"Two specimens from the Maldives, Hulule, Male Atoll. One of them is a giant, with a cephalothorax 70 mm. (2 4/5 inches) long, and is lodged in a large shell of Dolium with several small sea-anemones attached."
Alcock, 1905; pg. 831
"This common species ranges from the Red Sea and East coast of Africa eastwards as far as the Sandwich Is., and southwards as far as Australia; that is to say, from about 40° E. to about 150° W., and from about 28° N. to about 30° S."
Alcock, 1905; pg. 831
"The left hand is short and large, with the outer surface regularly convex. The part of the hand preceding the fingers hardly longer than broad. In a specimen, the carapax of which is one and three-fourths inches [about 3-4 cm] long, this hand has for its breadth, thirteen lines; length, eighteen lines; length at middle to base of moveable finger, one inch [2.5 cm] or twelve lines. The carpus has three sharp and stout spines above; the arm several long and slender teeth on inferior margin. The eyes are stouter and proportionally shorter than in the spinimanus; they are enlarged and globular at the extremity."
Dana, 1852; pgs. 451-452