
Kaloula ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Kaloula és un gènere de granotes de la família Microhylidae.

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Kaloula ( German )

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Männchen und Weibchen von Kaloula rigida in Amplexus

Kaloula ist eine Froschgattung aus der Unterfamilie der Echten Engmaulfrösche in der Familie der Engmaulfrösche.


Die Pupillen sind rundlich, der vertikale Durchmesser kann den horizontalen aber gelegentlich übertreffen. Die Zunge ist länglich, ganzrandig und hinten frei abhebbar. Die Gaumenknochen bilden zwei scharfe und zuweilen bezahnte Querleisten hinter den Choanen. Vor dem Schlund sind zwei häutige und mehr oder weniger gezähnelte Querfalten vorhanden. Das Trommelfell ist unsichtbar. Die Finger sind meistens frei. Die Zehen sind frei oder durch Schwimmhäute verbunden. Diese greifen aber nicht zwischen die Metatarsen der 4. und 5. Zehe ein. Die Finger- und Zehenspitzen sind mehr oder weniger stark verbreitert und besitzen dreieckige oder T-förmige knöcherne Endphalangen. Die Praecoracoide und das Omosternum fehlen. Das Sternum ist knorpelig. Die Querfortsätze des Sacralwirbels sind mäßig stark verbreitert.[1]


Die Gattung kommt von Korea und dem nördlichen China bis zu den Kleinen Sundainseln und den Philippinen vor sowie in Bangladesch, Indien und Sri Lanka, möglicherweise auch in Nepal.[2]


Die Gattung Kaloula wurde 1831 von John Edward Gray erstbeschrieben. Sie umfasst 17 Arten:[2]

Stand: 29. April 2022

Kaloula taprobanica Parker, 1934 wurde in die Gattung Uperodon gestellt und heißt nun Uperodon taprobanicus.[3]


  1. Fritz Nieden: Anura II. In: F. E. Schulze, W. Kükenthal, K. Heider (Hrsg.): Das Tierreich. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin und Leipzig 1926, S. 21–22.
  2. a b Darrel R. Frost: Kaloula Gray, 1831. In: Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0, American Museum of Natural History, New York 1998-2015, abgerufen am 15. Oktober 2015
  3. Pedro L. V. Peloso, Darrel R. Frost, Stephen J. Richards, Miguel T. Rodrigues, Stephen Donnellan, Masafumi Matsui, Cristopher J. Raxworthy, S.D. Biju, Emily Moriarty Lemmon, Alan R. Lemmon & Ward C. Wheeler: The impact of anchored phylogenomics and taxon sampling on phylogenetic inference in narrow-mouthed frogs (Anura, Microhylidae). Cladistics, 3, 1-28, März 2015 doi:10.1111/cla.12118
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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Kaloula baleata  src= Kaloula picta  src= Männchen und Weibchen von Kaloula rigida in Amplexus

Kaloula ist eine Froschgattung aus der Unterfamilie der Echten Engmaulfrösche in der Familie der Engmaulfrösche.

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Buqa baqalar ( Uzbek )

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Buqa baqalar (Kaloula) - dumsiz amfibiyalar turkumi urugʻi, tor opoli baqalar oilasiga mansub. Bu urugʻning 11 turi bor. Buqa baqalar Jan.Sharqiy Osiyo va Malayya arxipelagida tarqalgan. Bu urugʻning eng yirigi — hind buqa baqasi (K. pulchra), boʻyi 8 sm cha, gavdasi yapaloq — eni boʻyidan ikki baravar ortiq. Barmoklari orasidagi suzgich pardalari sust rivojlangan. Panjasida yerni kovlaydigan oʻtkir qirrali boʻrtmasi bor. Gavdasining usti toʻq boʻz rang , boshi qovoq rang , qorni qizgʻishsariq. Erkagining ovozi juda baland. Yomgʻir yoqqanda kechasi bilan tinmay qurillashi uzokdan eshitiladi. Tuxumini suvga qoʻyadi. Undan 2 haftadan soʻng itbaliq chiqadi. Buqa baqalar chumolilar, mayda kapalaklar va hasharotlar bilan oziqlanadi.


  • OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil

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Buqa baqalar: Brief Summary ( Uzbek )

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Buqa baqalar (Kaloula) - dumsiz amfibiyalar turkumi urugʻi, tor opoli baqalar oilasiga mansub. Bu urugʻning 11 turi bor. Buqa baqalar Jan.Sharqiy Osiyo va Malayya arxipelagida tarqalgan. Bu urugʻning eng yirigi — hind buqa baqasi (K. pulchra), boʻyi 8 sm cha, gavdasi yapaloq — eni boʻyidan ikki baravar ortiq. Barmoklari orasidagi suzgich pardalari sust rivojlangan. Panjasida yerni kovlaydigan oʻtkir qirrali boʻrtmasi bor. Gavdasining usti toʻq boʻz rang , boshi qovoq rang , qorni qizgʻishsariq. Erkagining ovozi juda baland. Yomgʻir yoqqanda kechasi bilan tinmay qurillashi uzokdan eshitiladi. Tuxumini suvga qoʻyadi. Undan 2 haftadan soʻng itbaliq chiqadi. Buqa baqalar chumolilar, mayda kapalaklar va hasharotlar bilan oziqlanadi.

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provided by wikipedia EN

Kaloula is a genus of microhylid frogs found in southern and eastern Asia. They are sometimes known as the Asian narrowmouth toads.[2]


The genus currently has at least 19 species.[2] Some sources also recognize Kaloula macrocephala Bourret, 1942 as a valid species,[3][4] whereas the Amphibian Species of the World treats it as a synonym of Kaloula pulchra.[2] 5 new species have been described since 2000, and there are unnamed species yet to be described.[2]

Binomial name and author Common name Range Kaloula assamensis Das, Sengupta, Ahmed, and Dutta, 2005 Assam, India Kaloula aureata Nutphand, 1989 Golden bullfrog southern Thailand Kaloula baleata (Müller in Oort & Müller, 1836) Flower pot toad South-eastern Asia Kaloula borealis (Barbour, 1908) North-eastern Asia Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863) Truncate-toed chorus frog Philippines Kaloula ghoshi Cherchi, 1954 Brown bullfrog Andaman Islands Kaloula indochinensis Chan, Blackburn, Murphy, Stuart, Emmett, Ho, and Brown, 2013 Indochina Kaloula kalingensis Taylor, 1922 Kalinga narrowmouth toad Philippines Kaloula kokacii Ross & Gonzales, 1992 Catanduanes narrow-mouthed frog northern Philippines Kaloula latidisca Chan, Grismer & Brown, 2014 Wide-disked narrow-mouthed frog Malaysia Kaloula mediolineata Smith, 1917 Indochina Kaloula meridionalis Inger, 1954 Philippines Kaloula nonggangensis Mo, Zhang, Zhou, Chen, Tang, Meng, and Chen, 2013 Guangxi, south-western China Kaloula picta (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Slender-digit chorus frog Philippines Kaloula pulchra Gray, 1831 Banded bullfrog, Chubby frog Southern and south-eastern Asia Kaloula rigida Taylor, 1922 Luzon narrow-mouthed frog northern Philippines Kaloula rugifera Stejneger, 1924 South-western China Kaloula verrucosa Boulenger, 1904 South-western China Kaloula walteri Diesmos, Brown & Alcala, 2002 northern Philippines

Kaloula pulchra, Kaloula picta, and Kaloula borealis are the most widespread and commonly found varieties, often living near human settlements.

Blackburn, et al. (2013)[5] lists several Kaloula varieties that are likely to be new, previously undescribed species.


A molecular phylogenetic study by Mo et al. (2013)[6] suggests that the only four Kaloula species found in China, namely Kaloula borealis, Kaloula nonggangensis, Kaloula rugifera, and Kaloula verrucosa, belong to a monophyletic group, termed the K. verrucosa group.

