aug 1953, ovigerous , 21.9 mm and , 8.4 mm (USNM 216605). Japan: Off Honshu Island, ex Cypselurus agoo (Temminck and Schlegel), coll. Jordan and Snyder, Stanford University Expedition, ca. 1900, ovigerous , 26.0 mm (AM P35746). Mexico: Off Mexico, 15°36′N, 98°33′W, from stomach of Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus, coll. W.L. Klaw, 31 Mar 1957, ovigerous , 26.0 mm (USNM 104866). ATLANTIC OCEAN: Bahamas: 3 miles west of Bimini, ex Cypselurus comatus (Mitchill), 23–24 Jul 1963, ovigerous , 29.5 mm and , 12.2 mm (USNM 216576). Atlantic, 23°35′N, 68°18′W, Shell Canada Tanker Pinnacles, coll. G.F. Burgess, 20 May 1955, non-ovigerous , 24.5 mm (USNM 98987). Lesser Antilles: Saba Bank, ½ mile north of 17°27′N, 63°13′W, Smithsonian Bredin sta 108-56, ex Cypselurus comatus, coll. D.V. Nicholson, 1956, ovigerous , 26.5 mm and , 10.5 mm (USNM 216580). 15°27′N, 45°00′W, mouth of flying fish on board Swedish vessel Monarch, coll. Capt. George von Scheile, ovigerous , 32.8 mm and , 10.5 mm (syntypes, RMS Isopod 4971). “Ost Indien,” bought from Carl Wessel at Hamburg, ovigerous , 28.5 mm (syntype, RMS Isopod 3475); several mancas (syntypes, RMS Isopod 3476). Southwest of Barbados, 12°35′N, 59°54′W, Geronimo sta 7–23, ex Cypselurus comatus, 6 Feb 1966, ovigerous , 26.0 mm and , 10.2 mm (USNM 216579). Honduras: Off Honduras, 17°35′N, 82°12′W, Geronimo sta 6-218, ex Cypselurus comatus, 23 Oct 1965, ovigerous , 27.5 mm and , 9.4 mm (USNM 216578). North of Cabo Falso, ex flying fish at 100 fathom line, 15 Jun 1972, ovigerous , 26.8 mm (USNM 216577).

TYPES.—Syntypes, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Isopod nos. 4971, 3475, and 3476.

TYPE LOCALITY.—North Atlantic Ocean at 15°26′N, 45°00′W.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Body straight, between 2.06 and 2.41 times longer than maximum width, widest at pereonite 5; pereon with ill-defined longitudinal mediodorsal ridge. Cephalon lateral margins converge abruptly in front of eyes to form rostrum which appears truncate in dorsal view; eyes small, subtriangular, facets indistinct. Pereonite 1 longest, anterior margin convex, not recessed to accommodate cephalon; anterolateral margins form into 2 bosses which do not project anteriorly. Pereonites 2–4 subequal in length, pereonite 5 slightly shorter than 4; pereonites 6 and 7 markedly shorter than other pereonites, pereonite 7 about 15–18% length of pereonite 1. Coxae all shorter than pereonites; coxae of pereonites 6 and 7 smaller on one side than other, each with distinct acute dorsal ridge. Pleonites 1–4 subequal in length; pleonite 5 slightly longer, posterior margin with 2 low submedian lobes. Pleotelson nearly as long as wide, lateral margins converging slightly; posterior margin truncate, with median emargination.

Antennule extending to posterior of cephalon, composed of 8 articles, first 3 of which are broad and flattened. Antenna extends to pereonite 1, composed of 9 articles, first 4 of which are broad.

Mandible palp large, folding across anterior to labrum. Maxillule styliform, with 4 terminal spines. Maxilla lateral lobe with about 17 spines, endopod with 8. Maxilliped as in G. impressus, but article 3 with 2–4 spines.

Pereopod 1 short, merus posterior margin not dilated, dactylus extending to middle of carpus; pereopods 2 and 3 longer and less robust than pereopod 1. Pereopods 5–7 basis with posterior expansion well developed, anterior expansion weakly developed; merus with weak anterior expansion.

Pleopods as in G. impressus. Uropod curving medially, endopod slightly longer than exopod, both rami with apices narrowly rounded or acute.

