Taxonomic history
Combination in Terataner: Emery, 1912b PDF: 103.Atopomyrmex foreli Emery , 1900: 274, figs. Syntype workers, Madagascar: Baia di Antongil, 1897 - 98 (A. Mocquerys) (MCSN, Genoa) [examined],
Terantaner foreli (Emery) Emery, 1912: 103.
Terantaner rufipes Emery (Fig. 53)
Terataner rufipes Emery , 1912: 104. Holotype worker, Madagascar: Fort Dauphin (M. Sikora) (MCSN, Genoa) [examined].
is a medium-sized (5.3 mm) black and orange species distributed along the eastern coast of Madagascar from 14 ° S to 19 ° S latitude and from 50 to 800 meters altitude. Morphologically, it is more variable than other species presently known from Madagascar, and has the widest distribution.