Blackburn, et al. (2013)[5] consider Kaloula species endemic to the Philippines to form a monophyletic group, containing the species Kaloula walteri, Kaloula rigida, Kaloula conjuncta, Kaloula picta, Kaloula kalingensis, and Kaloula kokacii. Kaloula likely colonized the Philippines from Southeast Asia during the Late Miocene, and then radiated into different ecotypes.[5] K. kalingensis and K. kokacii occupy niches as arboreal tree-hole frogs in northern and southern Luzon respectively, while K. rigida and K. walteri are ground frogs in northern and southern Luzon respectively. K. picta, which is a terrestrial ground frog, and K. conjuncta, which is scansorial (climbing) and prefers shrubs, have established themselves throughout the Philippine archipelago. K. picta as well as K. pulchra display the lowest internal genetic diversity, but also have widespread geographical distributions that may have likely occurred be due to human activity.

Excluding Kaloula taprobanica, the most recent common ancestor of Kaloula likely existed about 22.3 million years ago, around the OligoceneMiocene boundary. The most recent common ancestor of the terrestrial species K. rigida and K. walteri likely lived 4.8 million years ago during the Early Pliocene, while that of the arboreal species K. kalingensis and K. kokacii likely lived 9.1 million years ago. The most recent common ancestor of K. conjuncta, which currently has four recognized subspecies, likely lived 4.4 million years ago.[5]

Blackburn, et al. (2013)[5] suggests that Kaloula taprobanica might not form a clade with the other Kaloula species, although it does clearly form a clade with Metaphrynella, Ramanella, and the rest of Kaloula.

Other studies relating to Kaloula phylogeny include van Bocxlaer et al. (2007),[1] Matsui et al. (2011),[7] and Trueb et al. (2011).[8]

The following phylogeny has been adapted from Blackburn, et al. (2013).[5] Kaloula assamensis, Kaloula taprobanica, and Kaloula aureata have not been included.


Kaloula verrucosa, Kaloula borealis, Kaloula rugifera, Kaloula nonggangensis[6]

Kaloula pulchra

Kaloula mediolineata

Kaloula baleata, Kaloula indochinensis, Kaloula latidisca[9]

(Philippine radiation)[5]

Kaloula kalingensis

Kaloula kokacii

Kaloula conjuncta

Kaloula picta

Kaloula rigida

Kaloula walteri


  1. ^ a b Van Bocxlaer I, Roelants K, Biju SD, Nagaraju J, Bossuyt F (December 2006). "Late Cretaceous vicariance in Gondwanan amphibians". PLOS ONE. 1 (1): e74. Bibcode:2006PLoSO...1...74B. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000074. PMC 1762348. PMID 17183706.
  2. ^ a b c d Frost, Darrel R. (2014). "Kaloula Gray, 1831". Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 21 September 2014.
  3. ^ "Kaloula macrocephala Bourret, 1942". Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  4. ^ "Microhylidae". AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. 2014. Retrieved 21 September 2014.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Blackburn DC, Siler CD, Diesmos AC, McGuire JA, Cannatella DC, Brown RM (September 2013). "An adaptive radiation of frogs in a southeast Asian island archipelago". Evolution. 67 (9): 2631–46. doi:10.1111/evo.12145. PMC 3920640. PMID 24033172.
  6. ^ a b Mo Y, Zhang W, Zhou S, Chen T, Tang H, Meng Y, Chen W (2013). "A new species of Kaloula (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) from southern Guangxi, China". Zootaxa. 3710: 165–78. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3710.2.3. PMID 26106681.
  7. ^ Matsui M, Hamidy A, Belabut DM, Ahmad N, Panha S, Sudin A, Khonsue W, Oh HS, Yong HS, Jiang JP, Nishikawa K (October 2011). "Systematic relationships of Oriental tiny frogs of the family Microhylidae (Amphibia, Anura) as revealed by mtDNA genealogy". Mol Phylogenet Evol. 61 (1): 167–76. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.05.015. PMID 21658458.
  8. ^ Trueb, L., R. Diaz, and D. C. Blackburn. 2011. Osteology and chondrocranial morphology of Gastrophryne carolinensis (Anura: Microhylidae), with a review of the osteological diversity of New World microhylids. Phyllomedusa 10:99–135.
  9. ^ Chan KO, Grismer LL, Brown RM (December 2014). "Reappraisal of the Javanese Bullfrog complex, Kaloula baleata (Müller, 1836) (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae), reveals a new species from Peninsular Malaysia". Zootaxa. 3900 (4): 569–80. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3900.4.7. PMID 25543757.

