Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2004-12-05 Location: National Botanic Garden, Harare Habitat:
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2012-12-25 Location: By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools Habitat: Riverine vegetation
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2010-06-16 Location: Levasflor, ± 400 m SSE of sawmill near the old Maciambose road/Chiniziua (Quessemaza) River crossing Habitat:
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2010-03-01 Location: On road 219, 6.1 kms NEE of crossing with road 213, road 219 going towards Chupanga. (linearly) Habitat:
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2005-02-01 Location: Rimiti West (1st stop) by rd to Birchenough Bridge Habitat: Roadside
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2007-03-11 Location: Road to Chiniziuwa River, Cheringoma Habitat: Mixed woodland
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2007-03-11 Location: Road to Chiniziuwa River, Cheringoma Habitat: Mixed woodland
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2007-03-11 Location: Road to Chiniziuwa River, Cheringoma Habitat: Mixed woodland
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2012-02-12 Location: Mtshabezi Dam, Matobo Hills Habitat:
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2012-01-07 Location: By the lodges, Lake Kyle Recreational Park Habitat: Roadside in rocky miombo woodland
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2012-01-08 Location: Great Zimbabwe Habitat: Open area
Species: Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Date: 2012-09-13 Location: By Mazowe River, Hippo Pools Habitat: Riverine forest
Species: Artabotrys monteiroae Oliv. Date: 2007-00-00 Location: Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC Habitat:
Species: Artabotrys monteiroae Oliv. Date: 2007-00-00 Location: Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC Habitat:
Species: Artabotrys monteiroae Oliv. Date: 1993-09-19 Location: Mkushi, Moffats’ Farm, Munchiwemba dambo Habitat: