Zygogramma is a large genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Chrysomelinae, which includes approximately 100 species. 13 species occur north of Mexico.[2]
Adults and larvae are herbivorous on various host plants. Zygogramma exclamationis is a pest species of sunflower crops in North America.[3] At least two species have also been used as a form of biological pest control: Zygogramma bicolorata was introduced to India as a biocontrol agent for the weed Parthenium hysterophorus,[4] and Zygogramma suturalis was introduced to Russia as a control for Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed).[5]
Zygogramma is a large genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Chrysomelinae, which includes approximately 100 species. 13 species occur north of Mexico.
Adults and larvae are herbivorous on various host plants. Zygogramma exclamationis is a pest species of sunflower crops in North America. At least two species have also been used as a form of biological pest control: Zygogramma bicolorata was introduced to India as a biocontrol agent for the weed Parthenium hysterophorus, and Zygogramma suturalis was introduced to Russia as a control for Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed).
Zygogramma est un genre de coléoptères de la famille des Chrysomelidae. Il regroupe une centaine d'espèces[1].
Les adultes tout comme les larves sont herbivores et ont diverses plantes hôtes. Zygogramma exclamationis est une espèce nuisible des cultures d'hélianthes en Amérique du Nord. Deux espèces ont fait l'objet d'études pour une forme de lutte biologique contre les ravageurs : Zygogramma bicolorata fut introduit en Inde comme agent de lutte biologique contre la mauvaise herbe Parthenium hysterophorus[2] et Zygogramma suturalis fut introduit en Russie pour lutter contre Ambrosia artemisiifolia[3].
Zygogramma est un genre de coléoptères de la famille des Chrysomelidae. Il regroupe une centaine d'espèces.