
Brief Summary

provided by Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
Members of this subgenus are all fossorial, and many of them nest gregariously in the same site year after year. So far as known the Nearctic species construct multicelled nests, each cell at the end of a lateral from the vertical or oblique burrow. Preferred prey are nymphs or adults of Tettigoniidae, but occasionally Gryllacrididae are also stored. Our species practice mass provisioning, but one Oriental species practices progressive provisioning and is also unusual in constructing 1-celled nests.
bibliographic citation
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. 1979. Prepared cooperatively by specialists on the various groups of Hymenoptera under the direction of Karl V. Krombein and Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Smithsonian Institution, and David R. Smith and B. D. Burks, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Insect Identification and Beneficial Insect Introduction Institute. Science and Education Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.

Esfex ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Sphex és un gènere d'himenòpters de la família dels esfècids. Capturen altres insectes, sovint ortòpters, als quals paralitzen, però no maten, amb les toxines que els hi injecten amb el seu fibló. La femella pon els ous en aquests niu i les larves s'alimenten dels insectes paralitzats, als qual devoren vius.


Llista d'espècies

El gènere Sphex té més de 100 espècies: [1]


Enllaços externs

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Esfex: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Sphex és un gènere d'himenòpters de la família dels esfècids. Capturen altres insectes, sovint ortòpters, als quals paralitzen, però no maten, amb les toxines que els hi injecten amb el seu fibló. La femella pon els ous en aquests niu i les larves s'alimenten dels insectes paralitzats, als qual devoren vius.

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Sphex ( German )

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Heuschreckensandwespe beim Transport einer Zweifarbigen Beißschrecke

Sphex ist eine Gattung der Grabwespen (Spheciformes) aus der Familie Sphecidae. Die weltweit verbreitete Gattung umfasst 100 Arten. In der Paläarktis sind 15 Arten vertreten,[1] in Europa kommen fünf Arten vor.[2]


Die Gattung umfasst neben kleinen meist große bis sehr große Arten. So zählen manche Arten zu den größten Hautflüglern überhaupt. Die Tiere sind schwarz und rot gefärbt und haben Ähnlichkeit mit Kurzstielsandwespen (Podalonia) und Sandwespen (Ammophila). Anders als diese haben sie jedoch einen kürzeren Stiel an der Hinterleibsbasis, zweizähnige Klauen und eine andere Flügeladerung.[1]


Die Weibchen legen ihre Nester meist in sandigem oder steinigem Boden an. Es gibt aber auch Arten, die in Erde, Mauerfugen oder hohlen Stängeln nisten. Bei Nestern in Stängeln werden die Zellen hintereinander angelegt und durch zerkleinertes Pflanzenmaterial abgetrennt. Nester im Boden liegen am Ende einer 10 bis 15 Zentimeter langen Röhre und enden in einer waagerecht oder schräg liegenden Zelle. Die Brut wird mit Lang- und Kurzfühlerschrecken versorgt. Die Imagines sind in ihren Bewegungen auffallend träge. Sie suchen ihre Beute sowohl zu Fuß, als auch fliegend. Flüchtenden Heuschrecken wird nachgeflogen. Es kommt nicht selten vor, dass während der Suchflüge Objekte wie Blätter oder Zweige, die gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit Beutetieren haben, und sogar Schatten angegriffen werden. Die Beutetiere werden zunächst, auf ihrem Rücken sitzend, mit weit nach vorne gekrümmtem Hinterleib in die Gelenkhäute der Hüften der Vorderbeine gestochen, anschließend wird ein zweiter Stich in die Hüfte der mittleren oder meist hinteren Beine gesetzt. Versucht die Heuschrecke dabei mit Sprüngen zu fliehen, klammert sich das Weibchen trotzdem an ihrem Opfer fest. Ist das Opfer betäubt wird es mit den Mandibeln an den Fühlerbasen gepackt und in der Regel gehend zum Nest transportiert. Nicht selten werden den Tieren auch teilweise Beine abgebissen.[1]

Arten (Europa)



  1. a b c Manfred Blösch: Die Grabwespen Deutschlands: Lebensweise, Verhalten, Verbreitung. 1. Auflage. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2, S. 137.
  2. Sphex. Fauna Europaea, abgerufen am 24. Juli 2010.


  • Manfred Blösch: Die Grabwespen Deutschlands: Lebensweise, Verhalten, Verbreitung. 1. Auflage. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2.


