Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Amossen, Öland, Sverige
Ravnkilde ved Rebild Bakker, Jylland, Danmark
Aqua Silkeborg
Hampen Sø
Kastbjerg Å
Figure 2b.Aporodrilus ponga dorsal view of prolobous prostomium, spermathecae (8lhs and 9lhs and part of 9rhs) and prostate in 18lhs in situ. Male field is shown with setae 17b? and 17a marked (setae a occluded by male pores on 18). [Boxed spermatheca of Notoscolex hakeaphilus Benham, 1949, with Benham’s sketch of its male field and prostate shown for comparison].
Ratmanee Chanabun, Chirasak Sutcharit, Piyoros Tongkerd, Somsak Panha
Figure 13.Morphology of the lectotype (NHM 1922: 4: 20: 618) of Glyphidrilus fluviatilis Rao, 1922, showing the A external ventral and B internal dorsal views.
Figure 3.A Eisenia nordenskioldi onon ssp. n. Holotype sketched as for Figs 1–2 B Allolobophora harbinensis Kobayashi, 1940: fig. 6 (incertae sedis) for comparison.
William A. Hopkins, William E. Moser, David W. Garst, Dennis J. Richardson, Charlotte I. Hammond, Eric A. Lazo-Wasem
Figure 4.Internal anatomy of Placobdella appalachiensis sp. n., Paratype USNM 1232939 collected from an adult eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) from stream reach A3 in southwest Virginia, USA. Ventral view, atrial cornuae (AC), ejaculatory duct (ED), intestinal ceca (IC), proboscis (Pr), testisac (T). Scale bar equals 2 mm.
Darío J. Díaz Cosín, Marta Novo, Rosa Fernández, Daniel Fernández Marchán, Mónica Gutiérrez
Figure 4.Chaetae ab from segment 40–41 (DIC Nomarski).
Daniel Fernández Marchán, Rosa Fernández, Marta Novo, Darío J. Díaz Cosín
Figure 4.Bayesian inference of the phylogenetic tree on the concatenated sequence. Numbers above branches indicate posterior probability/bootstrap (of the Maximum Likelihood analysis) support values higher than 0.9/70 (shown as asterisks on terminal branches). Black rectangles show clades not recovered in both analyses (the alternative is shown with a dashed line). The cryptic species included in Hormogaster elisae are numbered from 1 to 5 (following Novo et al. 2010).
Ueangfa Bantaowong, Ratmanee Chanabun, Piyoros Tongkerd, Chirasak Sutcharit, Samuel W. James, Somsak Panha
Figure 1.Map of type locality of 1 Amynthas srinan sp. n. from Srinan National Park, Nan province, 2 Amynthas phatubensis sp. n. from Tham Pha Tub Arboretum, Nan province, 3 Amynthas tontong sp. n. from Tontong Waterfall, Pua district, Nan province and 4 Amynthas borealis sp. n. from a small hill near Chaloemprakiat district, Nan province.
Hampen Sø, Midtjylland, Danmark
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Gudenå opstrøms Klostermølle
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Amossen, Öland, Sverige
Aqua Silkeborg
Hampen Sø
Kastbjerg Å
Figure 3.Notoscolex repanga ventral view with dorsal view of prolobous prostomium, spermathecae, prostate and oesophageal gland in 12 in situ; and lumbricine setal ratio in 12. (Small structures near scale bar are probable unidentified parasites, attached on intestine in region of 35–40).