Figures 1–6.Copulatory organs of Selenops arikok sp. n. female holotype from Arikok National Park, Aruba (EME sel_068) 1–2 Selenops curazao Alayón-García male holotype from CarMaBI, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (MCZ) 3–4 female paratype from Piscadera Baai building, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (MCZ) 5–6, 1, 5 epigyne, ventral view 2, 6 spermathecae, dorsal view 3 male pedipalp, ventral view 4 male pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.40 mm (1–2), 0.30 mm (3–6). Abbreviations: S = septum, MF = median field, EP = epigynal pockets, FD = fertilization duct, SP = spermathecae, PF = posterodorsal fold, C = conductor, CY = cymbium, MA = median apophysis, E = embolus, RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis, VRTA = ventral retrolateral tibial apophysis, DRTA = dorsal retrolateral tibial apophysis.
Figures 177–182.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species. 177 Selenops arikok sp. n. from Aruba guarding egg sac with several spiderlings inside 178 Selenops geraldinae Corronca eating a fly and guarding her egg sac on a bromeliad, Gaspar Grande Island, Trinidad and Tobago 179 Selenops willinki Corronca on a tree trunk, Little Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago. Terminal setal tufts and festoon pattern are visible 180 Selenops micropalpus Muma on the trunk of Bursera simaruba, in a dry forest, St. Lucia. Terminal setal tufts and festoon pattern are visible 181 Selenops mexicanus Keyserling on a large tree trunk outside of Cueva Actun Kan, Guatemala. Note the alternating light and dark leg annulations 182 Egg sacs of Selenops bifurcatus Banks on rocks in a wash in dry forest and thornscrub, Zacatan, Guatemala. Selenops bifurcatus sometimes guards the yellowish egg sacs, and other times does not.
Map 1.Map of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire (inset) showing the distribution of Selenops. Selenops arikok sp. n. (black circles), Selenops curazao Alayón-García (white circles).
Figures 101–108.Copulatory organs of Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García female from Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica (IJNHM sel_368) 101–102 Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. holotype female from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_383) 103–104 male from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_384) (105–106), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. holotype female from South of Spanish Town, Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (CAS) 107–108, 101, 103, 107 epigyne, ventral view 102, 104, 108 spermathecae, dorsal view 105 left pedipalp, ventral view 106 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.25 mm (101–102), 0.50 mm (103–108).
Figures 183–188.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species 183 Selenops bifurcatus Banks on a rock, Zacatan, Guatemala. Note the dorsoventrally flattened habitus 184 Selenops bifurcatus Banks showing the very large PLE 185 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch adult male on Bursera simaruba St. John, United States Virgin Islands. Note the leg annulations 186 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch adult female making several egg sacs under the bark of a tamarind tree, Nevis. Selenops lindborgi makes several egg sacs and does not guard the egg sac, unlike most other species of Selenops 187 Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García on a eucalyptus tree, Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Note the striped legs and the festoon pattern at the terminus of the abdomen 188 The egg sac of Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. from Hellshire Hills, Jamaica. The egg sac contained a few yellow dried out eggs and a pseudoscorpion.
Map 11.Map of Jamaica (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenopidae found on the island. Selenops candidus Muma (black circles), Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. (white diamonds), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. (black star).
Figures 101–108.Copulatory organs of Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García female from Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica (IJNHM sel_368) 101–102 Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. holotype female from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_383) 103–104 male from Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (EME sel_384) (105–106), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. holotype female from South of Spanish Town, Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (CAS) 107–108, 101, 103, 107 epigyne, ventral view 102, 104, 108 spermathecae, dorsal view 105 left pedipalp, ventral view 106 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.25 mm (101–102), 0.50 mm (103–108).
Figures 109–115.Copulatory organs of Selenops wilsoni sp. n. male from South of Spanish Town, Hellshire Hills, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica (CAS) 109–110 Scans of Selenops beynai Schawaller holotype male from Dominican amber (SMNHS) 111–115, 109, 114 left pedipalp, ventral view 110, 115 left pedipalp, retrolateral view 111 features of the carapace, mouthparts and right pedipalp 112 right palpal bulb, rotated horizontally for consistency, ventral view. Although not perfectly preserved, several features are still apparent 113 right pedipalp, rotated for consistency, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm. Abbreviations: Cl = clypeus, Ch = chelicerae, PME = posterior median eyes, fe = femur, pt = patella, ti = tibia, cy = cymbium, c = conductor, ma = median apophysis, rta = retrolateral tibial apophysis, e = embolus.
