Pandemis ianus is a moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in north Madagascar.[1]
The male of this species has a wingspan of 21.5 mm. Its head is tawny fuscous, palus tawny, the thorax tawny ochreous, abdomen greyish fuscous.
The forewings are suboval with a rounded costa. They are light pinkish ochreous, glossy and strewn with fuscous grey. The hindwings are golden ochreous, the posterior third with a pink suffusion and irregularly transversed by rows of dark grey dots.
The genitalia of this species are close to Pandemis capnobathra. [2]
Pandemis ianus is a moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in north Madagascar.
The male of this species has a wingspan of 21.5 mm. Its head is tawny fuscous, palus tawny, the thorax tawny ochreous, abdomen greyish fuscous.
The forewings are suboval with a rounded costa. They are light pinkish ochreous, glossy and strewn with fuscous grey. The hindwings are golden ochreous, the posterior third with a pink suffusion and irregularly transversed by rows of dark grey dots.
The genitalia of this species are close to Pandemis capnobathra.
Pandemis ianus is een vlinder uit de familie bladrollers (Tortricidae). De wetenschappelijke naam voor deze soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1970 door Diakonoff.
De soort komt voor in tropisch Afrika.
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