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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Botryosphaeria ramosa
Species recognized by
Botryosphaeria ramosa
(Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves
Species recognized by
GBIF nat'l node type records Netherlands
Botryosphaeria ramosa
(Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Botryosphaeria ramosa
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Fusicoccum ramosum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia EN
Alternative Names
Fusicoccum ramosum Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf. 2008
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Fusicoccum ramosum
Synonym according to
Fusicoccum ramosum Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Fusicoccum ramosum Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf. 2008
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
(this page)
Botryosphaeria abietina (Prill. & Delacr.) Maubl. 1907
Botryosphaeria abrupta Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Cooke 1885
Botryosphaeria acaciae (Hansf.) Dingley 1970
Botryosphaeria agaves (Henn.) E. J. Butler 1911
Botryosphaeria alibagensis C. Ramesh 1991
Botryosphaeria appendiculata Z. Q. Yuan & Old 1996
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones 2003
Botryosphaeria arxii Narendra & V. G. Rao 1975
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi (Henn.) Bat. & R. Garnier 1966
Botryosphaeria atrorufa (Pass.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum F. J. J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G. J. Marais 2014
Botryosphaeria bakeri Rehm 1913
Botryosphaeria berengeriana De Not. 1863
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii L. A. Kantsch. 1928
Botryosphaeria briosiana (Turconi & Maffei) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria brunneispora Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones 2003
Botryosphaeria buteae Tilak & S. B. Kale 1969
Botryosphaeria camarae A. C. Santos 1967
Botryosphaeria cassiicola V. G. Rao & Varghese 1980
Botryosphaeria cocoes (Petch) Wulandari 2014
Botryosphaeria cocogena Subileau, Renard & Lacoste 1994
Botryosphaeria cocoicola (Sivan.) K. D. Hyde & P. F. Cannon 1999
Botryosphaeria corticola A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque 2004
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi (Dias & Sousa da Câmara) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Botryosphaeria costae Viégas 1944
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae T. Z. Huang 1977
Botryosphaeria cyanospora (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria disrupta (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. & De Not. 1863
Botryosphaeria effusa (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria egenula Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler 1911
Botryosphaeria elaeidis Sivan. 1975
Botryosphaeria erythrinae Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae Bat. & H. Maia 1964
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana (S. F. Chen bis, Pavlic, M. J. Wingf. & X. D. Zhou) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria foliicola Sivan. & L. N. Nair 1988
Botryosphaeria fourcroyae (Henn.) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria funtumiae Marchal & Steyaert 1929
Botryosphaeria fusispora Boonmee, J. K. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Botryosphaeria gaubae Petr. 1968
Botryosphaeria halimodendri Kravtzev 1961
Botryosphaeria hamamelidis Rehm 1913
Botryosphaeria hemidesmi Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria heterochroma (Wollenw.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria hyperborea M. E. Barr 1970
Botryosphaeria iberica A. J. L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves 2005
Botryosphaeria indica Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria ingae A. K. Kar & Maity 1970
Botryosphaeria jasmini Chenant. 1910
Botryosphaeria juniperi (Desm.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria kumaonensis A. J. Roy 1968
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai (Hara) G. Y. Sun & E. Tanaka 2014
Botryosphaeria lagerheimii (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria laricis (Wehm.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria malvacearum (Trab.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria mapaniae (Schwein.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria marconii Charles & Jenkins 1914
Botryosphaeria microspora Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria minutispermatia Ariyaw., K. D. Hyde & Z. Y. Liu 2016
Botryosphaeria nephrodii Höhn. 1912
Botryosphaeria nerii Jadhav, Somani & Wangikar 1978
Botryosphaeria oblongula Sacc. 1917
Botryosphaeria parasitica (Rick) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria pasaniae Hara 1931
Botryosphaeria pedrosensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Bissett 1986
Botryosphaeria piceae A. Funk 1965
Botryosphaeria pipturi D. E. Gardner & Hodges 1988