Map 11.Map of Jamaica (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenopidae found on the island. Selenops candidus Muma (black circles), Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. (white diamonds), Selenops wilsoni sp. n. (black star).
Figures 121–128.Copulatory organs of Selenops insularis Keyserling male from St. Cyr, Jacmel, Haiti (CAS sel_657) 121–122 Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García female from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_151) 123–124 male from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_152) 125–126 Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. holotype female from kilometer 13 along Carretera ALCOA, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_166) 127–128, 121, 125 left pedipalp, ventral view 122, 126 left pedipalp, retrolateral view 123, 127 epigyne, ventral view 124, 128 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Map 13.Map of Hispaniola (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenops species, Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. (black circles), Selenops oviedo sp. n. (white squares), Selenops duan sp. n. (black square), Selenops denia sp. n. (white triangles), Selenops guerrero sp. n. (black triangle), Selenops bani Alayón-García (white Xs), Selenops pensilis Muma (white hexagons), Selenops enriquillo sp. n. (black hexagons), Selenops phaselus Muma (white stars), and Selenops morro sp. n. (black star).
Figures 121–128.Copulatory organs of Selenops insularis Keyserling male from St. Cyr, Jacmel, Haiti (CAS sel_657) 121–122 Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García female from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_151) 123–124 male from El Banano, Rio Mulito, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_152) 125–126 Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. holotype female from kilometer 13 along Carretera ALCOA, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_166) 127–128, 121, 125 left pedipalp, ventral view 122, 126 left pedipalp, retrolateral view 123, 127 epigyne, ventral view 124, 128 spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Figures 201–206.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species. 201 Dry thornscrub and rocky wash where Selenops bifurcatus Banks was extremely common, Zacatan, Guatemala 202 Pine/fern habitat, Abaco, Bahamas where Selenops aissus Walckenaer can be found 203 Dry forest habitat around Laguna Oviedo, Pedernales, Dominican Republic. The species Selenops oviedo sp. n. can be found underneath the rocks 204 Thornscrub habitat, Shirley's Heights Lookout, Antigua, where Selenops kalinago sp. n. can be found under bark 205 Blowing Point, Anguilla, where Selenops souliga sp. n. can be found under limestone rocks in the thornscrub habitat 206 Coastal thornscrub habitat, El Morro, Dominican Republic. Selenops insularis Keyserling can be found under the bark of trees, while Selenops morro sp. n. is more common under rocks.
Map 13.Map of Hispaniola (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenops species, Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. (black circles), Selenops oviedo sp. n. (white squares), Selenops duan sp. n. (black square), Selenops denia sp. n. (white triangles), Selenops guerrero sp. n. (black triangle), Selenops bani Alayón-García (white Xs), Selenops pensilis Muma (white hexagons), Selenops enriquillo sp. n. (black hexagons), Selenops phaselus Muma (white stars), and Selenops morro sp. n. (black star).
Figures 129–136.Copulatory organs of Selenops oviedo sp. n. holotype female from El Cajuil, Laguna Oviedo, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_623) 129–130 Selenops trifidus Bryant holotype male from Navassa Island (MCZ-B0045) 131–132 Selenops duan sp. n. holotype female from Cañada Miguel, Comendador, Elias Piña, Dominican Republic (MNHNSD, A-515) 133–134 Selenops denia sp. n. holotype male from Mata Grande, Santiago, Dominican Republic (EME sel_641) 135–136, 129, 133, 135 epigyne, ventral view 130, 134, 136 spermathecae, dorsal view 131 left pedipalp, ventral view 132 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Map 13.Map of Hispaniola (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenops species, Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. (black circles), Selenops oviedo sp. n. (white squares), Selenops duan sp. n. (black square), Selenops denia sp. n. (white triangles), Selenops guerrero sp. n. (black triangle), Selenops bani Alayón-García (white Xs), Selenops pensilis Muma (white hexagons), Selenops enriquillo sp. n. (black hexagons), Selenops phaselus Muma (white stars), and Selenops morro sp. n. (black star).
