
Diagnostic description of Ptomaphagus aritzensis

provided by EOL authors

(Description based on the identification key in Jeannel, 1936):

  • Habitus short and ovoid, not very convex or even depressed
  • Pronotum in the basal part with curved (not parallel) sides
  • Elytra short, one and a half times as long as wide
  • Antennal club uniformly coloured
  • 2nd antennomere longer and broader than the 3rd
  • Elytral striae normal, clearly visible
  • Antennal club hardly dilated, 9th antennomere less than twice as broad as the 3rd.
  • Wingless
  • Exoskeleton reddish
  • Antennae reddish, 6th antennomere very broad
  • Pronotum elongated, not borader than the elytra, laterally not very curved
  • Elytra convex, apicallynarrowed, the striae disassociated into transverse, oblique and not very sparse rasp-like punctures
  • Male unknown
  • Length: 2.2 mm


Jeannel, R., 1936. Monographie des Catopidae. Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, N.S., 1: 1-433.

Menno Schilthuizen
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