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Abarema glauca (Urb.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Jupunba savannarum (Britton) Britton & Rose
PHhecolobUim savannarum Britton, Bull. Torr. Club 41: 4. 1914.
A tree up to 7 m. high, with smooth bark, the foliage finely and densely puberulent when young, glabrous or sparingly puberulent when old. Leaves 1.5-2 dm. long, the rather stout petioles 1-2.5 cm. long; pinnae about 4 pairs, the glands somewhat elevated; leaflets 4-6 pairs, obliquely obovate, 1.5-3 cm. long, chartaceous, loosely reticulate-veined, deep green and somewhat shining above, pale and dull beneath, obtuse or refuse at the apex, acute at the base; peduncles slender, glabrous, 7-9 cm. long; flowers short-racemose, white; pedicels glabrous, 3-6 mm. long; calyx 3-4 mm. long, subtruncate at the base, campanulate, its teeth acute; corolla appressed-pubescent, 8 mm. long, its lobes ovate-oblong; stamens united about onethird their length; ovary and young legume densely pubescent; old legumes 8-10 cm. long, the valves doubly coiled after dehiscence, 4-6 mm. wide across the seed cavities, 2 mm. wide between them; seed-cavities oblong, 8-10 mm. long.
Type locality: Along a water course on barren savannas southeast of Holguin, Oriente, Cuba. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Jupunba glauca (Urban) Britton & Rose
Pilhecolobium glaucum Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 227. 1912.
A tree, the young twigs and petioles densely brownish-tomentulose. Petioles 1-3 cm. long, sometimes bearing a gland 4 mm. in diameter; pinnae 3 or 4 pairs, the glands small, concave; leaflets 4-8 pairs, obovate or subrhombic, chartaceous, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, reticulateveined, glabrous, or sparingly pilose on the veins beneath, the apex rounded, the base narrowed, glaucous above, paJe beneath; peduncles short-pilose, solitary or binate, 5-7 cm. long; flowers short-racemose, white; calyx turbinate, 3 mm. long, its teeth short; corolla 7 mm. long; stamen-tube about 5 mm. long; legume circinate, 7-8 mm. broad, the coil about 4 cm. in diameter, glabrous, reticulate-veined, constricted between the obovate, dark brown seeds.
Type locality: Bahoruco, near Barahona, Santo Domingo. Distribution; Type locality and vicinity.
bibliographic citation
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora