Campylomonas (cam-pile-owe-moan-ass) one of the cryptomonad flagellates with olive-green plastids. The inclusions are mostly polysaccharide storage. Two flagella visible at top (anterior) and surface is irregular because of the small skeletal plates that lie under the cell membrane. Differential interference microscopy. data on this strain.
Chilomonas (kai-low-moan-ass), one of the two genera of cryptomonad flagellates which do not have chloroplasts. There are two flagella which insert into a groove which opens subapically (the dent near the front of the cell is where is opens). Cytoplasm with large numbers of polysaccharide granules. Differential Interference Contrast.
Chilomonas (kai-low-moan-ass), one of the two genera of cryptomonad flagellates which do not have chloroplasts. There are two flagella which insert into a groove which opens subapically (the dent near the front of the cell is where is opens). Special extrusomes (ejectisomes) form a little cluster around the flagellar pocket (the pocket can not be seen). Cytoplasm with large numbers of polysaccharide granules. This cell slightly distorted. Differential Interference Contrast.
Chilomonas (kai-low-moan-ass), one of the two genera of cryptomonad flagellates which do not have chloroplasts. There are two flagella which insert into a groove which opens subapically - the flagella can be seen here as the two dark filaments emerging from the anterior (top) of the cell. Cytoplasm with large numbers of polysaccharide granules. Phase contrast.