Botryosphaeria pittospori (J. V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Dennis 1977
Botryosphaeria plicatula (Berk. & Broome) S. Ahmad 1979
Botryosphaeria populi A. J. L. Phillips 2000
Botryosphaeria prosopidis Mundk. & S. Ahmad 1946
Botryosphaeria prunicola Rehm 1912
Botryosphaeria pseudotsugae A. Funk 1975
Botryosphaeria purandharensis C. Ramesh 1991
Botryosphaeria quercus Wijayaw., A. J. L. Phillips, Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schwein.) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria rhododendri A. C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara 1954
Botryosphaeria rhododendricola (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria rosaceae
Botryosphaeria sacchari (Speg.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria sarmentorum A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque 2005
Botryosphaeria scharifii Abdollahz., Zare & A. J. L. Phillips 2013
Botryosphaeria senegalensis Speg. 1914
Botryosphaeria simplex Syd. 1927
Botryosphaeria sinensis Y. P. Zhou & Y. Zhang ter 2016
Botryosphaeria spiraeae M. E. Barr 1972
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria theicola Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria tiliacea Petr. 1916
Botryosphaeria trabutiana (Henn.) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria trames (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria tropicalis (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria uncariae Racib. 1909
Botryosphaeria viscosa (Cooke & Ellis) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria weigelae Theiss. 1916
Botryosphaeria xanthocephala (Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler) Theiss. 1916
Botryosphaeria xanthorrhoeae (Hansf.) Sivan. & B. Sutton 1985
Botryosphaeria zeae (G. L. Stout) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
3 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves
(this page)
Botryosphaeria abietina (Prill. & Delacr.) Maubl.
Botryosphaeria abrupta Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Cooke
Botryosphaeria acaciae (Hansf.) Dingley
Botryosphaeria agaves (Henn.) E. J. Butler
Botryosphaeria alibagensis C. Ramesh
Botryosphaeria appendiculata Z. Q. Yuan & Old
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones
Botryosphaeria arxii Narendra & V. G. Rao
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi (Henn.) Bat. & R. Garnier
Botryosphaeria atrorufa (Pass.) Weese
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum F. J. J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G. J. Marais
Botryosphaeria bakeri Rehm
Botryosphaeria berengeriana De Not.
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii L. A. Kantsch.
Botryosphaeria briosiana (Turconi & Maffei) Weese
Botryosphaeria brunneispora Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones
Botryosphaeria buteae Tilak & S. B. Kale
Botryosphaeria camarae A. C. Santos
Botryosphaeria cantareirensis (Henn.) Weese
Botryosphaeria cassiicola V. G. Rao & Varghese
Botryosphaeria cocoes (Petch) Wulandari
Botryosphaeria cocogena Subileau, Renard & Lacoste
Botryosphaeria cocoicola (Sivan.) K. D. Hyde & P. F. Cannon
Botryosphaeria corticis (Demaree & Wilcox) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria corticola A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi (Dias & Sousa da Câmara) J. Reid & C. Booth
Botryosphaeria costae Viégas
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae T. Z. Huang
Botryosphaeria cyanospora (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Weese
Botryosphaeria disrupta (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria dolichospermatii Z. P. Dou, W. He & Y. Zhang
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. & De Not.
Botryosphaeria effusa (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria egenula Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler
Botryosphaeria elaeidis Sivan.
Botryosphaeria erythrinae Petch
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae Bat. & H. Maia
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana (S. F. Chen, Pavlic, M. J. Wingf. & X. D. Zhou) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves
Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria ficina (Cooke & Harkn.) Weese
Botryosphaeria foliicola Sivan. & L. N. Nair
Botryosphaeria fujianensis Z. P. Dou, W. He & Y. Zhang
Botryosphaeria funtumiae Marchal & Steyaert
Botryosphaeria furcraeae (Henn.) Theiss.
Botryosphaeria fusispora Boonmee, Jian K. Liu & K. D. Hyde
Botryosphaeria gaubae Petr.
Botryosphaeria gleditsiae (Schwein.) Sacc.
Botryosphaeria guttulata Ya Ya Chen, A. J. Dissanayake & J. K. Liu
Botryosphaeria halimodendri Kravtzev
Botryosphaeria hemidesmi Tilak & Gaikwad
Botryosphaeria heterochroma (Wollenw.) Weese
Botryosphaeria hyperborea M. E. Barr
Botryosphaeria iberica A. J. L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves
Botryosphaeria indica Tilak & Gaikwad
Botryosphaeria ingae A. K. Kar & Maity
Botryosphaeria jasmini Chenant.