DESCRIPTION OF MALE.—Much shorter than female (38% on average), body approximately rectangular in shape. Antennule with 6 or 7 articles, antenna with 8 or 9. Maxilla lateral lobe with 9 spines, endopod with 6. Maxilliped with 3 stout recurved terminal spines on article 3. Pereopods less robust than in female, pereopods 5–7 basis with weakly developed expansions. Penes elongate, apices lie between pleopod peduncles. Pleopods all simple; appendix masculina absent. Uropods similar to female, exopod slightly longer than endopod.

COLOR.—Anterior of animal and anterior appendages dark brown to nearly black, becoming lighter toward posterior; pleon, pleotelson, and pereopods 6 and 7 virtually without chromatophores.

SIZE.—Ovigerous females between 21.9 and 32.8 mm, one non-ovigerous female was 24.5 mm, males between 8.4 and 12.2 mm.

DISTRIBUTION.—Present material is from the Caribbean, tropical East Pacific, Japan, and Thailand. Trilles (1973b) summarizes previous records from the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. Kononenko's specimen was collected in the central South Atlantic (4°35′S, 22°30′W).

Glossobius hemiramphi Williams and Williams, 1985

Glossobius hemiramphi Williams and Williams, 1985:147–152, figs. 1–26.

Ceratothoa impressa (Say).—Berkeley and Houde, 1978:636 [misidentification].

MATERIAL.—With one exception, all from Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Linnaeus).

WESTERN ATLANTIC: Georgia: Off Georgia, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 3, sta 36, 31°40′N, 80°37′W, non-ovigerous , 11.8 mm and postmanca, 3.7 mm; non-ovigerous , 9.7 mm; juvenile, 4.9 mm; non-ovigerous , 10.4 mm and postmanca, 3.2 mm. Off Georgia, Gill cruise 7, sta 34, 31°00′N, 80°58′W, non-ovigerous , 17.4 mm. Florida: Off Florida, Gill cruise 7, sta 17, 29°38′N, 79°36′W, ovigerous , 15.5 mm and , 5.4 mm. New Smyrna Beach, ex USNM 57124, , 7.3 mm. Dade Co., coll. Steve Berkeley, non-ovigerous , 29.6 mm and , 9.7 mm; with mancas, 36.9 mm; with mancas, 25.5 mm, ovigerous , 27.8 mm, , 9.4 mm, , 9.6 mm (4 specimens in 1 vial); non-ovigerous , 26.8 mm and , 8.4 mm. Key West, ex USNM 30948, with mancas, 28.2 mm and , 7.9 mm; ex USNM 35044, non-ovigerous , 24.9 mm and , 9.1 mm; ex USNM 120519, ovigerous , 27.4 mm and , 8.4 mm. Dry Tortugas, ex MCZ 5203, ovigerous , 27.2 mm and , 6.9 mm. Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island, West End, ex Univ. Miami Marine Lab no. 11667, manca, 3.3 mm. Green Cay, non-ovigerous , 5.2 mm and , 3.7 mm. Mexico: Quintana Roo, Puerto Morelos, ex USNM 50476, ovigerous , 32.2 mm. West Indies: Haiti, ex USNM 164798, ovigerous , 23.4 mm and , 9.4 mm. Puerto Rico, off Guanica Bay, (holotype, USNM 212532), (allotype, USNM 213533), 3 and 5 (paratypes, USNM 213534–213541). St. Thomas, ex MCZ 5203 no. 8, ovigerous , 29.2 mm and , 8.9 mm; ex MCZ 5203 no. 11, ovigerous , 28.6 mm and , 9.9 mm. St. Croix, ex BM(NH) 1863.8.7.20, ovigerous , 30.2 mm. Bermuda: Ex Hemiramphus bermudensis Collette, 1962, non-ovigerous , 22.1 mm and , 6.8 mm.

EASTERN ATLANTIC: Senegal: Dakar, Galathea sta 10, ex UZMC P-34190, ovigerous , 21.0 mm and , 3.6 mm; non-ovigerous , 20.3 mm and , 5.3 mm; ovigerous , 17.4 mm and , 5.1 mm; non-ovigerous , 19.0 mm and , 5.2 mm. Guinea: Off Guinea, 10°44′–11°46′N, 17°06′–16°58′W, non-ovigerous , 10.3 mm and manca 2.8 mm. Sierra Leone: Freetown, ovigerous , 23.7 mm and , 6.1 mm; non-ovigerous , 18.7 mm and manca, 2.9 mm; with mancas, 19.7 mm and , 5.5 mm; non-ovigerous , 16.4 mm and , 6.2 mm; ovigerous , 17.3 mm and , 5.4 mm; with empty marsupium, 15.1 mm, , 5.6 mm, and manca, 2.9 mm; non-ovigerous , 17.7 mm and , 4.7 mm; with mancas, 16.2 mm and , 6.0 mm; non-ovigerous , 18.6 mm and postmanca, 2.8 mm; ovigerous , 16.3 mm and , 5.3 mm; with mancas, 16.3 mm and , 5.1 mm; non-ovigerous , 13.3 mm and , 3.8 mm. Liberia: Off Monrovia, non-ovigerous , 13.3 mm and , 4.6 mm; Atlantide sta 52, immature , 7.8 mm; immature , 7.3 mm; postmanca, 4.3 mm; postmanca, 3.0 mm. Off Port Marshall, Atlantide sta 53; non-ovigerous , 13.0 mm; , 7.4 mm; non-ovigerous , 8.2 mm. Ghana: Sekondi-Takoradi, ex UZMC P-341915, , 4.8 mm. Accra, Atlantide sta 77, ex UZMC P-341934, non-ovigerous , 15.3 mm and , 5.1 mm; ex UZMC P-341933, non-ovigerous , 13.1 mm and , 4.8 mm; ex UZMC P-341936, , with mancas, 25.0 mm. Angola: Luanda, Atlantide sta 137, non-ovigerous , 11.8 mm; non-ovigerous , 9.6 mm.

TYPES.—Holotype, USNM 213532; allotype, USNM 213533; 8 paratypes (3 , 5 ), USNM 213534–213541, 23 paratypes in Williams and Williams collection. For measurements of type material see Williams and Williams (1985).

TYPE LOCALITY.—One mile offshore of Guanica Bay, La Maruca Reef, Puerto Rico, 17°56.5′N, 66°54.5′W.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Length/width of with oostegites 2.8–3.6, of without oostegites 3.0–3.8. Width greatest at pereonite 6. Cephalon abruptly narrowed anterior to eyes into narrowly rounded triangular rostrum. Eyes small, oval. Pereonite 1 longest, anterior one-third to one-half of lateral margin elevated dorsally into ridge. Lengths of pereonites 2–6 gradually decreasing; pereonite 7 abruptly shorter (relative lengths in percent of pereonites 1–7 of 27.8 mm from Dade Country, Florida: 25.5, 16.0, 15.2, 14.8, 13.2, 10.3, 5.0). Coxae shorter than their pereonites; coxa 7 may have concave dorsal surface and lateral margin elevated into ridge. Pereonite 7 not overlapping any pleonites. Pleonites 1–4 subequal in length; pleonite 5 about twice as long, wider than pleotelson. Pleotelson length/width 0.56–0.71, narrowing slightly posteriorly, lateral margins slightly convex, posterior margin slightly concave.

Antennule composed of 7 articles, article 3 longest. Antenna composed of 7–8 articles, slightly longer than antennule, article 4 longest. Mouthparts as described by Williams and Williams (1985).

Pereopods similar to those of Glossobius impressus; pereopod 3 with longest dactyl.

Pleopods 2–5 with depressions separated by ridges (shown only for endopods in Figure 13l–o). Uropods reaching slightly beyond posterior margin of pleotelson; rami subequal in length or exopod slightly longer.

DESCRIPTION OF MALE.—As described by Williams and Williams (1985).

COLOR.—Head and pereonites 1–4 covered with black chromatophores, sparser on pereonite 4. Pereonites 5–7, pleon, and pleotelson unpigmented.

SIZE.—Females with oostegites ranged in length from 15.1 to 36.9 mm (Figure 14). Western Atlantic specimens are distinctly longer than the Eastern Atlantic specimens. There is a slight overlap between 23 and 25.5 mm, and the second smallest specimen is a 15.5 mm female from Florida.
bibliographic citation
Bowman, Thomas E. and Bruce, N. L. 1989. "Species of the parasitic isopod genera Ceratothoa and Glossobius (Crustacea: Cymothoidae) from the mouths of flying fishes and halfbeaks (Beloniformes)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.489