Cephaloziaceae is a family of liverworts.
Liverworts of this family are dioecious plants which have creeping or upright forms. They are green, brown, reddish, or purplish in color. The leaves are alternately arranged and succubous. Oil bodies are rare. They reproduce sexually, or vegetatively via gemmae.[1]
Subfamilies and genera of Cephaloziaceae[2]
Family Cephaloziaceae is frequently rearranged. For example, genetic analysis suggests that genus Hygrobiella should be moved out of the family, and perhaps classified in a family of its own,[3] and microscopic analysis of the morphology of Trabacellula also suggests it should be separated and made into a new family.[4]
Cephaloziaceae is a family of liverworts.
Liverworts of this family are dioecious plants which have creeping or upright forms. They are green, brown, reddish, or purplish in color. The leaves are alternately arranged and succubous. Oil bodies are rare. They reproduce sexually, or vegetatively via gemmae.
Cephaloziaceae es una familia de musgos hepáticas del orden Jungermanniales. Tiene los siguientes géneros:[1]
Cephaloziaceae fue descrita por Walter Emil Friedrich August Migula y publicado en Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland . . . Moose 465. 1904.[2]
Cephaloziaceae es una familia de musgos hepáticas del orden Jungermanniales. Tiene los siguientes géneros:
Niitsamblalised (Cephaloziaceae) on lehthelviksammalde klassi kuuluv sugukond.
Niitsamblalised (Cephaloziaceae) on lehthelviksammalde klassi kuuluv sugukond.
Cephaloziaceae, porodica jetrenjarki iz reda Jungermanniales. Postoji oko devedesetak priznatih vrsta unutar devet rodova[1]. Ime je dobila po rodu Cephalozia.
Cephaloziaceae, porodica jetrenjarki iz reda Jungermanniales. Postoji oko devedesetak priznatih vrsta unutar devet rodova. Ime je dobila po rodu Cephalozia.
Cephaloziaceae là một họ rêu trong bộ Jungermanniales.[1]
Có khoảng 13[2] đến 16[3] chi trong họ này, gồm:[4]
Cephaloziaceae là một họ rêu trong bộ Jungermanniales.
게발이끼과(Cephaloziaceae)는 망울이끼목에 속하는 우산이끼류 과의 하나이다.[1]