

provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Female. Width of face across clypeus and vertex = 60:57, least interocular distance 40 or 46. Orbital fovea ill defined, about as wide as half ocellocular distance. Clypeal lobe only slightly prominent (Fig. 7a), its free margin arcuate, slightly angulate laterally. Scapal basin sparsely punctate (punctures several diameters apart). Length of scape (excluding radicle) 2.6 × width, length equal to flagellomeres I–V combined. Scutal punctures less than one diameter apart. Mesopleuron with ill-defined transverse crest in front of midcoxa; mesothoracic venter densely punctate throughout (punctures less than one diameter apart). Metanotum with low, obtuse median tubercle. Propodeum without spine or tubercle behind spiracle; side conspicuously ridged; posterior surface ridged both mesodorsally and mesoventrally. Outer surface of hindtibia impunctate and asetose between spines (except basally and ventrally). Tergum I concave basally. Setae all silvery, appressed on head, thorax, propodeum, and legs, nearly completely concealing integument on clypeus and frons (on scapal basin markedly shorter than on remaining frons, not concealing integument), not so on mesopleuron, mesothoracic venter, and pygidial plate. Hindfemoral venter setose only basally, inner (= posterior) surface of hindfemur setose (Fig. 7b). Head, thorax, propodeum, and gaster black except scape, mandible basally (black apically), and pronotal lobe pale yellow; flagellum black dorsally, brown ventrally. Femora black, pale yellow apically, tibiae and tarsi pale yellow, apical tarsomeres yellowish brown. Forebasitarsus with four rake spines, apical spine of foretarsomere III about equal to apical basitarsal width. Pygidial plate with punctures that are more than one diameter basally, less than one diameter apart apically. Length 4.8–6.1 mm. Male. Unknown.
Wojciech J. Pulawski
bibliographic citation
Pulawski W (2012) A review of the genus Larrisson Menke, 1967, and description of the new genus Larrissa (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) Journal of Hymenoptera Research 25: 35–82
Wojciech J. Pulawski


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research
(Fig. 6). Known from one locality in northern Queensland.
Wojciech J. Pulawski
bibliographic citation
Pulawski W (2012) A review of the genus Larrisson Menke, 1967, and description of the new genus Larrissa (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) Journal of Hymenoptera Research 25: 35–82
Wojciech J. Pulawski


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
Female. Width of face across clypeus and vertex = 60:57, least interocular distance 40 or 46. Orbital fovea ill defined, about as wide as half ocellocular distance. Clypeal lobe only slightly prominent (Fig. 7a), its free margin arcuate, slightly angulate laterally. Scapal basin sparsely punctate (punctures several diameters apart). Length of scape (excluding radicle) 2.6 × width, length equal to flagellomeres I–V combined. Scutal punctures less than one diameter apart. Mesopleuron with ill-defined transverse crest in front of midcoxa; mesothoracic venter densely punctate throughout (punctures less than one diameter apart). Metanotum with low, obtuse median tubercle. Propodeum without spine or tubercle behind spiracle; side conspicuously ridged; posterior surface ridged both mesodorsally and mesoventrally. Outer surface of hindtibia impunctate and asetose between spines (except basally and ventrally). Tergum I concave basally. Setae all silvery, appressed on head, thorax, propodeum, and legs, nearly completely concealing integument on clypeus and frons (on scapal basin markedly shorter than on remaining frons, not concealing integument), not so on mesopleuron, mesothoracic venter, and pygidial plate. Hindfemoral venter setose only basally, inner (= posterior) surface of hindfemur setose (Fig. 7b). Head, thorax, propodeum, and gaster black except scape, mandible basally (black apically), and pronotal lobe pale yellow; flagellum black dorsally, brown ventrally. Femora black, pale yellow apically, tibiae and tarsi pale yellow, apical tarsomeres yellowish brown. Forebasitarsus with four rake spines, apical spine of foretarsomere III about equal to apical basitarsal width. Pygidial plate with punctures that are more than one diameter basally, less than one diameter apart apically. Length 4.8–6.1 mm. Male. Unknown.
Wojciech J. Pulawski
bibliographic citation
Pulawski W (2012) A review of the genus Larrisson Menke, 1967, and description of the new genus Larrissa (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) Journal of Hymenoptera Research 25: 35–82
Wojciech J. Pulawski


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
(Fig. 6). Known from one locality in northern Queensland.
Wojciech J. Pulawski
bibliographic citation
Pulawski W (2012) A review of the genus Larrisson Menke, 1967, and description of the new genus Larrissa (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) Journal of Hymenoptera Research 25: 35–82
Wojciech J. Pulawski