Botryosphaeria juniperi (Desm.) Weese
Botryosphaeria kumaonensis A. J. Roy
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai (Hara) G. Y. Sun & E. Tanaka
Botryosphaeria lagerheimii (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria laricis (Wehm.) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria malvacearum (Trab.) Weese
Botryosphaeria mapaniae (Schwein.) Weese
Botryosphaeria marconii Charles & Jenkins
Botryosphaeria microspora Petch
Botryosphaeria minutispermatia Ariyaw., K. D. Hyde & Zou Y. Liu
Botryosphaeria nephrodii Höhn.
Botryosphaeria nerii Jadhav, Somani & Wangikar
Botryosphaeria oblongula Sacc.
Botryosphaeria osmanthi J. E. Sun, C. R. Meng & Yong Wang bis
Botryosphaeria parasitica (Rick) Weese
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae Tilak & Gaikwad
Botryosphaeria pasaniae Hara
Botryosphaeria pedrosensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Petr.
Botryosphaeria piceae A. Funk
Botryosphaeria pipturi D. E. Gardner & Hodges
Botryosphaeria pittospori (J. V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Dennis
Botryosphaeria pseudoramosa G. Q. Li & S. F. Chen
Botryosphaeria puerensis G. Q. Li & S. F. Chen
Botryosphaeria qingyuanensis G. Q. Li & S. F. Chen
Botryosphaeria qinlingensis C. M. Tian & L. Y. Liang
Botryosphaeria quercicola A. J. L. Phillips
Botryosphaeria quercus Wijayaw., A. J. L. Phillips, Camporesi & K. D. Hyde
Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schwein.) Sacc.
Botryosphaeria rhododendri A. C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara
Botryosphaeria rhododendricola (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria rosaceae Y. P. Zhou & Ying Zhang
Botryosphaeria sacchari (Speg.) Weese
Botryosphaeria salicicola J. E. Sun, C. R. Meng & Yong Wang bis
Botryosphaeria sarmentorum A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque
Botryosphaeria scharifii Abdollahz., Zare & A. J. L. Phillips
Botryosphaeria senegalensis Speg.
Botryosphaeria simplex Syd.
Botryosphaeria sinensis Y. P. Zhou & Y. Zhang ter
Botryosphaeria spiraeae M. E. Barr
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker
Botryosphaeria tenuispora Y. Hattori & C. Nakash.
Botryosphaeria theicola Petch
Botryosphaeria tiliacea Petr.
Botryosphaeria viscosa (Cooke & Ellis) Theiss.
16 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
(this page)
Botryosphaeria abietina (Prill. & Delacr.) Maubl. 1907
Botryosphaeria abrupta Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Cooke 1885
Botryosphaeria acaciae (Hansf.) Dingley 1970
Botryosphaeria agaves (Henn.) E. J. Butler 1911
Botryosphaeria alibagensis C. Ramesh 1991
Botryosphaeria appendiculata Z. Q. Yuan & Old 1996
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones 2003
Botryosphaeria arxii Narendra & V. G. Rao 1975
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi (Henn.) Bat. & R. Garnier 1966
Botryosphaeria atrorufa (Pass.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum F. J. J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G. J. Marais 2014
Botryosphaeria bakeri Rehm 1913
Botryosphaeria berengeriana De
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii L. A. Kantsch. 1928
Botryosphaeria briosiana (Turconi & Maffei) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria brunneispora Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones 2003
Botryosphaeria buteae Tilak & S. B. Kale 1969
Botryosphaeria camarae A. C. Santos 1967
Botryosphaeria cassiicola V. G. Rao & Varghese 1980
Botryosphaeria cocoes (Petch) Wulandari 2014
Botryosphaeria cocogena Subileau, Renard & Lacoste 1994
Botryosphaeria cocoicola (Sivan.) K. D. Hyde & P. F. Cannon 1999
Botryosphaeria corticola A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque 2004
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi (Dias & Sousa da Câmara) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Botryosphaeria costae Viégas 1944
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae T. Z. Huang 1977
Botryosphaeria cyanospora (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria disrupta (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. & De
Botryosphaeria effusa (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria egenula Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler 1911
Botryosphaeria elaeidis Sivan. 1975
Botryosphaeria erythrinae Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae Bat. & H. Maia 1964
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana (S. F. Chen bis, Pavlic, M. J. Wingf. & X. D. Zhou) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria ficina (Cooke & Harkn.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria foliicola Sivan. & L. N. Nair 1988
Botryosphaeria fourcroyae (Henn.) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria funtumiae Marchal & Steyaert 1929
