

provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research
FEMALE. Length 1.9 mm. Head and dorsal mesosoma blackish-brown; lateral mesosoma, metasoma, and coxae dark brown; femora lighter brown, tibiae and tarsi yellowish-brown (Fig. 21A). Wings clear (Fig. 22F). Antenna 13-segmented in paratype (broken in holotype), proximally yellowish-brown gradually darkening towards apex; flagellum slightly thicker apically, distal segment longest and widest with three interspersed rows of multiporous plate sensilla (MPS); median flagellomeres constricted proximally and apically. Vertex posteriorly weakly areolet-rugulose, with weakly defined longitudinal carinae; anteriorly polished (Figs 21E–F). Eye prominent, distinctly extended laterally beyond outer margin of genae (Fig. 22B). Ocellar plate raised, with very weak lateral reticulate carinae; posteriorly weakly areolet-rugose, but largely polished (Figs 21E–F). Median frontal carina weakly defined between toruli extending to just below toruli. Antennal scrobe smooth, polished with isolated setae. Lateral carinae of the antennal scrobes bound by smooth areas (Fig. 21E) and subconfluent with genal carina on the vertex (Fig. 21F). Whole face and genae very weakly areolet-rugulose tending towards being polished, with pubescence (Fig. 22B). Anterior tentorial pits inconspicuous, situated in shallow depressions. Clypeus smooth, with an anterior medial depression (Fig. 22B). Genal carina crested, extending to vertex, where it is subconfluent with the lateral carina of each antennal scrobe (Figs 21E–F). Occiput glabrous, smooth, shiny (Fig. 21D). Anterior plate of pronotum ventro-medially glabrous, polished, laterally and dorsally setose. Pronotum dorsomedially not distinctly raised into a process (Fig. 21C). Lateral pronotal carina distinct, fading dorsomedially. Lateral surface of pronotum dorsally areolet-rugulose, tending towards being polished ventrally. Mesoscutum distinctly arched dorsally and foveate-reticulate with indistinct transverse costae; notauli not evident (Figs 21C–D, 22A). Two smooth, polished scutellar foveae not subdivided by carinae; mesoscutellum areolet-rugulose and sloped posteriorly (Fig. 21D). Mesopleural triangle ventrally well defined by smoothly curved carina and with white pubescence (Fig. 21C). Mesopleuron, including speculum, glabrous, polished; median longitudinal impression present with transverse carinae; lower mesopleural margin bordered with pubescence (Fig. 21C). Metepisternum areolet-rugose, glabrous anterodorsally, conspicuously pubescent ventrally and posterodorsally; median shiny glabrous area present (Fig. 21C). Propodeum areolate-rugose; lateral propodeal carina weakly curved (Fig. 21D). Median propodeal area posteriorly glabrate to rugulose anteriorly; single reticulate transverse carina present anteriorly. Rs+M of forewing nebulous, arising from middle of basal vein (Fig. 22F). Marginal cell 2.9 times as long as wide. Bulla on Sc+R1 absent. Abdominal petiole 0.5× as long as high in lateral view, 2.2× wider than long in dorsal view, longitudinally carinate (Figs 22C–D). Relative length of T3–7: 11:8:9:29:9; T3–5 glabrous, smooth; T6 smooth with a medial row of long white setae; T7 punctate with a medial row of long white setae; T8 covered by T7; basket-like tuft of setae present on the terminal end of T9 (ovipositor sheaths) (Figs 22 C–E). All coxae smooth shiny with lines of pubescence dorsally and medially; femora smooth, shiny, strongly setose; pro- and meso- tibiae and tarsi finely punctuate with pubescence; meta-tibiae and meta-tarsomeres densely punctate with pubescence (Figs 21A, 21C, 22C). Four dorso-apical teeth on metatibia. Proximal metatarsal segment about two-fifths the length of distal 4 segments combined.
Simon van Noort, Matthew L. Buffington
bibliographic citation
Noort S, Buffington M (2013) Revision of the Afrotropical Mayrellinae (Cynipoidea, Liopteridae), with the first record of Paramblynotus from Madagascar Journal of Hymenoptera Research 31: 1–64
Simon van Noort
Matthew L. Buffington


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Simon van Noort, Matthew L. Buffington
bibliographic citation
Noort S, Buffington M (2013) Revision of the Afrotropical Mayrellinae (Cynipoidea, Liopteridae), with the first record of Paramblynotus from Madagascar Journal of Hymenoptera Research 31: 1–64
Simon van Noort
Matthew L. Buffington