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Sphex: Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Heuschreckensandwespe beim Transport einer Zweifarbigen Beißschrecke

Sphex ist eine Gattung der Grabwespen (Spheciformes) aus der Familie Sphecidae. Die weltweit verbreitete Gattung umfasst 100 Arten. In der Paläarktis sind 15 Arten vertreten, in Europa kommen fünf Arten vor.

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Оса-копач ( Macedonian )

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Осите-копачи (лат. Sphex) е космополитски род на предатори од семејството Тенкостомачни оси кои својот плен го убодуваат и парализираат. Постојат над 130 познати видови на вакви оси. Пред да положи јајца, осата спрема „гнездо“ (некои видови гнездото го копаат во земја, а пак други се гнездат во постоечки дупки) и ставаат залихи од фатени инсекти. Пленот го оставаат жив, но парализиран од токсичните материи. Потоа осите ги поставуваат јајцата во вака приготвеното гнездо. Кога осините ларви ќе излезат, тие е хранат со парализираните инсекти.

Добро познат вид на вакви оси е големата златна оса-копач (Sphex ichneumoneus) која живее во Северна Америка. Нејзините млади презимуваат во гнездото. Кога ќе достигнат возраст, осите во себе веќе имаат генетски програмирано поведение и постапки кои се потребни за уште една сезона на изградба на гнездо и нов пород. Во текот на летото една женка гради и до шест гнезда, секое со џебови за јајца. Изградбата и снабдувањето со залихи на гнездото се врши на мошне стереотипен начин, при што секој чекор е строго предодреден.

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provided by wikipedia EN

Wasps of the genus Sphex (commonly known as digger wasps) are cosmopolitan predators that sting and paralyze prey insects. Sphex is one of many genera in the old digger wasp family Sphecidae (sensu lato), though most apart from the Sphecinae have now been moved to the family Crabronidae.[1] There are over 130 known Sphex species.


In preparation for egg laying, they construct a protected "nest" (some species dig nests in the ground, while others use pre-existing holes) and then stock it with captured insects. Typically, the prey are left alive, but paralyzed by wasp toxins. The wasps lay their eggs in the provisioned nest and the wasp larvae feed on the paralyzed insects as they develop.

The great golden digger wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus) is found in North America. The developing wasps spend the winter in their nest. When the new generation of adults emerge, they contain the genetically programmed behaviors required to carry out another season of nest building. During the summer, a female might build as many as six nests, each with several compartments for her eggs. The building and provisioning of the nests takes place in a stereotypical, step-by-step fashion.

Sphex has been shown, as in some Jean-Henri Fabre studies,[2] not to count how many crickets it collects for its nest. Although the wasp instinctively searches for four crickets, it cannot take into account a lost cricket, whether the cricket has been lost to ants or flies or simply been misplaced. Sphex drags its cricket prey towards its burrow by the antennae; if the antennae of the cricket are cut off, the wasp would not think to continue to pull its prey by a leg.

The navigation abilities of Sphex were studied by the ethologist Niko Tinbergen.[3] Richard Dawkins and Jane Brockmann later studied female rivalry over nesting holes in Sphex ichneumoneus.[4]

Use in philosophy

Some writers in the philosophy of mind, most notably Daniel Dennett, have cited Sphex's behavior for their arguments about human and animal free will.[5]

Some Sphex wasps drop a paralyzed insect near the opening of the nest. Before taking provisions into the nest, the Sphex first inspects the nest, leaving the prey outside. During the inspection, an experimenter can move the prey a few inches away from the opening. When the Sphex emerges from the nest ready to drag in the prey, it finds the prey missing. The Sphex quickly locates the moved prey, but now its behavioral "program" has been reset. After dragging the prey back to the opening of the nest, once again the Sphex is compelled to inspect the nest, so the prey is again dropped and left outside during another stereotypical inspection of the nest. This iteration can be repeated several times without the Sphex changing its sequence; by some accounts, endlessly. Dennett's argument quotes an account of Sphex behavior from Dean Wooldridge's Machinery of the Brain (1963).[6] Douglas Hofstadter[7] and Daniel Dennett[8] have used this mechanistic behavior as an example of how seemingly thoughtful behavior can actually be quite mindless, the opposite of free will (or, as Dennett described it, sphexishness).

