The Blue Desert Lily (Ixiolirion) is one of the most beautiful flowers of the desert. It is an Irano-Turanian species ranging from central asia to the Middle East and north Africa. It blooms at the end of spring when other plants are drying. It has a samll and deeply located tuber.
A typical Irano-Turanian species growing from central Asia to N Africa. Here blooming in Mt Hermon, 1600m.
This cormous plant is common from the W Himalaya to noerthern Africa. It grows in cold deserts and steppes. It belongs to its own family - Ixiolirionaceae. The tiny corm is situated deep in the ground. In Israel it is a protected species, quite common in the Negev Desert Highlands in the south and in Mt Hermon Heights in the north.
This is one of the charming flowers of ther Middle East. It has a wide range, reaching central Asia.
Ixiolirion tataricum is a striking flower od the arid Middle East growing also easwards to central Asia. Its range is called botanically the Irano-Turanian region. It has grass-like leaves and beautiful violet-blue flowers.
Blue desert Lily (Ixiolirion tataricum) is one of the most beautiful bulbs of the Middle East, it grows in steppes and semidesert and expands to central Asia. In Israel it is a protected plant. It has a small, very deep, tuber.
Ixiolirion tataricum is a lovely flwoer found in the desert ardi Middle East Mts.