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
FEMALE. Length 1.9 mm. Head and dorsal mesosoma blackish-brown; lateral mesosoma, metasoma, and coxae dark brown; femora lighter brown, tibiae and tarsi yellowish-brown (Fig. 21A). Wings clear (Fig. 22F). Antenna 13-segmented in paratype (broken in holotype), proximally yellowish-brown gradually darkening towards apex; flagellum slightly thicker apically, distal segment longest and widest with three interspersed rows of multiporous plate sensilla (MPS); median flagellomeres constricted proximally and apically. Vertex posteriorly weakly areolet-rugulose, with weakly defined longitudinal carinae; anteriorly polished (Figs 21E–F). Eye prominent, distinctly extended laterally beyond outer margin of genae (Fig. 22B). Ocellar plate raised, with very weak lateral reticulate carinae; posteriorly weakly areolet-rugose, but largely polished (Figs 21E–F). Median frontal carina weakly defined between toruli extending to just below toruli. Antennal scrobe smooth, polished with isolated setae. Lateral carinae of the antennal scrobes bound by smooth areas (Fig. 21E) and subconfluent with genal carina on the vertex (Fig. 21F). Whole face and genae very weakly areolet-rugulose tending towards being polished, with pubescence (Fig. 22B). Anterior tentorial pits inconspicuous, situated in shallow depressions. Clypeus smooth, with an anterior medial depression (Fig. 22B). Genal carina crested, extending to vertex, where it is subconfluent with the lateral carina of each antennal scrobe (Figs 21E–F). Occiput glabrous, smooth, shiny (Fig. 21D). Anterior plate of pronotum ventro-medially glabrous, polished, laterally and dorsally setose. Pronotum dorsomedially not distinctly raised into a process (Fig. 21C). Lateral pronotal carina distinct, fading dorsomedially. Lateral surface of pronotum dorsally areolet-rugulose, tending towards being polished ventrally. Mesoscutum distinctly arched dorsally and foveate-reticulate with indistinct transverse costae; notauli not evident (Figs 21C–D, 22A). Two smooth, polished scutellar foveae not subdivided by carinae; mesoscutellum areolet-rugulose and sloped posteriorly (Fig. 21D). Mesopleural triangle ventrally well defined by smoothly curved carina and with white pubescence (Fig. 21C). Mesopleuron, including speculum, glabrous, polished; median longitudinal impression present with transverse carinae; lower mesopleural margin bordered with pubescence (Fig. 21C). Metepisternum areolet-rugose, glabrous anterodorsally, conspicuously pubescent ventrally and posterodorsally; median shiny glabrous area present (Fig. 21C). Propodeum areolate-rugose; lateral propodeal carina weakly curved (Fig. 21D). Median propodeal area posteriorly glabrate to rugulose anteriorly; single reticulate transverse carina present anteriorly. Rs+M of forewing nebulous, arising from middle of basal vein (Fig. 22F). Marginal cell 2.9 times as long as wide. Bulla on Sc+R1 absent. Abdominal petiole 0.5× as long as high in lateral view, 2.2× wider than long in dorsal view, longitudinally carinate (Figs 22C–D). Relative length of T3–7: 11:8:9:29:9; T3–5 glabrous, smooth; T6 smooth with a medial row of long white setae; T7 punctate with a medial row of long white setae; T8 covered by T7; basket-like tuft of setae present on the terminal end of T9 (ovipositor sheaths) (Figs 22 C–E). All coxae smooth shiny with lines of pubescence dorsally and medially; femora smooth, shiny, strongly setose; pro- and meso- tibiae and tarsi finely punctuate with pubescence; meta-tibiae and meta-tarsomeres densely punctate with pubescence (Figs 21A, 21C, 22C). Four dorso-apical teeth on metatibia. Proximal metatarsal segment about two-fifths the length of distal 4 segments combined.
Simon van Noort, Matthew L. Buffington
bibliographic citation
Noort S, Buffington M (2013) Revision of the Afrotropical Mayrellinae (Cynipoidea, Liopteridae), with the first record of Paramblynotus from Madagascar Journal of Hymenoptera Research 31: 1–64
Simon van Noort
Matthew L. Buffington


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Simon van Noort, Matthew L. Buffington
bibliographic citation
Noort S, Buffington M (2013) Revision of the Afrotropical Mayrellinae (Cynipoidea, Liopteridae), with the first record of Paramblynotus from Madagascar Journal of Hymenoptera Research 31: 1–64
Simon van Noort
Matthew L. Buffington