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Kaloula: Brief Summary

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Kaloula is a genus of microhylid frogs found in southern and eastern Asia. They are sometimes known as the Asian narrowmouth toads.

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Kaloula ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Kaloula es un género de anfibios perteneciente a la familia Microhylidae que se distribuyen desde el subcontinente indio hasta el norte de China y la península de Corea; también en Indochina, Sondalandia, las islas Filipinas y la Wallacea.


Se reconocen las siguientes 19 especies:[1]

Además, incertae sedis:


  1. Frost, D.R. «Kaloula ». Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.1. (en inglés). Nueva York, EEUU: Museo Americano de Historia Natural. Consultado el 12 de febrero de 2021.
  2. Chan KO, Blackburn DC, Murphy RW, Stuart BL, Emmett DA, Ho CT, Brown RM. 2013. A new species of narrow-mouthed frog of the genus Kaloula from eastern Indochina. Herpetologica 69: 329-341.
  3. Chan, K. O., L. L. Grismer, and R. M. Brown. 2014. Reappraisal of the Javanese Bullfrog complex, Kaloula baleata (Müller, 1836) (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae), reveals a new species from Peninsular Malaysia. Zootaxa 3900 (4): 569–580.
  4. Yunming Mo, Wei Zhang, Shichu Zhou, Tianbo Chen, Huaxing Tang, Yuanjun Meng & Weicai Chen. 2013. A new species of Kaloula (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) from southern Guangxi, China. Zootaxa 3710 (2): 165–178.
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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Kaloula es un género de anfibios perteneciente a la familia Microhylidae que se distribuyen desde el subcontinente indio hasta el norte de China y la península de Corea; también en Indochina, Sondalandia, las islas Filipinas y la Wallacea.

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Kaloula ( Basque )

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Kaloula anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Microhylidae familian sailkatua.


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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Kaloula anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Microhylidae familian sailkatua.

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Kaloula ( French )

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Kaloula est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Microhylidae[1].


Les 17 espèces de ce genre se rencontrent en Asie du Sud, en Asie de l'Est et en Asie du Sud-Est[1].

Liste des espèces

Selon Amphibian Species of the World (4 avril 2020)[2] :


Les genres Hyladactylus[3] et Plectropus[4] ont été placés en synonymie avec Kaloula par Steindachner en 1867[5], Holonectes[6] par Cope en 1867[7] et Cacopoides[8] par Barbour en 1909[9].

Publication originale

  • Gray, 1831 : Description of two new genera of Frogs discovered by John Reeves, Esq. in China. The Zoological Miscellany, vol. 1, p. 38 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b Amphibian Species of the World, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Amphibian Species of the World, consulté le 4 avril 2020
  3. Tschudi, 1838 : Classification der Batrachier, mit Berucksichtigung der fossilen Thiere dieser Abtheilung der Reptilien, p. 1-99 (texte intégral).
  4. Duméril & Bibron, 1841 : Erpétologie générale ou Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles, vol. 8, p. 1-792 (texte intégral).
  5. Steindachner, 1867 : Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair (1861) - Zoologischer Theil - Erste Band - Amphibien p. 1-70 (texte intégral).
  6. Peters, 1863 : Fernere Mittheilungen über neue Batrachier. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, vol. 1863, p. 445-470 (texte intégral).
  7. Cope, 1867 : On the families of the raniform Anura. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, sér. 2, vol. 6, p. 189-206 (texte intégral).
  8. Barbour, 1908 : Some New Reptiles and Amphibians. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, vol. 51, p. 315-325 (texte intégral).
  9. Barbour, 1909 : On the true status of the genus Cacopoides. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 61, p. 401–405.
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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( French )

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Kaloula est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Microhylidae.

