Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona, US
Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona, US
Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona, US
This mountaous perennial is common from Mt Heromn in N Israel to the Cilician Mts in Turkey. locally it is common and very impressive in bloom.
Inflorescences, Shannan, Xizang, China, 2009
Habitat, Shannan, Xizang, China, 2009
This mountain perennial is common between Cilicia (hence its name) in Turkey to Mt Hermon in N Israel. In Mt Hermon is paints the rocky slopes in beautiful violet.
Nepeta curviflora is an East Mediterranean perennial herb. It lfowers in April to early May with beautiful small violet flowers.
Nepeta floccosa is very common in Ladakh, blooming in late summer and autumn.
and a closer look at this delicate flower.
Nepeta govaniana is a common perennial herb of the subalpine zone in the Himalaya.
A short living perennial. Leaves opposite, crenate (with rounded teeth). Inflorescence spike-like, dense. Corolla purple hairy.
Nepeta trachonitica is a rare perennial growing in Mt Hermon and Jebel Druz (Syria). I found it in an open oak forest, 1550 m.
This mountaous perennial is common from Mt Heromn in N Israel to the Cilician Mts in Turkey. locally it is common and very impressive in bloom.
Botanical garden, Paris
Botanical garden, Paris