
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Tretoserphus Townes 1981
Genus recognized by GBIF classification

Alternative Names

Cryptoserphus melanderi Brues 1919
Heterotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cryptoserphus perkinsi Nixon 1942
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Proctotrupes foveolatus Moeller 1882
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Proctotrupes laricis Haliday 1839
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Serphus nigricauda Kieffer 1908
Heterotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Harvest ancestor according to GBIF national node type records Sweden

Common Names

There are no common names associated with this taxon.

Curated hierarchies for Tretoserphus