Daniel Fernández Marchán, Rosa Fernández, Marta Novo, Darío J. Díaz Cosín
Figure 2.(A) Live specimens of Hormogaster joseantonioi sp.n. External morphology of a fixed specimen, shown in a picture (B) and diagram (C).
Ueangfa Bantaowong, Ratmanee Chanabun, Piyoros Tongkerd, Chirasak Sutcharit, Samuel W. James, Somsak Panha
Figure 1.Map of type locality of 1 Amynthas srinan sp. n. from Srinan National Park, Nan province, 2 Amynthas phatubensis sp. n. from Tham Pha Tub Arboretum, Nan province, 3 Amynthas tontong sp. n. from Tontong Waterfall, Pua district, Nan province and 4 Amynthas borealis sp. n. from a small hill near Chaloemprakiat district, Nan province.
Otsego Co., Michigan
Fønstrup Dam, Nødebo, Hillerød, Danmark
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Gudenå opstrøms Klostermølle
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Amossen, Öland, Sverige
Ravnkilde ved Rebild Bakker, Jylland, Danmark
Aqua Silkeborg
Hampen Sø
Figure 2a.Aporodrilus ponga ventral scan of Holotype (colour).
Ratmanee Chanabun, Chirasak Sutcharit, Piyoros Tongkerd, Somsak Panha
Figure 12.Morphology of the lectotype (ZMH V9293) of Glyphidrilus jacobsoni Michaelsen, 1922, showing the A external ventral and B internal dorsal views.
Figure 2.A Eisenia nordenskioldi mongol ssp. n. Holotype anterio-ventral view, dorsal prostomium [plus enlargements with that of P1 boxed], posterior, plus actual setal ratios on 13; spermathecae and calciferous glands in situ, nephridia in 12 & 17 B Eisenia nordenskioldi polypapillata after Perel’ (1969: text-fig) for fair use comparison.
Robert J. Blakemore, Seunghan Lee, Wonchoel Lee, Hong-Yul Seo
Figure 2.Amynthas jinburi sp. n. showing ventral view with spermathecae and 18rhs prostate in situ plus simple intestinal caecum in 27; dorsal view of prostomium; [boxed is 2X lateral view of spermathecal pores in 5 & 6rhs].
William A. Hopkins, William E. Moser, David W. Garst, Dennis J. Richardson, Charlotte I. Hammond, Eric A. Lazo-Wasem
Figure 3.Ventral surface of Placobdella appalachiensis sp. n., Holotype USNM 1232924 collected from an adult eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) from stream reach A3 in southwest Virginia, USA. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
Darío J. Díaz Cosín, Marta Novo, Rosa Fernández, Daniel Fernández Marchán, Mónica Gutiérrez
Figure 3.Schematic view of the external morphology of Eiseniona gerardoi.
Daniel Fernández Marchán, Rosa Fernández, Marta Novo, Darío J. Díaz Cosín
Figure 3.A) Spermathecae in segments 9 and 10. Note the double spermathecae in segment 10 of this specimen. B) Nephridial bladder of segment 7.
Ueangfa Bantaowong, Ratmanee Chanabun, Piyoros Tongkerd, Chirasak Sutcharit, Samuel W. James, Somsak Panha
Figure 2.External and internal morphology of holotype (CUMZ 3204) of Amynthas phatubensis sp. n. A External ventral view, B internal dorsal view and C spermatheca, and black arrow indicates the connection of the spermatheca and spermathecal pore.
Hampen Sø, Midtjylland, Danmark
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Gudenå opstrøms Klostermølle