Philosopher Fred Keijzer challenges this use of Sphex, citing experiments in which behavioral adaptations are observed after many iterations. Keijzer sees the persistence of the Sphex example in cognitive theory as an indication of its rhetorical usefulness, not its factual accuracy.[9] Of course, the repeated inspection of a disturbed nest may very well be an adaptive behavior, thus diminishing the aptness of Hofstadter's metaphor. As he concludes, "There is no reason for humans to remain stuck in an endless behavioral loop when wasps don’t."[10]


Sphex argentatus
Sphex funerarius with prey

The genus Sphex contains 132 extant species:[11]

Fossil Species


  1. ^ Pulawski, Wojciech J. (25 April 2021) [2014]. "Family Group Names and Classification: and taxa excluded from Sphecidae sensu lato" (PDF). California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  2. ^ Fabre, J.H. (1915/2001). The hunting wasps. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company.
  3. ^ Tinbergen, N. (1974). Curious naturalists (2nd Ed). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  4. ^ Dawkins, Richard; Brockmann, H. Jane (1980). "Do Digger Wasps Commit the Concorde Fallacy?" (PDF). Animal Behaviour. 28 (3): 892–896. doi:10.1016/s0003-3472(80)80149-7. S2CID 54319297. Retrieved 19 July 2015.
  5. ^ Dennett, Daniel (1973). "Mechanism and responsibility". In T. Honderich (Ed.), Essays on freedom of action. London: Routledge.
  6. ^ Dean Wooldridge (1963). The Machinery of the Brain. McGraw-Hill
  7. ^ Hofstadter, Douglas (1985). "On the seeming paradox of mechanizing creativity". In Metamagical themas. Penguin. pp. 526–546.
  8. ^ Dennett, Daniel (1973). "Mechanism and responsibility". In T. Honderich (Ed.), Essays on freedom of action. London: Routledge.
  9. ^ Keijzer, Fred. "The Sphex story: How the cognitive sciences kept repeating an old and questionable anecdote" (PDF). Retrieved 19 July 2015.
  10. ^ ibid.
  11. ^ Pulawski, Wojciech (11 October 2021). "Sphex" (PDF). California Academy of Sciences.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

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Sphex: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Wasps of the genus Sphex (commonly known as digger wasps) are cosmopolitan predators that sting and paralyze prey insects. Sphex is one of many genera in the old digger wasp family Sphecidae (sensu lato), though most apart from the Sphecinae have now been moved to the family Crabronidae. There are over 130 known Sphex species.

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Sphex ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Sphex argentatus

Sphex es un género de himenópteros de la familia Sphecidae, comúnmente conocidas como avispas excavadoras. Se conocen más de 130 especies.

Son depredadores cosmopolitas que pican y paralizan insectos presa. En preparación para la puesta de huevos construyen un nido protegido (la mayoría excavan nidos en el suelo, mientras que otras utilizan agujeros preexistentes). Luego almacenan insectos capturados, Dictyoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera o saltamontes longicornios o arañas. Típicamente las presas se dejan con vida, pero paralizadas por las toxinas de la avispa. Las avispas ponen sus huevos en el nido aprovisionado, en algunas especies, la madre continúa trayendo presas a sus crías. Cuando nacen las larvas, se alimentan de los insectos paralizados.

La bien conocida especie de la gran avispa excavadora dorada (Sphex ichneumoneus) se encuentra en América del Norte. Las avispas en desarrollo pasan el invierno en su nido. Durante el verano una hembra puede construir hasta seis nidos, cada uno con varias celdillas para sus huevos. La construcción y el aprovisionamiento de los nidos se lleva a cabo según un estilo paso a paso estereotipado.

Sphex funerarius con presa

Las capacidades de navegación de Sphex fueron estudiadas por el etólogo Niko Tinbergen.[1]Richard Dawkins y Jane Brockmann estudiaron las rivalidades por nidos entre hembras de Sphex ichneumoneus.[2]


Muchas especies que estaban antiguamente en esta familia han sido llevadas a otras familias.

El género Sphex contiene más de 100 especies:[3]


  1. Tinbergen, N. (1974). Curious naturalists (2nd Ed). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  2. Dawkins, Richard; Brockmann, H. Jane (1980). «Do Digger Wasps Commit the Concorde Fallacy?». Animal Behaviour 28: 892-896. doi:10.1016/s0003-3472(80)80149-7. Consultado el 19 July 2015.
  3. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «'Sphex Linnaeus, 1758 (TSN 154326)» (en inglés).
  4. Pulawski, Wojciech J. (30 Diciembre 2015). Bibliograph of Sphecidae sensu lato (= Apoidea excluyendo Apidae sensu lato)(= Heterogynaidae, Ampulicidae, Sphecidae y Crabronidae).
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Sphex: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Sphex argentatus

Sphex es un género de himenópteros de la familia Sphecidae, comúnmente conocidas como avispas excavadoras. Se conocen más de 130 especies.

