Longitude (deg): -0.2. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: West Sussex. Vice county no.: 13. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in shingle. Shows: valve tubercles. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Background: pale background. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -0.2. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: West Sussex. Vice county no.: 13. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in shingle. Shows: absence of tubercles. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Background: pale background. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -0.2. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: West Sussex. Vice county no.: 13. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: in shingle. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Background: pale background. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS10D dSLR and Macro MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -2.4. Latitude (deg): 50.6. Longitude (deg/min): 2° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 40' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Vegetative. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Photo summary: Hairs on underside of leaf veins. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -2.4. Latitude (deg): 50.6. Longitude (deg/min): 2° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 40' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Vegetative. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Photo summary: Hairs on underside of leaf veins. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -2.4. Latitude (deg): 50.6. Longitude (deg/min): 2° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 40' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Vegetative. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Photo summary: Hairs on underside of leaf veins. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -2.4. Latitude (deg): 50.6. Longitude (deg/min): 2° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 40' N. Vice county name: Dorset. Vice county no.: 9. Country: England. Stage: Vegetative. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Photo summary: Hairs on underside of leaf veins. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Where photo was taken: Arranged. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR and MP-E 65mm x1 to x5 macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -0.2. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: East Sussex. Vice county no.: 14. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment:
specimen with a few branches. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Longitude (deg): -0.2. Latitude (deg): 50.8. Longitude (deg/min): 0° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 50' N. Vice county name: East Sussex. Vice county no.: 14. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment:
specimen with a few branches. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: enlarged. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Longitude (deg): -3.6. Latitude (deg): 50.2. Longitude (deg/min): 3° 40' W. Latitude (deg/min): 50° 20' N. Vice county name: South Devon. Vice county no.: 3. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment:
specimen with a few branches. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: "35mm transparencies (on a variety of films, but Agfa CT18 in the 1960's to early 1980's followed by Fujichrome in the late 1980's.) Transparencies scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II AF-2820U transparency scanner.".
Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, Austria
Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, Austria
Hirschegg, Vorarlberg, Austria
Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, Austria
Hurn, England, United Kingdom
close up image of Rumex crispus CURLY DOCK at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing fruit growing in whorls clusters on a raceme
close up image of Rumex crispus CURLY DOCK at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing fruit with heart shaped wingsThis is an invasive, non-native species at the Peacock/Woodworth Prairie.
Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Clifton, Florida, United States
field image of Rumex crispus CURLY DOCK at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing several racemes with fruit
field image of Rumex crispus CURLY DOCK at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing several leaves, stem, and fruited racemes
Jason Sharp;Boyd Hill, Pinellas County, Florida
Christmas, Florida, United States