Figures 129–136.Copulatory organs of Selenops oviedo sp. n. holotype female from El Cajuil, Laguna Oviedo, Pedernales, Dominican Republic (EME sel_623) 129–130 Selenops trifidus Bryant holotype male from Navassa Island (MCZ-B0045) 131–132 Selenops duan sp. n. holotype female from Cañada Miguel, Comendador, Elias Piña, Dominican Republic (MNHNSD, A-515) 133–134 Selenops denia sp. n. holotype male from Mata Grande, Santiago, Dominican Republic (EME sel_641) 135–136, 129, 133, 135 epigyne, ventral view 130, 134, 136 spermathecae, dorsal view 131 left pedipalp, ventral view 132 left pedipalp, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Map 13.Map of Hispaniola (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenops species, Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. (black circles), Selenops oviedo sp. n. (white squares), Selenops duan sp. n. (black square), Selenops denia sp. n. (white triangles), Selenops guerrero sp. n. (black triangle), Selenops bani Alayón-García (white Xs), Selenops pensilis Muma (white hexagons), Selenops enriquillo sp. n. (black hexagons), Selenops phaselus Muma (white stars), and Selenops morro sp. n. (black star).
Figures 137–144.Copulatory organs of Selenops guerrero sp. n. holotype female from entrance to Loma de Isabel, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (EME sel_606) 137–138 Selenops baweka sp. n. holotype female from Garden Pond Field Road, Middle Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (EME sel_678) 139–140 male from Wade's Green Plantation, North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (EME sel_675) 141–142 Selenops kalinago sp. n. holotype female from East of Veranda Resort, Indian Town, Antigua (EME sel_753) 143–144, 137, 139, 143 epigyne, ventral view 138, 140, 144 spermathecae, dorsal view 141 left pedipalp, ventral view 142 left pedipalp, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Map 13.Map of Hispaniola (inset) showing the distribution of endemic Selenops species, Selenops marcanoi Alayón-García (white circles), Selenops bocacanadensis sp. n. (black circles), Selenops oviedo sp. n. (white squares), Selenops duan sp. n. (black square), Selenops denia sp. n. (white triangles), Selenops guerrero sp. n. (black triangle), Selenops bani Alayón-García (white Xs), Selenops pensilis Muma (white hexagons), Selenops enriquillo sp. n. (black hexagons), Selenops phaselus Muma (white stars), and Selenops morro sp. n. (black star).
Figures 137–144.Copulatory organs of Selenops guerrero sp. n. holotype female from entrance to Loma de Isabel, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (EME sel_606) 137–138 Selenops baweka sp. n. holotype female from Garden Pond Field Road, Middle Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (EME sel_678) 139–140 male from Wade's Green Plantation, North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (EME sel_675) 141–142 Selenops kalinago sp. n. holotype female from East of Veranda Resort, Indian Town, Antigua (EME sel_753) 143–144, 137, 139, 143 epigyne, ventral view 138, 140, 144 spermathecae, dorsal view 141 left pedipalp, ventral view 142 left pedipalp, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.
Figures 189–194.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species. 189 Selenops insularis Keyserling, Laguna Kiani, Vieques, Puerto Rico 190 Selenops baweka sp. n. adult male on the trunk of a tamarind tree, Turtle Cove, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands 191 Selenops kalinago sp. n. on tree trunk, Silver Hills, Montserrat. Note striped legs and how the legs darken distally 192 Selenops souliga sp. n., Back Bay, St. Maarten, between the leaves of a plant 193 Selenops souliga sp. n. adult female guarding her flat white egg sac inside of a folded palm frond, Anguilla 194 Selenops simius Muma, on a limestone rock at night, Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands.
Map 10.Map of southern Florida, the Bahamas, Cuba, Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands (inset) showing the distribution of four species of Selenops. Selenops aissus Walckenaer (white circles), Selenops simius Muma (black circles), Selenops submaculosus Bryant (black diamonds), Selenops baweka sp. n. (white stars). (FL=Florida, TC=Turks and Caicos Islands).
Figures 137–144.Copulatory organs of Selenops guerrero sp. n. holotype female from entrance to Loma de Isabel, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (EME sel_606) 137–138 Selenops baweka sp. n. holotype female from Garden Pond Field Road, Middle Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (EME sel_678) 139–140 male from Wade's Green Plantation, North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (EME sel_675) 141–142 Selenops kalinago sp. n. holotype female from East of Veranda Resort, Indian Town, Antigua (EME sel_753) 143–144, 137, 139, 143 epigyne, ventral view 138, 140, 144 spermathecae, dorsal view 141 left pedipalp, ventral view 142 left pedipalp, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.