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Kaloula ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Kaloula is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie smalbekkikkers (Microhylidae). De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door John Edward Gray in 1831.[1]

Er zijn zeventien verschillende soorten, inclusief de pas in 2014 beschreven soort Kaloula latidisca. Alle soorten komen voor in delen van Azië en leven in de landen Bangladesh, China, India, Korea, de Filipijnen, de Kleine Soenda-eilanden en Sri Lanka.[2]


Geslacht Kaloula

  1. Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History, Kaloula.
  2. University of California - AmphibiaWeb, Kaloula.
  • (en) - Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History - Kaloula - Website Geconsulteerd 20 februari 2017
  • (en) - University of California - AmphibiaWeb - Kaloula - Website
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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Kaloula is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie smalbekkikkers (Microhylidae). De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door John Edward Gray in 1831.

Er zijn zeventien verschillende soorten, inclusief de pas in 2014 beschreven soort Kaloula latidisca. Alle soorten komen voor in delen van Azië en leven in de landen Bangladesh, China, India, Korea, de Filipijnen, de Kleine Soenda-eilanden en Sri Lanka.

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Kaloula ( Polish )

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Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Kaloula – rodzaj płazów bezogonowych z rodziny wąskopyskowatych, obejmujący gatunki występujące w Korei, północnych Chinach, Bangladeszu, Indiach, Sri Lance, na Małych Wyspach Sundajskich i na Filipinach.



  1. Zwierzęta: encyklopedia ilustrowana. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2005. ISBN 83-01-14344-4.


  1. Darrel Frost and The American Museum of Natural History: Kaloula Gray, 1831 (ang.). Amphibian Species of the World 6.0, an Online Reference. [dostęp 10 kwietnia 2018].
  2. Kaloula, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.) [dostęp 4 maja 2009]
p d e
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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Kaloula – rodzaj płazów bezogonowych z rodziny wąskopyskowatych, obejmujący gatunki występujące w Korei, północnych Chinach, Bangladeszu, Indiach, Sri Lance, na Małych Wyspach Sundajskich i na Filipinach.

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Kaloula ( Portuguese )

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Kaloula é um gênero de anfíbios da família Microhylidae.

As seguintes espécies são reconhecidas:[1]


  1. a b Frost, D.R. (2014). «Kaloula». Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Consultado em 27 de julho de 2014
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Kaloula: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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Kaloula é um gênero de anfíbios da família Microhylidae.

As seguintes espécies são reconhecidas:

Kaloula assamensis Das, Sengupta, Ahmed & Dutta, 2005 Kaloula aureata Nutphand, 1989 Kaloula baleata (Müller, 1836) Kaloula borealis (Barbour, 1908) Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863) Kaloula indochinensis Chan, Blackburn, Murphy, Stuart, Emmett, Ho & Brown, 2013 Kaloula kalingensis Taylor, 1922 Kaloula kokacii Ross & Gonzales, 1992 Kaloula mediolineata Smith, 1917 Kaloula nonggangensis Mo, Zhang, Zhou, Chen, Tang, Meng & Chen, 2013 Kaloula picta (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Kaloula pulchra Gray, 1831 Kaloula rigida Taylor, 1922 Kaloula rugifera Stejneger, 1924 Kaloula taprobanica Parker, 1934 Kaloula verrucosa Boulenger, 1904 Kaloula walteri Diesmos, Brown & Alcala, 2002
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Калоула ( Ukrainian )

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Загальна довжина представників цього роду коливається від 5 до 9 см. Голова коротка, масивна. Очі середнього розміру. Тулуб великий, у більшості видів округлий з короткими, проте потужними кінцівками. При цьому розширюється ззаду. Основне забарвлення переважно темних кольорів з великими світлими плямами, що розташовані хаотично (уодних калоул) або симетрично з боків (в інших калоул).

Спосіб життя

Полюбляють тропічні ліси, вологі місцини поблизу водойм. Активні переважно у присмерку. Живляться переважно комахами.

Це яйцекладні амфібії.


Мешкають від Індії, Шрі-Ланки, Бангладешу до Філіппін та Великих Зондських островів, а також у Китаї й Корейському півострові.


