
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Macrosiagon lineare Leconte
1866. Rhipiphorns lineare Leconte, New Spec. North Amer. Col., Smiths Misc.
Coll., 6 p. 154 1875. Rhipiphorns lineare Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, V, p. 122, 125.
Specimens of M. lineare are often confused with those of limbatum Fabricius. The characteristics given in the key, however, and their short face and smaller size, should readily separate it from limbatus.
Head yellow-ferruginous, brown or black. Antennae fuscous, first and second segment reddish. Pronotum ferruginous, brown or black, elytra black, sometimes with a brownish tinge. Wings brownish. Thoracic sclerites brown, yellow or variegated; femora brown, tibia and tarsi variably variegated. Abdomen ferruginous or black, pygidium dark.
Narrow, subparallel. Head short, shining; vertex broadly rounded, smooth, frons shining, clypeus very slightly punctured, its front margin broadly rounded, labrum broad; mandibles entirely, or only at tip, black. Pronotum tapering very slightly toward apex, sparsely punctured; posterior lobe broad, slightly convex; hind angles of pronotum produced and acute. Elytra slightly depressed along the disc, gradually tapering and dehiscent only at the end. Thoracic scler'tes sparsely punctured. Mesoepimeron and episternum of mesothorax flat, and not bulging beyond lateral margins of pronotum; anterior coxae separated by a prosternal spine; tibiae and tarsi variably variegated. Second segment of hind tarsi longer than one-half of the third, not flat nor shining above. Abdomen sparsely punctured.
Length, 4 to 6 mm.
Type. — Male; Kentucky. [Leconte Collection.] Leconte described the species from one male specimen taken in Kentucky. One male and female now in the Charles Palm Collection, American Museum of Natural History, were collected in Southwest Arkansas. This male (Homotype) was compared with the type in the collection of Leconte, and is identical with it in all respects except size and color. The type specimen is entirely dark and much smaller than the Arkansas Specimen, while the latter has thorax and abdomen red. The female (Plesiotype) from the same locality has been compared with the type and is identical with it, except in size and color and secondary sexual characteristics, its antennae being pectinate.
Other specimens examined were from Arizona, Huachuca Mountain, July, in the collections of Messrs. Notman, Leng and Schaeffer and from Alabama in the Collection of H. P. Loding.
bibliographic citation
Rivnay, E. 1929. REVISION OF THE RHIPIPHORIDAE OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (COLEOPTERA). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 6. Philadelphia, USA