Botryosphaeria fusispora Boonmee, J. K. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Botryosphaeria gaubae Petr. 1968
Botryosphaeria halimodendri Kravtzev 1961
Botryosphaeria hemidesmi Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria heterochroma (Wollenw.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria hyperborea M. E. Barr 1970
Botryosphaeria iberica A. J. L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves 2005
Botryosphaeria indica Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria ingae A. K. Kar & Maity 1970
Botryosphaeria jasmini Chenant. 1910
Botryosphaeria juniperi (Desm.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria kumaonensis A. J. Roy 1968
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai (Hara) G. Y. Sun & E. Tanaka 2014
Botryosphaeria lagerheimii (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria laricis (Wehm.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria malvacearum (Trab.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria mapaniae (Schwein.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria marconii Charles & Jenkins 1914
Botryosphaeria microspora Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria minutispermatia Ariyaw., K. D. Hyde & Z. Y. Liu 2016
Botryosphaeria nephrodii Höhn. 1912
Botryosphaeria nerii Jadhav, Somani & Wangikar 1978
Botryosphaeria oblongula Sacc. 1917
Botryosphaeria parasitica (Rick) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria pasaniae Hara 1931
Botryosphaeria pedrosensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Bissett 1986
Botryosphaeria piceae A. Funk 1965
Botryosphaeria pipturi D. E. Gardner & Hodges 1988
Botryosphaeria pittospori (J. V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Dennis 1977
Botryosphaeria plicatula (Berk. & Broome) S. Ahmad 1979
Botryosphaeria populi A. J. L. Phillips 2000
Botryosphaeria prosopidis Mundk. & S. Ahmad 1946
Botryosphaeria prunicola Rehm 1912
Botryosphaeria pseudotsugae A. Funk 1975
Botryosphaeria purandharensis C. Ramesh 1991
Botryosphaeria quercus Wijayaw., A. J. L. Phillips, Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schwein.) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria rhododendri A. C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara 1954
Botryosphaeria rhododendricola (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria rosaceae
Botryosphaeria sacchari (Speg.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria sarmentorum A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque 2005
Botryosphaeria scharifii Abdollahz., Zare & A. J. L. Phillips 2013
Botryosphaeria senegalensis Speg. 1914
Botryosphaeria simplex Syd. 1927
Botryosphaeria sinensis Y. P. Zhou & Y. Zhang ter 2016
Botryosphaeria spiraeae M. E. Barr 1972
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria theicola Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria tiliacea Petr. 1916
Botryosphaeria trabutiana (Henn.) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria trames (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria tropicalis (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria uncariae Racib. 1909
Botryosphaeria viscosa (Cooke & Ellis) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria weigelae Theiss. 1916
Botryosphaeria xanthocephala (Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler) Theiss. 1916
Botryosphaeria xanthorrhoeae (Hansf.) Sivan. & B. Sutton 1985
Botryosphaeria zeae (G. L. Stout) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
2 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
(this page)
Botryosphaeria abietina (Prill. & Delacr.) Maubl. 1907
Botryosphaeria abrupta Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Cooke 1885
Botryosphaeria acaciae (Hansf.) Dingley 1970
Botryosphaeria agaves (Henn.) E. J. Butler 1911
Botryosphaeria alibagensis C. Ramesh 1991
Botryosphaeria appendiculata Z. Q. Yuan & Old 1996
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones 2003
Botryosphaeria arxii Narendra & V. G. Rao 1975
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi (Henn.) Bat. & R. Garnier 1966
Botryosphaeria atrorufa (Pass.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum F. J. J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G. J. Marais 2014
Botryosphaeria bakeri Rehm 1913
Botryosphaeria berengeriana De
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii L. A. Kantsch. 1928
Botryosphaeria briosiana (Turconi & Maffei) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria brunneispora Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones 2003
Botryosphaeria buteae Tilak & S. B. Kale 1969
Botryosphaeria camarae A. C. Santos 1967
Botryosphaeria cassiicola V. G. Rao & Varghese 1980
Botryosphaeria cocoes (Petch) Wulandari 2014
Botryosphaeria cocogena Subileau, Renard & Lacoste 1994