Біноміальна назва і автор Поширена назва Kaloula assamensis (Das, Sengupta, Ahmed, and Dutta, 2005) Kaloula baleata (Müller In Oort & Müller, 1833) Flower pot toad Kaloula borealis (Barbour, 1908) Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863) Truncate-toed chorus frog Kaloula kalingensis (Taylor, 1922) Kalinga narrowmouth toad Kaloula kokacii (Ross & Gonzales, 1992) Catanduanes narrow-mouthed frog Kaloula mediolineata (Smith, 1917) Kaloula picta (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Slender-digit chorus frog Kaloula pulchra (Gray, 1831) Chubby frog Kaloula rigida (Taylor, 1922) Luzon narrow-mouthed frog Kaloula rugifera (Stejneger, 1924) Kaloula taprobanica (Parker, 1934) Шрі-Ланкійська жаба-бак Kaloula verrucosa (Boulenger, 1904) Kaloula walteri (Diesmos, Brown & Alcala, 2002)


  • Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Retrieved on 24 september 2012.
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Chi Ễnh ương ( Vietnamese )

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Chi Ễnh ương (danh pháp khoa học: Kaloula) là một chi ễnh ương trong họ Nhái bầu.

Các loài

Danh pháp và tác giả Tên thông thường Kaloula assamensis (Das, Sengupta, Ahmed & Dutta, 2005) Ễnh ương Assam Kaloula aureata Nutphand, 1989 Kaloula baleata (Müller trong Oort & Müller, 1833) Ễnh ương nâu Kaloula borealis (Barbour, 1908) Ễnh ương phương bắc Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863) Ễnh ương ngón cụt, ễnh ương Philippine Kaloula kalingensis (Taylor, 1922) Ễnh ương ngón trơn, ễnh ương Kalinga Kaloula kokacii (Ross & Gonzales, 1992) Ễnh ương Catanduanes Kaloula mediolineata (Smith, 1917) Kaloula picta (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Ễnh ương ngón mảnh Kaloula pulchra (Gray, 1831)[1] Ễnh ương Kaloula rigida (Taylor, 1922) Ễnh ương Luzon Kaloula rugifera (Stejneger, 1924) Ễnh ương Tứ Xuyên Kaloula taprobanica (Parker, 1934) Ễnh ương Sri Lanka Kaloula verrucosa (Boulenger, 1904) Ễnh ương mụn cóc Kaloula walteri (Diesmos, Brown & Alcala, 2002)

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Có thể tách riêng loài Kaloula macrocephala chỉ có ở Việt Nam, như trong IUCN 2011.

Tham khảo

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Chi Ễnh ương: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Chi Ễnh ương (danh pháp khoa học: Kaloula) là một chi ễnh ương trong họ Nhái bầu.

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Бычьи лягушки ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Беспанцирные
Инфракласс: Batrachia
Надотряд: Прыгающие
Отряд: Бесхвостые
Подотряд: Neobatrachia
Подсемейство: Microhylinae
Род: Бычьи лягушки
Международное научное название

Kaloula J. E. Gray, 1831

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 207092NCBI 113379EOL 39333

Бычьи лягушки[1] (лат. Kaloula) — род земноводных из семейства Узкороты. Включает 16 видов.


Общая длина представителей этого рода колеблется от 5 до 9 см. Голова короткая, массивная. Глаза среднего размера. Туловище большое, у большинства видов округлое с короткими, но мощными конечностями. Фоновая окраска преимущественно тёмная с большими светлыми пятнами, расположенными хаотично (у одних видов) или симметрично по бокам (у других).

Образ жизни

Живут в тропических лесах во влажных местах вблизи водоёмов. Активны преимущественно в сумерках. Питаются в основном насекомыми.

Это яйцекладущие амфибии.


Встречаются от Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш до Филиппин и Больших Зондских островов, а также в Китае и на Корейском полуострове.


На ноябрь 2018 года в род включают 19 видов[2]:


  1. Ананьева Н. Б., Боркин Л. Я., Даревский И. С., Орлов Н. Л. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Амфибии и рептилии. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1988. — С. 42. — 10 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00232-X.
  2. Frost D. R. Kaloula. Amphibian Species of the World, an Online Reference. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (англ.)
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Бычьи лягушки: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Бычьи лягушки (лат. Kaloula) — род земноводных из семейства Узкороты. Включает 16 видов.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии