
Taxonomic History

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Extant: 10 valid subspecies

Crematogaster laestrygon Emery, 1869a PDF: 135 (w.) Attributed to Haliday. ITALY (Sicily). Palearctic. AntCat AntWiki

Taxonomic history

[Misspelled as laestrigon by De Stefani, 1889 PDF: 145, Karavaiev, 1927c PDF: 104, and others.].De Stefani, 1889 PDF: 145 (q.); Baroni Urbani, 1964b PDF: 43 (q.).Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Emery, 1922c PDF: 142.Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Bolton, 1995b: 166.Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Blaimer, 2012c PDF: 55.Subspecies of Crematogaster scutellaris: Emery & Forel, 1879 PDF: 464; Emery, 1881b PDF: 535; André, 1883b: 393; De Stefani, 1889 PDF: 145.Subspecies of Crematogaster schmidti: Emery, 1891c: 15; Dalla Torre, 1893 PDF: 85; Emery, 1893e PDF: 82.Subspecies of Crematogaster auberti: Forel, 1894d PDF: 25; Forel, 1902a PDF: 154; Ruzsky, 1902d PDF: 31; Forel, 1904d PDF: 5; Forel, 1905e PDF: 174; Ruzsky, 1905b: 495; Forel, 1911f PDF: 341 (in text); Karavaiev, 1912a PDF: 11; Emery, 1912e: 658; Emery, 1916a PDF: 156; Stitz, 1917 PDF: 341; Santschi, 1921d PDF: 70; Emery, 1922c PDF: 142; Karavaiev, 1927c PDF: 104; Kutter, 1927a PDF: 99; Santschi, 1929e PDF: 148; Santschi, 1934f PDF: 167.Status as species: Emery, 1878: 59; Emery, 1880 PDF: 398; André, 1881c PDF: 77; Forel, 1909c PDF: 104; Santschi, 1910a PDF: 43; Santschi, 1915a PDF: 59; Emery, 1926 PDF: 2; Wheeler, 1927g PDF: 106; Grandi, 1935 PDF: 100; Santschi, 1936c PDF: 201; Santschi, 1937e PDF: 305; Santschi, 1939d PDF: 73; Finzi, 1940 PDF: 160; Bernard, 1945b PDF: 133; Bernard, 1956b PDF: 258; Ceballos, 1956: 303; Baroni Urbani, 1964b PDF: 43; Cagniant, 1964 PDF: 88; Cagniant, 1968a PDF: 143; Collingwood & Yarrow, 1969 PDF: 66; Cagniant, 1970a PDF: 417; Baroni Urbani, 1971c PDF: 78; Baroni Urbani, 1976b PDF: 211; Aktaç, 1977 PDF: 121; Collingwood, 1978 PDF: 82 (in key); Collingwood, 1985 PDF: 262; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987a PDF: 54; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987b PDF: 272 (in key); Hohmann et al., 1993: 148; Bolton, 1995b: 155; Mei, 1995 PDF: 762; Poldi et al., 1995: 4; Collingwood & Agosti, 1996 PDF: 331; Espadaler, 1997g PDF: 29; Cagniant, 2005 PDF: 11; Cagniant, 2006 PDF: 198; Petrov, 2006 PDF: 93 (in key); Karaman, 2008 PDF: 20 (in key); Gratiashvili & Barjadze, 2008 PDF: 138; Kiran & Karaman, 2012 PDF: 18; Borowiec, 2014 PDF: 66 (see note in bibliography); Lebas et al., 2016: 270; Sharaf et al., 2019 10.3897/zookeys.898.37531 PDF: 64.Senior synonym of Crematogaster laestrygon vaucheri: Collingwood, 1978 PDF: 69; Bolton, 1995b: 155; Sharaf et al., 2019 10.3897/zookeys.898.37531 PDF: 64.
California Academy of Sciences
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AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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