Botryosphaeria cocoicola (Sivan.) K. D. Hyde & P. F. Cannon 1999
Botryosphaeria corticola A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque 2004
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi (Dias & Sousa da Câmara) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Botryosphaeria costae Viégas 1944
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae T. Z. Huang 1977
Botryosphaeria cyanospora (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria disrupta (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. & De
Botryosphaeria effusa (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria egenula Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler 1911
Botryosphaeria elaeidis Sivan. 1975
Botryosphaeria erythrinae Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae Bat. & H. Maia 1964
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana (S. F. Chen bis, Pavlic, M. J. Wingf. & X. D. Zhou) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria ficina (Cooke & Harkn.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria foliicola Sivan. & L. N. Nair 1988
Botryosphaeria fourcroyae (Henn.) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria funtumiae Marchal & Steyaert 1929
Botryosphaeria fusispora Boonmee, J. K. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Botryosphaeria gaubae Petr. 1968
Botryosphaeria halimodendri Kravtzev 1961
Botryosphaeria hemidesmi Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria heterochroma (Wollenw.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria hyperborea M. E. Barr 1970
Botryosphaeria iberica A. J. L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves 2005
Botryosphaeria indica Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria ingae A. K. Kar & Maity 1970
Botryosphaeria jasmini Chenant. 1910
Botryosphaeria juniperi (Desm.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria kumaonensis A. J. Roy 1968
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai (Hara) G. Y. Sun & E. Tanaka 2014
Botryosphaeria lagerheimii (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria laricis (Wehm.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
Botryosphaeria malvacearum (Trab.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria mapaniae (Schwein.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria marconii Charles & Jenkins 1914
Botryosphaeria microspora Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria minutispermatia Ariyaw., K. D. Hyde & Z. Y. Liu 2016
Botryosphaeria nephrodii Höhn. 1912
Botryosphaeria nerii Jadhav, Somani & Wangikar 1978
Botryosphaeria oblongula Sacc. 1917
Botryosphaeria parasitica (Rick) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae Tilak & Gaikwad 1974
Botryosphaeria pasaniae Hara 1931
Botryosphaeria pedrosensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Bissett 1986
Botryosphaeria piceae A. Funk 1965
Botryosphaeria pipturi D. E. Gardner & Hodges 1988
Botryosphaeria pittospori (J. V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Dennis 1977
Botryosphaeria plicatula (Berk. & Broome) S. Ahmad 1979
Botryosphaeria populi A. J. L. Phillips 2000
Botryosphaeria prosopidis Mundk. & S. Ahmad 1946
Botryosphaeria prunicola Rehm 1912
Botryosphaeria pseudotsugae A. Funk 1975
Botryosphaeria purandharensis C. Ramesh 1991
Botryosphaeria quercus Wijayaw., A. J. L. Phillips, Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schwein.) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria rhododendri A. C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara 1954
Botryosphaeria rhododendricola (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria rosaceae
Botryosphaeria sacchari (Speg.) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria sarmentorum A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque 2005
Botryosphaeria scharifii Abdollahz., Zare & A. J. L. Phillips 2013
Botryosphaeria senegalensis Speg. 1914
Botryosphaeria simplex Syd. 1927
Botryosphaeria sinensis Y. P. Zhou & Y. Zhang ter 2016
Botryosphaeria spiraeae M. E. Barr 1972
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker 1964
Botryosphaeria theicola Petch 1925
Botryosphaeria tiliacea Petr. 1916
Botryosphaeria trabutiana (Henn.) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria trames (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria tropicalis (Rehm) Weese 1919
Botryosphaeria uncariae Racib. 1909
Botryosphaeria viscosa (Cooke & Ellis) Theiss. 1917
Botryosphaeria weigelae Theiss. 1916
Botryosphaeria xanthocephala (Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler) Theiss. 1916
Botryosphaeria xanthorrhoeae (Hansf.) Sivan. & B. Sutton 1985
Botryosphaeria zeae (G. L. Stout) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
2 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not.