Son depredadores cosmopolitas que pican y paralizan insectos presa. En preparación para la puesta de huevos construyen un nido protegido (la mayoría excavan nidos en el suelo, mientras que otras utilizan agujeros preexistentes). Luego almacenan insectos capturados, Dictyoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera o saltamontes longicornios o arañas. Típicamente las presas se dejan con vida, pero paralizadas por las toxinas de la avispa. Las avispas ponen sus huevos en el nido aprovisionado, en algunas especies, la madre continúa trayendo presas a sus crías. Cuando nacen las larvas, se alimentan de los insectos paralizados.

La bien conocida especie de la gran avispa excavadora dorada (Sphex ichneumoneus) se encuentra en América del Norte. Las avispas en desarrollo pasan el invierno en su nido. Durante el verano una hembra puede construir hasta seis nidos, cada uno con varias celdillas para sus huevos. La construcción y el aprovisionamiento de los nidos se lleva a cabo según un estilo paso a paso estereotipado.

Sphex funerarius con presa

Las capacidades de navegación de Sphex fueron estudiadas por el etólogo Niko Tinbergen.​ Richard Dawkins y Jane Brockmann estudiaron las rivalidades por nidos entre hembras de Sphex ichneumoneus.​

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Sphex ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Sphex est un genre d'insectes hyménoptères de la famille des sphécidés. Ce sont des guêpes solitaires et fouisseuses. Sphex flavipennis en est l'espèce-type[1].


Les sphex sont de taille moyenne ou grande, les premiers segments de leur abdomen et les pattes sont en partie rougeâtres, le reste étant noir, mais parfois ils sont entièrement noirs. Les mandibules de la femelle sont plus longues que celles du mâle ; elle porte un peigne tarsal bien développé sur ses pattes avant. Les sphex nidifient dans le sol, chaque galerie donnant accès à plusieurs cellules. Ils se nourrissent essentiellement de sauterelles, et occasionnellement de grillons[1].

Liste des espèces européennes

Sauf exception, cette liste est établie grâce aux données de Fauna Europaea[2].

Liste complète des espèces

Sphex nudus (en) (Amérique du Nord)
Sphex habenus (en) (Arizona)
Sphex indéterminé (Australie)

Sauf exception, cette liste provient de ITIS[3]


  1. a et b Bitsch, J., Barbier Y., Gayubo S. F., Schmidt & Ohl. M. (1997). Hyménoptères Sphecidae d'Europe Occidentale. Volume 2. Faune de France 82. Fédération française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris. 429 pp. Volume 2.
  2. (en) Référence Fauna Europaea : Sphex (Linnaeus, 1758)
  3. (fr+en) Référence ITIS : Sphex

Voir aussi

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Sphex: Brief Summary ( French )

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Sphex ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Sphex Linnaeus, 1758 è un genere di insetti apoidei appartenente alla famiglia Sphecidae.


Il genere è formato da 118 specie[1] e 4 di esse sono presenti in Italia[2]:


  1. ^ California Academy of Sciences, Genere Sphex (PDF), su research.calacademy.org. URL consultato il 15 luglio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 luglio 2014).
  2. ^ Fauna Italia, Sphex in Italia, su faunaitalia.it. URL consultato il 15 luglio 2014.

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Sphex: Brief Summary ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Sphex Linnaeus, 1758 è un genere di insetti apoidei appartenente alla famiglia Sphecidae.

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Sphex ( Portuguese )

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As vespas do gênero Sphex (vulgarmente conhecidas como vespas-cavadoras) são predadores cosmopolitas pertencentes à família Sphecidae que picam e paralisam alguns insetos. Existem mais de 130 espécies conhecidas de vespas-cavadoras. Na preparação para colocarem seus ovos, constróem um "ninho" protegido (algumas espécies cavam ninhos no chão, enquanto outras usam buracos pré-existentes) e então colocam aí os insetos que capturam. Geralmente as presas são deixadas vivas, mas paralisadas pelas toxinas da vespa. As vespas põem seus ovos no ninho e quando as larvas saem, elas se alimentam dos insetos paralisados que se encontram dentro dele.

Uma conhecida espécie de vespa-cavadora é a (Sphex ichneumoneus) encontrada na América do Norte. As vespas em desenvolvimento passam o inverno dentro dos ninhos. Quando a nova geração de adultos emerge, ela contém os comportamentos geneticamente programados requeridos para levar a cabo outra temporada de construção de ninhos. Durante o verão, uma fêmea pode construir até doze ninhos, cada um com muitos compartimentos separados para seus ovos. A construção e provisão dos ninhos é feita passo-a-passo.

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Ong vò võ ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Ong vò võ[1] hay ong tò vò (Danh pháp khoa học: Sphex) là một chi trong họ Sphecidae, với các loài ong thường bắt động vật nhỏ làm mồi cho ấu trùng của nó thậm chí còn có thể bắt gián làm thức ăn cho con mình.

Các loài

Chi này hiện có hơn 100 loài[2]

Tham khảo

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Ong vò võ: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Ong vò võ hay ong tò vò (Danh pháp khoa học: Sphex) là một chi trong họ Sphecidae, với các loài ong thường bắt động vật nhỏ làm mồi cho ấu trùng của nó thậm chí còn có thể bắt gián làm thức ăn cho con mình.

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Сфексы ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Латинское название Sphex Linnaeus, 1758 Виды

см. текст

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 154326 NCBI 871001

Сфе́ксы[1][2] (Sphex) — род роющих ос (Sphecidae), распространённых по всему миру, включающий около 120 видов.


Длина 1,5—3,5 см. Окраска черная, у части видов передняя часть брюшка красного цвета. Крылья затемнены и имеют темный край. У самок ноги частично красные.

Охотятся на насекомых (ловят саранчу, кузнечиков и сверчков), которых убивают или парализуют, после чего переносят в гнездо, где кормят ими своих личинок. Гнездятся в почве.


Голарктика: Северная Африка, южная Европа, на восток вплоть до Монголии. Северная граница распространения проходит в Германии, изолированная популяция найдена на острове Готланд и является единственной в Скандинавии. В Неарктике около 10 видов[3]. Палеарктика: 19 видов, Неарктика: 13, Неотропика: 31, Афротропика: 30, Индомалайзия: 22, Австралазия + Океания: 34 вида[4].


Типовой вид Sphex flavipennis Fabricius, 1793 обозначен Международной комиссией по зоологической номенклатуре (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1946: 571).


  • Sphaex Scopoli, 1772:122
  • Ammobia Billberg, 1820:105
  • Proterosphex Fernald, 1905:163
  • Fernaldina Bohart & Menke, 1963:130

Список видов

Среди примерно 120 видов:[4]

Красная книга

Некоторые виды стали редкими и охраняются в регионах. Например, Sphex atropilosus (Kohl) включен в Красную книгу Ульяновской области.[5]


  1. Горностаев Г. Н. Насекомые СССР. — Москва: Мысль, 1970. — 372 с. — (Справочники-определители географа и путешественника).
  2. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 301. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  3. Nomina — Hymenoptera: Sphecidae Архивировано 30 июля 2009 года.
  4. 1 2 Thorleif H. Dörfel, Michael Ohl. A revision of the Australian digger wasps in the genus Sphex (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) (англ.) // ZooKeys : Журнал. — Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, 2015. — Vol. 521. — P. 1-104. — ISSN 1313-2970.
  5. Красная книга Ульяновской области.
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Сфексы: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Сфе́ксы (Sphex) — род роющих ос (Sphecidae), распространённых по всему миру, включающий около 120 видов.

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泥蜂屬 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科


北美洲Sphex ichneumoneus是掘土蜂中较出名的。掘土蜂在巢中度过冬天。当成年蜂的下一代孵化,它们保留的遗传的行为,开始为下一个季节筑巢。夏季,一只雌性掘土蜂可能筑半打巢,每一只里都产下她的卵。建造和准备工作都很有步骤。


Sphex argentatus
Sphex funerarius with prey



  1. ^ {{subst:中国经济昆虫志/52 | chapter=Ⅱ.分类 二、泥蜂亚科Sphecinae(四)泥蜂族 Sphecini | access-date=2018-11-11 }}
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Sphex Linnaeus, 1758. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (英语).
  3. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为zgdwz的参考文献提供内容
  4. ^ Pulawski, Wojciech J. (30 December 2015). Bibliograph of Sphecidae sensu lato (= Apoidea excluding Apidae sensu lato)(= Heterogynaidae, Ampulicidae, Sphecidae, and Crabronidae).

泥蜂屬: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科


北美洲Sphex ichneumoneus是掘土蜂中较出名的。掘土蜂在巢中度过冬天。当成年蜂的下一代孵化,它们保留的遗传的行为,开始为下一个季节筑巢。夏季,一只雌性掘土蜂可能筑半打巢,每一只里都产下她的卵。建造和准备工作都很有步骤。
