Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Pithecellobium calostachys vStandley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb
20: 190. 1919.
A small tree, up to about 6 m. high, the twigs glabrous or when young, puberulent. Stipular spines 7-10 mm. long; petioles 4.5 cm. long or shorter, glabrous, bearing a depressed apical gland; pinnae 1 pair; leaflets 1 pair, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 3-11 cm. long, chartaceous, glabrous or nearly so, obtuse or acute; peduncles puberulent, about 5 cm. long or shorter; spikes dense, 2.5-7.5 cm. long, the rachis puberulent; bractlets linear-lanceolate, persistent, 2-3 mm. long; flowers densely appressed-pubescent; calyx about 3 mm. long; corolla about 5 mm. long; stamen-tube 10-12 mm. long; ovary sessile; legume curved or coiled, glabrous, compressed, 1.5-2 cm. wide.
Type locality: Tampico, Tamaulipas. Distribution: Tamaulipas to Chiapas and Tobasco.
- bibliographic citation
- Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Pithecellobium insigne M. Micheli, Bot. Gaz. 20: 285. 1895
A shrub or small tree with puberulent twigs. Stipules slender, acute; petioles pilulose, 6.5 cm. long or shorter, bearing a small apical gland; pinnae 1 pair; leaflets 1 pair, ovatelanceolate, 8-12 cm. long, glabrous, chartaceous, acute or acuminate; peduncles pilulose, 5-10 cm. long; spikes solitary or panicled, dense, 8-12 cm. long, the rachis pilulose; flowers puberulent; bractlets linear-lanceolate, persistent, 2-3 mm. long; calyx 3-4 mm. long; corolla 6-7 mm. long; stamen-tube somewhat longer than the corolla; ovary sessile.
Type locality: San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Distribution: Knomi only from the type locality.
- bibliographic citation
- Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Pithecellobium insigne: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia VI
Pithecellobium insigne là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được Micheli miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.
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