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Measurements ♂ (n=3): HW/HL 1.38–1.48; PW/PL 1.35–1.43; EW/EL 1.03–1.17; ESut/PL 1.00; PW/HW 1.00; forebody length 3.6–3.7 mm. Measurements ♀ (n=1): HW/HL 1.38; PW/PL 1.42; EW/EL 1.09; ESut/PL 0.96; PW/HW 1.03; forebody length 4.1 mm. Similar to Bolitogyrus strigifrons and differing only in the following: head, lateral part of pronotum, scutellum and patches of strigulose sculpture on elytra with brilliant greenish-blue metallic reflection, remaining areas on pronotum and elytra with bronze metallic reflections; maxillary and labial palpi yellow; antennomeres I–V yellow-orange, VI–XI gradually darkening to brown apex; forecoxa yellow, meso- and metacoxa yellow (male) or yellow and dark yellow-brown (female), femur yellow with dark brown band near apex (male) or base and apex (female), tibia brown to dark brown, with or without medial face lighter, tarsus brown; forebody longer; median frontal impression indistinct, in most specimens, obliterated by punctures; base of head without distinct posterior protuberances; dorsal surface of head densely, coarsely and rugosely punctate, punctures not becoming strigulose; pronotum slightly less transverse; entire surface with many micropunctures, lateral portion with deep, rugose and asetose punctures; pronotal protuberance indistinct in lateral view; elytra slightly less transverse; elytral suture more or less as long as pronotum at middle; elytra with punctation becoming strigulose only lateromedially; tergites III–V with impunctate areas medioapically, approximately equal in size; abdominal sternites with dense microsculpture, interspaces about as wide as lines; median lobe in lateral view broad, narrowed at midlength, widened in apical third and abruptly narrowed to minutely produced, acute apex (Fig. 18D); in parameral view, median lobe subparallel, near apex, narrowed to obtuse, blunt apex (Fig. 18A); paramere not divided apically but with median suture, shape as in Fig. 18A; peg setae densely distributed on entire apical portion of paramere (Fig. 18E); internal sac with well-sclerotized, horseshoe-shaped sclerite with a broadly expanded base (Fig. 18B–C); male sternite VIII with transverse basal line broken at middle, with broadly, shallowly emarginate apex, impressed and glabrous in small triangular area near emargination; male sternite IX sparsely setose, moderately asymmetrical at base and emarginate at apex (Fig. 23L); female tergite X elongate, with broadly rounded to nearly truncate apex (Fig. 26I); basal margin of laterotergal sclerites fused and thickened across base of tergite X, female laterotergal sclerites greatly expanded and overlapping with tergite X (Fig. 26I).
Adam J. Brunke, Alexey Solodovnikov
bibliographic citation
Brunke A, Solodovnikov A (2014) A revision of the Neotropical species of Bolitogyrus Chevrolat, a geographically disjunct lineage of Staphylinini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) ZooKeys 423: 1–113
Adam J. Brunke
Alexey Solodovnikov
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Figure 31C. Bolitogyrus viridescens is known only from Teziutlán in Puebla, Mexico.
Adam J. Brunke, Alexey Solodovnikov
bibliographic citation
Brunke A, Solodovnikov A (2014) A revision of the Neotropical species of Bolitogyrus Chevrolat, a geographically disjunct lineage of Staphylinini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) ZooKeys 423: 1–113
Adam J. Brunke
Alexey Solodovnikov
visit source
partner site