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T. I. Burgess & M. J. Wingf.) A. J. L. Phillips & A. Alves 2013
(this page)
Botryosphaeria abietina (Prill. & Delacr.) Maubl.
Botryosphaeria abrupta Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Cooke 1885
Botryosphaeria acaciae (Hansf.) Dingley
Botryosphaeria agaves (Henn.) E. J. Butler
Botryosphaeria alibagensis C. Ramesh
Botryosphaeria appendiculata Z. Q. Yuan & Old
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones
Botryosphaeria arxii Narendra & V. G. Rao
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi (Henn.) Bat. & R. Garnier
Botryosphaeria atrorufa (Pass.) Weese
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum F. J. J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G. J. Marais 2014
Botryosphaeria bakeri Rehm
Botryosphaeria berangeriana De Not.
Botryosphaeria berengeriana De Not. 1863
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii L. A. Kantsch.
Botryosphaeria briosiana (Turconi & Maffei) Weese
Botryosphaeria bristeriae (Rehm) Sacc.
Botryosphaeria brunneispora Joanne E. Taylor, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones
Botryosphaeria buteae Tilak & S. B. Kale
Botryosphaeria camarae A. C. Santos
Botryosphaeria cantareiensis (Henn.) Weese
Botryosphaeria cassiicola V. G. Rao & Varghese
Botryosphaeria cocogena Subileau, Renard & Lacoste
Botryosphaeria cocoicola (Sivan.) K. D. Hyde & P. F. Cannon
Botryosphaeria corticis (Demaree & Wilcox) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria corticola A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi (Dias & Sousa da Câmara) J. Reid & C. Booth
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae T. Z. Huang
Botryosphaeria cyanospora (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Weese
Botryosphaeria diapensiae (Rehm) M. E. Barr
Botryosphaeria disrupta (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. & De Not.
Botryosphaeria effusa (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria egenula Syd
Botryosphaeria elaeidis Sivan.
Botryosphaeria erythrinae Petch
Botryosphaeria escharoides (Fr.) Sacc.
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae Bat. & H. Maia
Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria ficina (Cooke & Harkn.) Weese
Botryosphaeria foliicola Sivan. & L. N. Nair
Botryosphaeria fourcroyae (Henn.) Theiss.
Botryosphaeria funtumiae Marchal & Steyaert
Botryosphaeria fusispora Boonmee, J. K. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Botryosphaeria gaubae Petr.
Botryosphaeria halimodendri Kravtzev
Botryosphaeria hamamelidis Rehm
Botryosphaeria hemidesmi Tilak & Gaikwad
Botryosphaeria heterochroma (Wollenw.) Weese
Botryosphaeria hyperborea M. E. Barr
Botryosphaeria iberica A. J. L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves
Botryosphaeria indica Tilak & Gaikwad
Botryosphaeria ingae A. K. Kar & Maity
Botryosphaeria jasmini Chenant.
Botryosphaeria juniperi (Desm.) Weese
Botryosphaeria kumaonensis A. J. Roy
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai (Hara) G. Y. Sun & E. Tanaka 2014
Botryosphaeria lagerheimii (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria laricis (Wehm.) Arx & E. Müll.
Botryosphaeria malvacearum (Trab.) Weese
Botryosphaeria mapaniae (Schwein.) Weese
Botryosphaeria marconii Charles & Jenkins
Botryosphaeria microspora Petch
Botryosphaeria nephrodii Höhn.
Botryosphaeria nerii Jadhav, Somani & Wangikar
Botryosphaeria oblongula Sacc.
Botryosphaeria parasitica (Rick) Weese
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae Tilak & Gaikwad
Botryosphaeria pasaniae Hara
Botryosphaeria pedrosensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Bissett
Botryosphaeria piceae A. Funk
Botryosphaeria pipturi D. E. Gardner & Hodges
Botryosphaeria pittospori (J. V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Dennis
Botryosphaeria plicatula (Berk. & Broome) S. Ahmad
Botryosphaeria populi A. J. L. Phillips
Botryosphaeria prosopidis Mundk. & S. Ahmad
Botryosphaeria prunicola Rehm
Botryosphaeria pseudotsugae A. Funk
Botryosphaeria purandharensis C. Ramesh
Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schwein.) Sacc.
Botryosphaeria rhododendri A. C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara
Botryosphaeria rhododendricola (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria sacchari (Speg.) Weese
Botryosphaeria sarmentorum A. J. L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque
Botryosphaeria scharifii Abdollahz., Zare & A. J. L. Phillips 2013
Botryosphaeria senegalensis Speg.
Botryosphaeria simplex Syd.
Botryosphaeria spiraeae M. E. Barr
Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker
Botryosphaeria theicola Petch
Botryosphaeria tiliacea Petr.
Botryosphaeria trabutiana (Henn.) Theiss.
Botryosphaeria trames (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1882
Botryosphaeria tropicalis (Rehm) Weese
Botryosphaeria uncariae Racib.
Botryosphaeria viscosa (Cooke & Ellis) Theiss.
Botryosphaeria xanthocephala (Syd., P. Syd. & E. J. Butler) Theiss.
Botryosphaeria xanthorrhoeae (Hansf.) Sivan. & B. Sutton
Botryosphaeria yedoensis Sawada
Botryosphaeria zeae (G. L. Stout) Arx & E. Müll.
7 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Dothideomycetes incertae sedis
Botryosphaeria ramosa
(this page)
Botryosphaeria agaves
Botryosphaeria aterrima
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum
Botryosphaeria berengeriana
Botryosphaeria corticis
Botryosphaeria dothidea
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana
Botryosphaeria fusispora
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai
Botryosphaeria laricina
Botryosphaeria minuscula
Botryosphaeria minutispermatia
Botryosphaeria mirabile
Botryosphaeria populi
Botryosphaeria pseudoramosa
Botryosphaeria qingyuanensis
Botryosphaeria quercuum
Botryosphaeria rosaceae
Botryosphaeria scharifii
Botryosphaeria sinensis
Botryosphaeria sumachi
Botryosphaeria vaccinii
Botryosphaeria wangensis
unclassified Botryosphaeria
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Botryosphaeria ramosa
(this page)
Botryosphaeria abietina
Botryosphaeria abrupta
Botryosphaeria acaciae
Botryosphaeria advena
Botryosphaeria aesculi
Botryosphaeria agaves
Botryosphaeria alibagensis
Botryosphaeria ambigua
Botryosphaeria anceps
Botryosphaeria anthuriicola
Botryosphaeria apocyni
Botryosphaeria appendiculata
Botryosphaeria araliae
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis
Botryosphaeria arctostaphyli
Botryosphaeria arundinariae
Botryosphaeria arxii
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi
Botryosphaeria aterrima
Botryosphaeria atrorufa
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum
Botryosphaeria australis
Botryosphaeria bakeri
Botryosphaeria berengeriana
Botryosphaeria bidwellii
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii
Botryosphaeria briosiana
Botryosphaeria brunneispora
Botryosphaeria buteae
Botryosphaeria callicarpae
Botryosphaeria calycanthi
Botryosphaeria camarae
Botryosphaeria cantareirensis
Botryosphaeria cassiicola
Botryosphaeria castaneae
Botryosphaeria catervaria
Botryosphaeria cerasi
Botryosphaeria chnaumatica
Botryosphaeria cocoees
Botryosphaeria cocoicola
Botryosphaeria collematoides
Botryosphaeria corni
Botryosphaeria corticis
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi
Botryosphaeria costai
Botryosphaeria crataegi
Botryosphaeria cruenta
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae
Botryosphaeria cyanea
Botryosphaeria cyanogena
Botryosphaeria cyanospora
Botryosphaeria dasylirii
Botryosphaeria decipiens
Botryosphaeria diapensiae
Botryosphaeria dimerosporioides
Botryosphaeria diplodioides
Botryosphaeria dispersa
Botryosphaeria effusa
Botryosphaeria egenula
Botryosphaeria elaeidis
Botryosphaeria epichloe
Botryosphaeria erythrinae
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae
Botryosphaeria eucalypticola
Botryosphaeria eucalyptorum
Botryosphaeria euomphala
Botryosphaeria euphorbii
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana
Botryosphaeria faginea
Botryosphaeria ferruginea
Botryosphaeria festucae
Botryosphaeria ficina
Botryosphaeria ficus
Botryosphaeria flacca
Botryosphaeria foliicola
Botryosphaeria fourcroyae
Botryosphaeria fuliginosa
Botryosphaeria funtumiae
Botryosphaeria fusispora
Botryosphaeria gaubae
Botryosphaeria hyperborea
Botryosphaeria hypoxyloidea
Botryosphaeria iberica
Botryosphaeria laricina
Botryosphaeria lutea
Botryosphaeria mamane
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae
Botryosphaeria parva
Botryosphaeria piceae
Botryosphaeria populi
Botryosphaeria proteae
Botryosphaeria protearum
Botryosphaeria pruni
Botryosphaeria pseudotsugae
Botryosphaeria sarmentorum
Botryosphaeria stevensii
Botryosphaeria tiliacea
Botryosphaeria tsugae
Botryosphaeria xanthocephala
Botryosphaeria xanthorrhoeae
140 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Fusicoccum ramosum
(this page)
Fusicoccum abietis
Fusicoccum acaciae
Fusicoccum aceris
Fusicoccum advenum
Fusicoccum africanum
Fusicoccum albiziae
Fusicoccum album
Fusicoccum alni
Fusicoccum alocasiae
Fusicoccum amygdalinum
Fusicoccum araucariae
Fusicoccum asparagi
Fusicoccum asperum
Fusicoccum atrovirens
Fusicoccum aucupariae
Fusicoccum betulae
Fusicoccum betulinum
Fusicoccum cacti
Fusicoccum cactorum
Fusicoccum cajani
Fusicoccum caraganae
Fusicoccum carpini
Fusicoccum cedrelae
Fusicoccum cheiranthi
Fusicoccum cinctum
Fusicoccum coluteae
Fusicoccum cornicola
Fusicoccum coronatum
Fusicoccum coronillae
Fusicoccum corylinum
Fusicoccum corynocarpi
Fusicoccum costesii
Fusicoccum cryptomeriae
Fusicoccum cryptosporioides
Fusicoccum dakotense
Fusicoccum depressum
Fusicoccum dimidiatum
Fusicoccum dipsaci
Fusicoccum ellisianum
Fusicoccum ellisii
Fusicoccum ericeti
Fusicoccum eucalypti
Fusicoccum euphorbiae
Fusicoccum fabicercianum
Fusicoccum farlowianum
Fusicoccum fibrosum
Fusicoccum forsythiae
Fusicoccum fraxini
Fusicoccum gibberelloide
Fusicoccum gloeosporioides
Fusicoccum guttulatum
Fusicoccum hapalocystis
Fusicoccum hippocastani
Fusicoccum homostegium
Fusicoccum hoveniae
Fusicoccum hranicense
Fusicoccum ilicinum
Fusicoccum jasminicola
Fusicoccum jatrophae
Fusicoccum juglandinum
Fusicoccum juniperi
Fusicoccum kunzeanum
Fusicoccum lahoreanum
Fusicoccum lanceolatum
Fusicoccum lesourdeanum
Fusicoccum leucostomum
Fusicoccum leucothoes
Fusicoccum ligustri
Fusicoccum liriodendri
Fusicoccum macalpinei
Fusicoccum macarangae
Fusicoccum macrosporum
Fusicoccum maesae
Fusicoccum marconii
Fusicoccum microspermum
Fusicoccum microsporum
Fusicoccum moravicum
Fusicoccum myricae
Fusicoccum myrtillinum
Fusicoccum nervicola
Fusicoccum noxium
Fusicoccum obtusulum
Fusicoccum operculatum
Fusicoccum ornellum
Fusicoccum oxalidicola
Fusicoccum perniciosum
Fusicoccum persicae
Fusicoccum petiolicola
Fusicoccum petrakianum
Fusicoccum petrakii
Fusicoccum phomiformis
Fusicoccum pini
Fusicoccum pittospori
Fusicoccum populi
Fusicoccum proteae
Fusicoccum pruni
Fusicoccum quercinum
Fusicoccum quercus
Fusicoccum smilacinum
Fusicoccum ulmi
64 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.